‘这个类允许你使用visual basic.net对ftp网页执行直接链接。
‘-upload 一个文件
‘-create 一个目录
‘-remove 一个目录
‘-remove 一个文件
‘-rename 一个文件
‘-set 远程用户的用户名
‘-set 远程用户的密码
imports system
imports system.net
imports system.io
imports system.text
imports system.net.sockets
‘ftp 类
public class clsftp
#region “class variable declarations”
private m_sremotehost, m_sremotepath, m_sremoteuser as string
private m_sremotepassword, m_smess as string
private m_iremoteport, m_ibytes as int32
private m_objclientsocket as socket
private m_iretvalue as int32
private m_bloggedin as boolean
private m_smes, m_sreply as string
public const block_size = 512
private m_abuffer(block_size) as byte
private ascii as encoding = encoding.ascii
public flag_bool as boolean
private m_smessagestring as string
#end region
#region “class constructors”
public sub new()
m_sremotehost = “microsoft”
m_sremotepath = “.”
m_sremoteuser = “anonymous”
m_sremotepassword = “”
m_smessagestring = “”
m_iremoteport = 21
m_bloggedin = false
end sub
public sub new(byval sremotehost as string, _
byval sremotepath as string, _
byval sremoteuser as string, _
byval sremotepassword as string, _
byval iremoteport as int32)
m_sremotehost = sremotehost
m_sremotepath = sremotepath
m_sremoteuser = sremoteuser
m_sremotepassword = sremotepassword
m_smessagestring = “”
m_iremoteport = 21
m_bloggedin = false
end sub
#end region
#region “public properties”
public property remotehostftpserver() as string
return m_sremotehost
end get
set(byval value as string)
m_sremotehost = value
end set
end property
public property remoteport() as int32
return m_iremoteport
end get
set(byval value as int32)
m_iremoteport = value
end set
end property
public property remotepath() as string
return m_sremotepath
end get
set(byval value as string)
m_sremotepath = value
end set
end property
public property remotepassword() as string
return m_sremotepassword
end get
set(byval value as string)
m_sremotepassword = value
end set
end property
public property remoteuser() as string
return m_sremoteuser
end get
set(byval value as string)
m_sremoteuser = value
end set
end property
public property messagestring() as string
return m_smessagestring
end get
set(byval value as string)
m_smessagestring = value
end set
end property
#end region
#region “public subs and functions”
public function getfilelist(byval smask as string) as string()
dim csocket as socket
dim bytes as int32
dim seperator as char = controlchars.lf
dim mess() as string
m_smes = “”
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
csocket = createdatasocket()
sendcommand(“nlst ” & smask)
if (not (m_iretvalue = 150 or m_iretvalue = 125)) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
m_smes = “”
do while (true)
m_abuffer.clear(m_abuffer, 0, m_abuffer.length)
bytes = csocket.receive(m_abuffer, m_abuffer.length, 0)
m_smes += ascii.getstring(m_abuffer, 0, bytes)
if (bytes < m_abuffer.length) then
exit do
end if
mess = m_smes.split(seperator)
if (m_iretvalue <> 226) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
return mess
end function
public function getfilesize(byval sfilename as string) as long
dim size as long
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
sendcommand(“size ” & sfilename)
size = 0
if (m_iretvalue = 213) then
size = int64.parse(m_sreply.substring(4))
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
return size
end function
public function login() as boolean
m_objclientsocket = _
new socket(addressfamily.internetwork, sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp)
dim ep as new ipendpoint(dns.resolve(m_sremotehost).addresslist(0), m_iremoteport)
catch ex as exception
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(“cannot connect to the remote server”)
end try
if (m_iretvalue <> 220) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
sendcommand(“user ” & m_sremoteuser)
if (not (m_iretvalue = 331 or m_iretvalue = 230)) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
if (m_iretvalue <> 230) then
sendcommand(“pass ” & m_sremotepassword)
if (not (m_iretvalue = 230 or m_iretvalue = 202)) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
end if
m_bloggedin = true
return m_bloggedin
end function
public sub setbinarymode(byval bmode as boolean)
if (bmode) then
sendcommand(“type i”)
sendcommand(“type a”)
end if
if (m_iretvalue <> 200) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
end sub
public sub downloadfile(byval sfilename as string)
downloadfile(sfilename, “”, false)
end sub
‘向一个配置好的本地文件夹下载一个远程文件。保持文件名一样。 public sub downloadfile(byval sfilename as string, _
byval bresume as boolean)
downloadfile(sfilename, “”, bresume)
end sub
public sub downloadfile(byval sfilename as string, _
byval slocalfilename as string)
downloadfile(sfilename, slocalfilename, false)
end sub
public sub downloadfile(byval sfilename as string, _
byval slocalfilename as string, _
byval bresume as boolean)
dim st as stream
dim output as filestream
dim csocket as socket
dim offset, npos as long
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
if (slocalfilename.equals(“”)) then
slocalfilename = sfilename
end if
if (not (file.exists(slocalfilename))) then
st = file.create(slocalfilename)
end if
output = new filestream(slocalfilename, filemode.open)
csocket = createdatasocket()
offset = 0
if (bresume) then
offset = output.length
if (offset > 0) then
sendcommand(“rest ” & offset)
if (m_iretvalue <> 350) then
offset = 0
end if
end if
if (offset > 0) then
npos = output.seek(offset, seekorigin.begin)
end if
end if
sendcommand(“retr ” & sfilename)
if (not (m_iretvalue = 150 or m_iretvalue = 125)) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
do while (true)
m_abuffer.clear(m_abuffer, 0, m_abuffer.length)
m_ibytes = csocket.receive(m_abuffer, m_abuffer.length, 0)
output.write(m_abuffer, 0, m_ibytes)
if (m_ibytes <= 0) then
exit do
end if
if (csocket.connected) then
end if
if (not (m_iretvalue = 226 or m_iretvalue = 250)) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
end sub
public sub uploadfile(byval sfilename as string)
uploadfile(sfilename, false)
end sub
public sub uploadfile(byval sfilename as string, _
byval bresume as boolean)
dim csocket as socket
dim offset as long
dim input as filestream
dim bfilenotfound as boolean
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
csocket = createdatasocket()
offset = 0
if (bresume) then
offset = getfilesize(sfilename)
catch ex as exception
offset = 0
end try
end if
if (offset > 0) then
sendcommand(“rest ” & offset)
if (m_iretvalue <> 350) then
offset = 0
end if
end if
‘发送一个ftp命令,存储一个文件。 sendcommand(“stor ” & path.getfilename(sfilename))
if (not (m_iretvalue = 125 or m_iretvalue = 150)) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
bfilenotfound = false
if (file.exists(sfilename)) then
input = new filestream(sfilename, filemode.open)
if (offset <> 0) then
input.seek(offset, seekorigin.begin)
end if
m_ibytes = input.read(m_abuffer, 0, m_abuffer.length)
do while (m_ibytes > 0)
csocket.send(m_abuffer, m_ibytes, 0)
m_ibytes = input.read(m_abuffer, 0, m_abuffer.length)
bfilenotfound = true
end if
if (csocket.connected) then
end if
if (bfilenotfound) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(“the file: “& sfilename & ” was not found. ” & _
“cannot upload the file to the ftp site”)
end if
if (not (m_iretvalue = 226 or m_iretvalue = 250)) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
end sub
public function deletefile(byval sfilename as string) as boolean
dim bresult as boolean
bresult = true
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
sendcommand(“dele ” & sfilename)
if (m_iretvalue <> 250) then
bresult = false
messagestring = m_sreply
end if
return bresult
end function
public function renamefile(byval soldfilename as string, _
byval snewfilename as string) as boolean
dim bresult as boolean
bresult = true
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
sendcommand(“rnfr ” & soldfilename)
if (m_iretvalue <> 350) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
sendcommand(“rnto ” & snewfilename)
if (m_iretvalue <> 250) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
return bresult
end function
public function createdirectory(byval sdirname as string) as boolean
dim bresult as boolean
bresult = true
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
sendcommand(“mkd ” & sdirname)
if (m_iretvalue <> 257) then
bresult = false
messagestring = m_sreply
end if
return bresult
end function
public function removedirectory(byval sdirname as string) as boolean
dim bresult as boolean
bresult = true
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
sendcommand(“rmd ” & sdirname)
if (m_iretvalue <> 250) then
bresult = false
messagestring = m_sreply
end if
return bresult
end function
public function changedirectory(byval sdirname as string) as boolean
dim bresult as boolean
bresult = true
if (sdirname.equals(“.”)) then
exit function
end if
if (not (m_bloggedin)) then
end if
sendcommand(“cwd ” & sdirname)
if (m_iretvalue <> 250) then
bresult = false
messagestring = m_sreply
end if
me.m_sremotepath = sdirname
return bresult
end function
public sub closeconnection()
if (not (m_objclientsocket is nothing)) then
end if
end sub
#end region
#region “private subs and functions”
private sub readreply()
m_smes = “”
m_sreply = readline()
m_iretvalue = int32.parse(m_sreply.substring(0, 3))
end sub
private sub cleanup()
if not (m_objclientsocket is nothing) then
m_objclientsocket = nothing
end if
m_bloggedin = false
end sub
private function readline(optional byval bclearmes as boolean = false) as string
dim seperator as char = controlchars.lf
dim mess() as string
if (bclearmes) then
m_smes = “”
end if
do while (true)
m_abuffer.clear(m_abuffer, 0, block_size)
m_ibytes = m_objclientsocket.receive(m_abuffer, m_abuffer.length, 0)
m_smes += ascii.getstring(m_abuffer, 0, m_ibytes)
if (m_ibytes < m_abuffer.length) then
exit do
end if
mess = m_smes.split(seperator)
if (m_smes.length > 2) then
m_smes = mess(mess.length – 2)
m_smes = mess(0)
end if
if (not (m_smes.substring(3, 1).equals(” “))) then
return readline(true)
end if
return m_smes
end function
private sub sendcommand(byval scommand as string)
scommand = scommand & controlchars.crlf
dim cmdbytes as byte() = ascii.getbytes(scommand)
m_objclientsocket.send(cmdbytes, cmdbytes.length, 0)
end sub
‘创建一个数据包 private function createdatasocket() as socket
dim index1, index2, len as int32
dim partcount, i, port as int32
dim ipdata, buf, ipaddress as string
dim parts(6) as int32
dim ch as char
dim s as socket
dim ep as ipendpoint
if (m_iretvalue <> 227) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(m_sreply.substring(4))
end if
index1 = m_sreply.indexof(“(“)
index2 = m_sreply.indexof(“)”)
ipdata = m_sreply.substring(index1 + 1, index2 – index1 – 1)
len = ipdata.length
partcount = 0
buf = “”
for i = 0 to ((len – 1) and partcount <= 6)
ch = char.parse(ipdata.substring(i, 1))
if (char.isdigit(ch)) then
buf += ch
elseif (ch <> “,”) then
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(“malformed pasv reply: ” & m_sreply)
end if
if ((ch = “,”) or (i + 1 = len)) then
parts(partcount) = int32.parse(buf)
partcount += 1
buf = “”
catch ex as exception
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(“malformed pasv reply: ” & m_sreply)
end try
end if
ipaddress = parts(0) & “.” & parts(1) & “.” & parts(2) & “.” & parts(3)
‘在visual basic .net 2002中进行调用。你想移动8位。在visual basic .net 2002中,你必须将此数乘2的8次方。
‘进行这个调用,并且用visual basic .net 2003解释当前行。
port = parts(4) << 8
port = port + parts(5)
s = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork, sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp)
ep = new ipendpoint(dns.resolve(ipaddress).addresslist(0), port)
catch ex as exception
messagestring = m_sreply
throw new ioexception(“cannot connect to remote server.”)
flag_bool = false
end try
flag_bool = true
return s
end function
#end region
end class