查询表达式(Query Expression)
大家都应该对SQL语句不陌生吧,在C# 2.0之前,嵌入到代码中的SQL就是下面这个样子:
1public void Test()
3SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(…);
4 c.Open();
5 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
6 @“SELECT c.Name, c.Phone // queries in quotes
7 FROM Customers c
8 WHERE c.City = @p0”
9 );
10 cmd.Parameters[“@po”] = “London”; // arguments loosely bound
11 DataReader dr = c.Execute(cmd);
12 while (dr.Read()) {
13 string name = r.GetString(0);
14 string phone = r.GetString(1); // results loosely typed
15 DateTime date = r.GetDateTime(2); // compiler can’t help catch mistakes
16 }
17 r.Close();
在C# 3.0中,我们可以将“SQL语句”方便的运用到其他地方,当然这里并不是真正的SQL语句~~
1class Program
2 {
3 static void Main(string[] args)
4 {
5 var contacts = new List<Contact>();
7 contacts.Add(new Contact(“Michael”, “520-331-2718”,
8 “33140 SW Liverpool Lane”, “WA”));
9 contacts.Add(new Contact(“Jennifer”, “503-998-1177”,
10 “1245 NW Baypony Dr”, “OR”));
11 contacts.Add(new Contact(“Sean”, “515-127-3340”,
12 “55217 SW Estate Dr”, “WA”));
14 var WAContacts =
15 from c in contacts
16 where c.State == “WA”
17 select new { c.Name, c.Phone };
19 Console.WriteLine(“Contacts in the state of Washington: “);
20 foreach (var c in WAContacts)
21 {
22 Console.WriteLine(“Name: {0}, Phone: {1}”, c.Name, c.Phone);
23 }
24 }
25 }
27 class Contact
28 {
29 public string Name;
30 public string Phone;
31 public string Address;
32 public string State;
34 public Contact(string name, string phone, string address, string state)
35 {
36 this.Name = name;
37 this.Phone = phone;
38 this.Address = address;
39 this.State = state;
40 }
41 }
1var WAContacts =
2 from c in contacts
3 where c.State == “WA”
4 select new { c.Name, c.Phone };
是否与我们熟悉的SQL语句有着极大的相似性呢?Of Course!
c# 3.0新特性初步研究 part6:使用查询表达式 _c#教程
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