// sevensegmentclockstyle.cs 朱继山 a3news(at)hotmail.com –//
// —————————– http://www.brawdraw.com ———————-//
// ——————– 未经书面许可,请勿用于商业用途 ———————//
using system;
namespace brawdraw.com.photoframe.net.publicfunctions.clock
/// <summary>
/// clocks style.时钟的样式定义
/// </summary>
public enum sevensegmentclockstyle
dateonly, // 只显示日期
timeonly, // 只显示时间
dateandtime //显示日期和时间
// sevensegmentclock.cs 朱继山 a3news(at)hotmail.com ——-//
// —————————– http://www.brawdraw.com ———————-//
// ——————– 未经书面许可,请勿用于商业用途 ———————//
using system;
using system.drawing;
using system.drawing.drawing2d;
using system.globalization;
using system.windows.forms;
using brawdraw.com.photoframe.net.publicfunctions;
using system.componentmodel;
namespace brawdraw.com.photoframe.net.publicfunctions.clock
public class sevensegmentclock : usercontrol
datetime _datetime;
sevensegmentclockstyle _clockstyle = sevensegmentclockstyle.dateandtime;
color _clockcolor = color.black;
bool _isdrawshadow = true;
timer _timer = null;
bool _istimerenable = false;
graphics g = null;
bitmap m_bitmap = null;
public bool isdrawshadow
get { return this._isdrawshadow; }
this._isdrawshadow = value;
public system.windows.forms.timer timer
get { return this._timer; }
this._timer = value;
if(_timer != null)
_timer.tick += new eventhandler(timerontick);
public bool istimerenable
get { return this._istimerenable; }
if(value == true)
if(this._timer == null)
_timer = new timer();
_timer.tick += new eventhandler(timerontick);
_timer.interval = 1000;
_timer.enabled = true;
if(this._timer != null)
_timer.enabled = false;
this._istimerenable = value;
public void start()
this.istimerenable = true;
public void stop()
this.istimerenable = false;
public system.datetime datetime
get { return this._datetime; }
set { this._datetime = value; }
public system.drawing.color clockcolor
get { return this._clockcolor; }
this._clockcolor = value;
public sevensegmentclockstyle sevensegmentclockstyle
get { return this._clockstyle; }
this._clockstyle = value;
public sevensegmentclock()
text = “seven-segment clock”;
setstyle(controlstyles.userpaint | controlstyles.doublebuffer | controlstyles.allpaintinginwmpaint
| controlstyles.resizeredraw | controlstyles.supportstransparentbackcolor, true);
_datetime = datetime.now;
private void init()
m_bitmap = new bitmap(this.width, this.height);
g = graphics.fromimage(m_bitmap);
g.compositingquality = compositingquality.highquality;
g.textrenderinghint = system.drawing.text.textrenderinghint.antialiasgridfit;
//g.interpolationmode = interpolationmode.highqualitybicubic;
g.smoothingmode = smoothingmode.highquality;
//g.textrenderinghint = system.drawing.text.textrenderinghint.antialiasgridfit;
void timerontick(object obj, eventargs ea)
datetime dtnow = datetime.now;
dtnow = new datetime(dtnow.year, dtnow.month, dtnow.day, dtnow.hour, dtnow.minute, dtnow.second);
if (dtnow != _datetime)
_datetime = dtnow;
protected override void onpaint(painteventargs e)
m_bitmap = drawclock();
graphics gg = e.graphics;
gg.compositingquality = compositingquality.highquality;
gg.drawimageunscaled(m_bitmap, 0, 0);
public bitmap drawclock()
return this.drawclock(this.clientrectangle);
private void sevensegmentclock_resize(object sender, system.eventargs e)
private void initializecomponent()
// sevensegmentclock
this.name = “sevensegmentclock”;
this.size = new system.drawing.size(448, 64);
this.resize += new system.eventhandler(this.sevensegmentclock_resize);
int _clockstringwidth;
int _clockstringheight;
public int clockstringwidth
return _clockstringwidth;
public int clockstringheight
return _clockstringheight;
public bitmap drawclock(rectangle destrect)
m_bitmap = new bitmap(destrect.width, destrect.height);
//m_bitmap = new bitmap(destrect.x + this.width, destrect.y + this.height);
graphics grfx = graphics.fromimage(m_bitmap);
grfx.compositingquality = compositingquality.highquality;
grfx.textrenderinghint = system.drawing.text.textrenderinghint.antialiasgridfit;
grfx.smoothingmode = smoothingmode.highquality;
sevensegmentdisplay ssd = new sevensegmentdisplay(grfx);
ssd.isdrawshadow = this._isdrawshadow;
graphicsstate gs = grfx.save();
grfx.translatetransform(destrect.x, destrect.y);
string strtime = string.empty;
if(this._clockstyle == sevensegmentclockstyle.timeonly)
strtime = _datetime.tostring(“t”, datetimeformatinfo.invariantinfo);
else if(this._clockstyle == sevensegmentclockstyle.dateonly)
strtime = _datetime.tostring(“yyyy-mm-dd”, datetimeformatinfo.invariantinfo);
strtime = _datetime.tostring(“yyyy-mm-dd”, datetimeformatinfo.invariantinfo) + ” ” + _datetime.tostring(“t”, datetimeformatinfo.invariantinfo);
sizef sizef = ssd.measurestring(strtime, font);
float fscale = math.min(destrect.width / sizef.width, destrect.height / sizef.height);
font font = new font(font.fontfamily, fscale * font.sizeinpoints);
sizef = ssd.measurestring(strtime, font);
_clockstringwidth = (int)sizef.width;
_clockstringheight = (int)sizef.height;
ssd.drawstring(strtime, font, new solidbrush(this._clockcolor),
(destrect.width – sizef.width) / 2,
(destrect.height – sizef.height) / 2);
return m_bitmap;
// sevensegmentdisplay.cs 2001 by charles petzold //
//————————改编:朱继山 a3news(at)hotmail.com ———–//
using system;
using system.drawing;
using system.windows.forms;
namespace brawdraw.com.photoframe.net.publicfunctions.clock
class sevensegmentdisplay
graphics grfx;
brush _brush = brushes.black;
bool _isdrawshadow = true;
color _shadowcolor = color.fromargb(60, color.white);
brush _shadowbrush = null;
// indicates what segments are illuminated for all 10 digits
static byte[,] bysegment = {
{1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1}, // 0
{0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}, // 1
{1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1}, // 2
{1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}, // 3
{0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0}, // 4
{1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1}, // 5
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, // 6
{1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}, // 7
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, // 8
{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1} // 9
// points that define each of the seven segments
readonly point[][] apt = new point[7][];
public bool isdrawshadow
get { return this._isdrawshadow; }
set { this._isdrawshadow = value; }
public sevensegmentdisplay(graphics grfx)
this.grfx = grfx;
// initialize jagged point array.
apt[0] = new point[] {
new point( 3, 2), new point(39, 2),
new point(31, 10), new point(11, 10)
apt[1] = new point[] {
new point( 2, 3), new point(10, 11),
new point(10, 31), new point( 2, 35)
apt[2] = new point[] {
new point(40, 3), new point(40, 35),
new point(32, 31), new point(32, 11)
apt[3] = new point[] {
new point( 3, 36), new point(11, 32),
new point(31, 32), new point(39, 36),
new point(31, 40), new point(11, 40)
apt[4] = new point[] {
new point( 2, 37), new point(10, 41),
new point(10, 61), new point( 2, 69)
apt[5] = new point[] {
new point(40, 37), new point(40, 69),
new point(32, 61), new point(32, 41)
apt[6] = new point[] {
new point(11, 62), new point(31, 62),
new point(39, 70), new point( 3, 70)
public sizef measurestring(string str, font font)
sizef sizef = new sizef(0, grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72);
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
if (char.isdigit(str[i]))
sizef.width += 42 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
else if (str[i] == -)
sizef.width += 42 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
else if (str[i] == 🙂
sizef.width += 20 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
else if (str[i] == )
sizef.width += 36 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
return sizef;
public void drawstring(string str, font font, brush brush, float x, float y)
this._brush = brush;
this._shadowbrush = new solidbrush(color.fromargb(40, ((solidbrush)this._brush).color));
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
if (char.isdigit(str[i]))
x = number(str[i] – 0, font, brush, x, y);
else if (str[i] == -)
x = minussign(font, brush, x, y);
else if (str[i] == 🙂
x = colon(font, brush, x, y);
else if (str[i] == )
x = drawspace(font, brush, x, y);
private float number(int num, font font, brush brush, float x, float y)
for (int i = 0; i < apt.length; i++)
fill(apt[i], font, _shadowbrush, x, y);
if (bysegment[num, i] == 1)
fill(apt[i], font, brush, x, y);
return x + 42 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
private float minussign(font font, brush brush, float x, float y)
fill(apt[3], font, brush, x, y);
return x + 42 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
private float drawspace(font font, brush brush, float x, float y)
return x + 36 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
private float colon(font font, brush brush, float x, float y)
point[][] apt = new point[2][];
apt[0] = new point[] {
new point( 4, 12), new point( 16, 12),
new point(16, 24), new point( 4, 24)
apt[1] = new point[] {
new point( 4, 50), new point( 16, 50),
new point(16, 62), new point( 4, 62)
for (int i = 0; i < apt.length; i++)
fill(apt[i], font, brush, x, y);
return x + 20 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
private void fill(point[] apt, font font, brush brush, float x, float y)
pointf[] aptf = new pointf[apt.length];
for (int i = 0; i < apt.length; i++)
aptf[i].x = x + apt[i].x * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
aptf[i].y = y + apt[i].y * grfx.dpiy * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;
grfx.fillpolygon(brush, aptf);