dim conn
dim strconn
dim rs
dim strsql
dim strsql2
dim strsql3
dim strsql4
dim strsql5
dim strsql6
dim strsql7
dim strsql8
strconn = Driver={SQL Server};Description=example;SERVER=;UID=webexample;PWD=;DATABASE=webexample"
Format Declare & EXEC statements that will be passed
to the database with the output parameters
strsql = "DECLARE " & CHR(10) & "@Id_Req " & "INT" & CHR(10)
strsql2 ="exec " & "sp_EmpInfo" & " " & request("txtFirstName") & "," & "" & request("txtLastName") & ", " & "" & request("txtaddress") & ", " & "" & request("txtcity") & ", "& "@Id_Req " & "OUTPUT" & chr(10)
Formats one or more sql statements that will be passed to the
database In this examples I use six different ways.
strsql3 ="SELECT * FROM AllData WHERE RecordId = @Id_Req" & Chr(10)
strsql4 ="SELECT AllData.fname, AllData.lname FROM Alldata WHERE RecordId = @Id_Req" & Chr(10)
strsql5 ="SELECT AllData.fname FROM AllData WHERE RecordId = @Id_Req" & Chr(10)
strsql6 ="SELECT AllData.lname FROM AllData WHERE RecordId = @Id_Req" & Chr(10)
strsql7 ="SELECT AllData.Address FROM AllData WHERE RecordId = @Id_Req" & Chr(10)
strsql8 ="SELECT AllData.city FROM AllData WHERE RecordId = @Id_Req" & Chr(10)
Puts together all of the local variables into one variable
That will be used by the recordset object
strsql = strsql & strsql2 & strsql3 & strsql4 & strsql5 & strsql6 & strsql7 & strsql8
This is optional this writes out the strsql local variable
that will be passed to the database
response.write "<b>" & "Sql Statement that is passed to the database" & "</b>" & "<br>"
response.write strsql & "<br>" & "<br>"
sets a connection & recordset objects and executes the strsql local variable
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.open strconn
set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rs.open strsql, conn
Parses out the individual recordsets and places them
into individual table rows
intcount = 1
Do Until rs Is Nothing
response.write "<table border=1 width=25%>"
response.write "<b> Contents of recordset #" & intCount & "</b><br>"
Parses out the individual recordsets and places them into table rows
Do While Not rs.EOF
response.write "<TR>"
For Each oField In RS.Fields
response.write "<TH>" & oField.Name & "</TH>"
Response.write "</TR>" & "<TR>"
For Each oField In RS.Fields
response.write "<TD ALIGN=center>"
If IsNull(oField) Then
Response.Write " "
Response.Write oField.Value
End If
response.write "</TD>"
Set rs = rs.NextRecordset
intCount = intCount + 1
response.write "</table>"