<%@ page language=”c#” codebehind=”default.aspx.cs” autoeventwireup=”false” inherits=”popupmenucontrolsample._default” %>
<!doctype html public “-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en” >
<title>popupmenu control sample</title>
<meta content=”microsoft visual studio .net 7.1″ name=”generator”>
<meta content=”c#” name=”code_language”>
<meta content=”javascript” name=”vs_defaultclientscript”>
<meta content=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5″ name=”vs_targetschema”>
<link href=”popupmenusample.css” type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet”>
<body bgcolor=”#ffffcc” ms_positioning=”gridlayout”>
<form id=”mainform” method=”post” runat=”server”>
<asp:label id=”popupmenuowner” runat=”server” cssclass=”maintext”>click on me to show the popup menu</asp:label>
using system; using system.collections; using system.componentmodel; using system.data; using system.drawing; using system.web; using system.web.sessionstate; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; using system.web.ui.htmlcontrols; using uicontrol; namespace popupmenucontrolsample { /**/////// summary description for _default. /// public class _default : system.web.ui.page { const string controlcontainer = "mainform"; const string clickedmessage = "
the menu item {0} has been selected by the user."; const string nomenuitemclicked = "
no menu item has been clicked yet."; const string messagestyle = "message"; const string menucontrolid = "popupmenu"; const menuitemdirection menudirection = menuitemdirection.vertical; const string popupmenuparentid = "popupmenuowner"; const string services = "services"; const string servicesalttext = "available services"; const string servicesname = "services"; const string servicesjavascript = null; const string servicesimageurl = null; const menuitemdirection servicesdirection = menuitemdirection.vertical; const string servicestableid = "services"; const string aboutme = "about me"; const string aboutmealttext = "about me"; const string aboutmename = "aboutme"; const string aboutmejavascript = null; const string aboutmeimageurl = null; const menuitemdirection aboutmedirection = menuitemdirection.vertical; const string aboutmetableid = "aboutme"; const string usefullinks = "useful links"; const string usefullinksalttext = "useful links"; const string usefullinksname = "usefullinks"; const string usefullinksjavascript = null; const string usefullinksimageurl = null; const menuitemdirection usefullinksdirection = menuitemdirection.vertical; const string usefullinkstableid = "usefullinks"; const string presenter = ".net presenter"; const string presenteralttext = "presenter for your .net usergroup or show"; const string presentername = "presenter"; const string presenterjavascript = null; const string presenterimageurl = "images/presenter.gif"; const string presentertableid = "presenter"; const string author = ".net author"; const string authoralttext = "author for your .net magazine"; const string authorname = "author"; const string authorjavascript = "window.alert(klaus salchner, chief enterprise architect);"; const string authorimageurl = null; const string authortableid = "author"; const string architect = ".net architecture review"; const string architectalttext = "architecture review for your .net project"; const string architectname = "architect"; const string architectjavascript = null; const string architectimageurl = "images/review.gif"; const string architecttableid = "architect"; const string resume = "resume"; const string resumealttext = "my resume"; const string resumename = "resume"; const string resumejavascript = null; const string resumeimageurl = null; const string resumetableid = "resume"; const string contactme = "contact me"; const string contactmealttext = "contact me"; const string contactmename = "contactme"; const string contactmejavascript = null; const string contactmeimageurl = "images/contactme.gif"; const string contactmetableid = "contactme"; const string codeguru = "codeguru"; const string codegurualttext = "codeguru"; const string codeguruname = "codeguru"; const string codegurujavascript = null; const string codeguruimageurl = "images/codeguru.gif"; const string codegurutableid = "codeguru"; const string developerland = "developerland"; const string developerlandalttext = "developerland"; const string developerlandname = "developerland"; const string developerlandjavascript = null; const string developerlandimageurl = "images/developerland.gif"; const string developerlandtableid = "developerland"; const string msdn = "msdn"; const string msdnalttext = "msdn"; const string msdnname = "msdn"; const string msdnjavascript = null; const string msdnimageurl = "images/msdn.gif"; const string msdntableid = "msdn"; const string gotdotnet = "got-dot-net"; const string gotdotnetalttext = "got-dot-net"; const string gotdotnetname = "gotdotnet"; const string gotdotnetjavascript = null; const string gotdotnetimageurl = null; const string gotdotnettableid = "gotdotnet"; private label message; protected system.web.ui.webcontrols.label popupmenuowner; web form designer generated code#region web form designer generated code override protected void oninit(eventargs e) { // // codegen: this call is required by the asp.net web form designer. // initializecomponent(); base.oninit(e); } /**/////// required method for designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// private void initializecomponent() { this.init += new system.eventhandler(this.page_init); } #endregion /**/////// initialize the form; allows us to add new controls to it /// /// event sender /// event argument private void page_init(object sender, system.eventargs e) { // create a new popup menu control to display popupmenucontrol mypopupmenu = new popupmenucontrol(); mypopupmenu.menudirection = menudirection; mypopupmenu.menushowsubmenuindicator = true; mypopupmenu.popupmenuparentid = popupmenuparentid; mypopupmenu.showverticalmenuimagebar = true; mypopupmenu.id = menucontrolid; // create the popup-menu items mypopupmenu.popupmenu.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(services, servicesalttext, servicesname, servicesjavascript, servicesimageurl, null, servicesdirection, servicestableid, true)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(aboutme, aboutmealttext, aboutmename, aboutmejavascript, aboutmeimageurl, null, aboutmedirection, aboutmetableid, true)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(usefullinks, usefullinksalttext, usefullinksname, usefullinksjavascript, usefullinksimageurl, null, usefullinksdirection, usefullinkstableid, true)); // create the services sub-menu mypopupmenu.popupmenu[0].popupsubmenus = new popupmenuitemdetailscollection(); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[0].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(presenter, presenteralttext, presentername, presenterjavascript, presenterimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, presentertableid, false)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[0].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(author, authoralttext, authorname, authorjavascript, authorimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, authortableid, false)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[0].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(architect, architectalttext, architectname, architectjavascript, architectimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, architecttableid, false)); // create the about-me sub-menu mypopupmenu.popupmenu[1].popupsubmenus = new popupmenuitemdetailscollection(); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[1].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(resume, resumealttext, resumename, resumejavascript, resumeimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, resumetableid, false)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[1].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(contactme, contactmealttext, contactmename, contactmejavascript, contactmeimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, contactmetableid, false)); // create the useful links sub-menu mypopupmenu.popupmenu[2].popupsubmenus = new popupmenuitemdetailscollection(); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[2].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(developerland, developerlandalttext, developerlandname, developerlandjavascript, developerlandimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, developerlandtableid, false)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[2].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(codeguru, codegurualttext, codeguruname, codegurujavascript, codeguruimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, codegurutableid, false)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[2].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(gotdotnet, gotdotnetalttext, gotdotnetname, gotdotnetjavascript, gotdotnetimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, gotdotnettableid, false)); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[2].popupsubmenus.add(popupmenuitemdetails.popupmenuitemseparator()); mypopupmenu.popupmenu[2].popupsubmenus.add(new popupmenuitemdetails(msdn, msdnalttext, msdnname, msdnjavascript, msdnimageurl, null, menuitemdirection.vertical, msdntableid, false)); // find the cell we use to add our content control contentcell = basecontrol.findcontrol(controls, controlcontainer); // event handler called when a menu item has been clicked mypopupmenu.menuclicked += new menuclicked(mypopupmenu_menuclicked); // if we found the content cell then lets add the popup menu control to it if (contentcell != null) contentcell.controls.add(mypopupmenu); // the label which shows which menu item has been clicked message = basecontrol.createlabel(controls, nomenuitemclicked); message.cssclass = messagestyle; } /**/////// event handler called when a menu item has been clicked /// /// the menu controls collection /// the selected menu item void mypopupmenu_menuclicked(controlcollection controls, menuitemdetails clickedmenuitem) { message.text = string.format(clickedmessage, clickedmenuitem.displaytext); } } }
var visiblesubmenus = ; var menutimer = 0; var closetimer = 0; function entermenucell(menucell,submenutable) { // if the sub-menu-table is not displayed at the moment if (submenutable.style.display == none) { // then display it now submenutable.style.display = ; // add this to the list of visible sub-menus; this is important if the user browses // multiple cascaded sub-menus if (visiblesubmenus.length == 0) visiblesubmenus += submenutable.id; else visiblesubmenus += , + submenutable.id; } } // // the user moves the mouse outside the menu cell // function leavemenucell(menucell,submenutable) { if (menutimer == 0) menutimer = window.setinterval("checkifsubmenutoclose(" + submenutable.id + ")", 20); } function leavesubmenutable(submenutable) { // get the list of visible sub-menus var visiblesubmenusarray = visiblesubmenus.split(","); // get the last visible sub-menu var lastvisiblesubmenu = visiblesubmenusarray[visiblesubmenusarray.length - 1]; if ((submenutable.style.display != none) & (lastvisiblesubmenu == submenutable.id)) { // closes the sub-menu table closesubmenu(submenutable); if (menutimer == 0) menutimer = window.setinterval("closeallsubmenus()", 20); } } function closeallsubmenus() { // first clear the timer if (menutimer != 0) { window.clearinterval(menutimer); menutimer = 0; } // check if we have any sub-menus open if (visiblesubmenus.length > 0) { // get the list of visible sub-menus var visiblesubmenusarray = visiblesubmenus.split(","); // now loop through all visible sub-menus and close them too for (count=0; count < visiblesubmenusarray.length; count++) { // get a reference to the visible sub-menu var submenu = document.getelementbyid(visiblesubmenusarray[count]); // and now hide it submenu.style.display = none; } // reset the list of visible sub-menus visiblesubmenus = ; } } // // the user moves the mosue cursor over the sub-menu table // function entersubmenutable(submenutable) { if (menutimer != 0) { window.clearinterval(menutimer); menutimer = 0; } } function checkifsubmenutoclose(submenutable) { // first clear the timer itself if (menutimer != 0) { window.clearinterval(menutimer); menutimer = 0; } // now close the sub-menu table closesubmenu(submenutable); } // // closes the sub-menu table and removes it from the list of visible sub-menus // function closesubmenu(submenutable) { // now close the sub-menu submenutable.style.display = none; // get the list of visible sub-menus var visiblesubmenusarray = visiblesubmenus.split(","); // now we rebuild the list of visible sub-menus by excluding the sub-menu we // just closed visiblesubmenus = ; // loop through all existing sub-menus for (count=0; count < visiblesubmenusarray.length; count++) // if the sub-menu is the same as the one we just closed then ignore it; // otherwise add it again if (visiblesubmenusarray[count] != submenutable.id) if (visiblesubmenus.length > 0) visiblesubmenus += "," + visiblesubmenusarray[count]; else visiblesubmenus = visiblesubmenusarray[count]; } function setcontrolposition(submenutable,parenttable,parentcell,parentmenudirection,offsetx,offsety) { // we position the control absolute submenutable.style.position = absolute; // parent menu is horizontal, so we position the sub-menu at left/bottom if (parentmenudirection == horizontal) { submenutable.style.left = parenttable.offsetleft + parentcell.offsetleft - 1; submenutable.style.top = parenttable.offsettop + parenttable.offsetheight - 1; } else // parent menu is vertical, so we position the sub-menu at right/top if (parentmenudirection == vertical) { submenutable.style.left = parenttable.offsetleft + parenttable.offsetwidth - 1; submenutable.style.top = parenttable.offsettop + parentcell.offsettop - 1; } // there is no parent-menu; this is a popup menu which will be positioned in the // middle of the owning control else { submenutable.style.left = parenttable.offsetleft + (parenttable.offsetwidth / 2) + 1 + number(offsetx); submenutable.style.top = parenttable.offsettop + (parenttable.offsetheight / 2) + 1 + number(offsety); // add any body margin we have submenutable.style.left = number(submenutable.style.left.replace(px,)) + number(document.body.leftmargin); submenutable.style.top = number(submenutable.style.top.replace(px,)) + number(document.body.topmargin); } } function showpopupmenu(popupownercontrol,popuptablecontrol,offsetx,offsety) { // position the popup menu in the middle of the owner control setcontrolposition(popuptablecontrol, popupownercontrol, null, popup, offsetx, offsety); // show the popup-menu popuptablecontrol.style.display = ; // give the popup menu table the focus so we know when the user clicks anywhere // else (the control looses then the focus popuptablecontrol.focus(); } function closepopupmenu(popupownercontrol,popuptablecontrol) { if (closetimer == 0) closetimer = window.setinterval("closepopupmenudelayed(" + popupownercontrol.id + "," + popuptablecontrol.id + ")", 190); } function closepopupmenudelayed(popupownercontrol,popuptablecontrol) { // clears first the timer if (closetimer != 0) { window.clearinterval(closetimer); closetimer = 0; } // we hide the popup menu popuptablecontrol.style.display = none; // close any open sub-menu closeallsubmenus(); } popupmenucontrol.css代码: .popupmenutablestyle {}{ border: groove 2px white; background-color: black; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; } .popupmenurowstyle {}{ vertical-align: middle; } .popupmenucellstyle {}{ background-color: #ececec; text-align: left; width: 180px; height: 20px; } .popupmenucellhighlightedstyle {}{ background-color: #ccccff; text-align: left; width: 180px; height: 20px; } .popupmenulinkstyle {}{ font: normal normal bold small/normal arial; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap; color: blue; cursor: hand; line-height: 18px; } .popupmenulinkhighlightedstyle {}{ font: normal normal bolder small/normal arial; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap; color: #ffffcc; color: blue; cursor: hand; line-height: 18px; } .menuseparatorcellstyle {}{ background-color: #ececec; height: 1px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .menuseparatorstyle {}{ border-top: ridge 1px; width: 100%; color: white; height: 1px; } .popupmenuimagebarstyle {}{ background-color: #cccccc; width: 24px; }