




            string strfile=”fffff.jpg”;//文件名
            system.drawing.bitmap bmp = new bitmap(strfile);
            exif.exifextractor er = new exif.exifextractor(ref bmp, “\n”);
            console.write(strfile + “\r\n”);
            foreach (exif.pair pr in er)
                console.write(pr.first + “:” + pr.second + “\r\n”);
using system;
using system.text;
using system.collections;
using system.drawing.imaging;
using system.reflection;
using system.io;
namespace exif
        /// <summary>
        /// exifextractor class
        /// </summary>
        public class exifextractor : ienumerable
            /// <summary>
            /// get the individual property value by supplying property name
            /// these are the valid property names :
            /// “exif ifd”
            /// “gps ifd”
            /// “new subfile type”
            /// “subfile type”
            /// “image width”
            /// “image height”
            /// “bits per sample”
            /// “compression”
            /// “photometric interp”
            /// “thresh holding”
            /// “cell width”
            /// “cell height”
            /// “fill order”
            /// “document name”
            /// “image description”
            /// “equip make”
            /// “equip model”
            /// “strip offsets”
            /// “orientation”
            /// “samples perpixel”
            /// “rows per strip”
            /// “strip bytes count”
            /// “min sample value”
            /// “max sample value”
            /// “x resolution”
            /// “y resolution”
            /// “planar config”
            /// “page name”
            /// “x position”
            /// “y position”
            /// “free offset”
            /// “free byte counts”
            /// “gray response unit”
            /// “gray response curve”
            /// “t4 option”
            /// “t6 option”
            /// “resolution unit”
            /// “page number”
            /// “transfer funcition”
            /// “software used”
            /// “date time”
            /// “artist”
            /// “host computer”
            /// “predictor”
            /// “white point”
            /// “primary chromaticities”
            /// “colormap”
            /// “halftone hints”
            /// “tile width”
            /// “tile length”
            /// “tile offset”
            /// “tile bytecounts”
            /// “inkset”
            /// “ink names”
            /// “number of inks”
            /// “dot range”
            /// “target printer”
            /// “extra samples”
            /// “sample format”
            /// “s min sample value”
            /// “s max sample value”
            /// “transfer range”
            /// “jpeg proc”
            /// “jpeg interformat”
            /// “jpeg interlength”
            /// “jpeg restartinterval”
            /// “jpeg losslesspredictors”
            /// “jpeg pointtransforms”
            /// “jpeg qtables”
            /// “jpeg dctables”
            /// “jpeg actables”
            /// “ycbcr coefficients”
            /// “ycbcr subsampling”
            /// “ycbcr positioning”
            /// “ref black white”
            /// “icc profile”
            /// “gamma”
            /// “icc profile descriptor”
            /// “srgb renderingintent”
            /// “image title”
            /// “copyright”
            /// “resolution x unit”
            /// “resolution y unit”
            /// “resolution x lengthunit”
            /// “resolution y lengthunit”
            /// “print flags”
            /// “print flags version”
            /// “print flags crop”
            /// “print flags bleed width”
            /// “print flags bleed width scale”
            /// “halftone lpi”
            /// “halftone lpiunit”
            /// “halftone degree”
            /// “halftone shape”
            /// “halftone misc”
            /// “halftone screen”
            /// “jpeg quality”
            /// “grid size”
            /// “thumbnail format”
            /// “thumbnail width”
            /// “thumbnail height”
            /// “thumbnail colordepth”
            /// “thumbnail planes”
            /// “thumbnail rawbytes”
            /// “thumbnail size”
            /// “thumbnail compressedsize”
            /// “color transfer function”
            /// “thumbnail data”
            /// “thumbnail imagewidth”
            /// “thumbnail imageheight”
            /// “thumbnail bitspersample”
            /// “thumbnail compression”
            /// “thumbnail photometricinterp”
            /// “thumbnail imagedescription”
            /// “thumbnail equipmake”
            /// “thumbnail equipmodel”
            /// “thumbnail stripoffsets”
            /// “thumbnail orientation”
            /// “thumbnail samplesperpixel”
            /// “thumbnail rowsperstrip”
            /// “thumbnail stripbytescount”
            /// “thumbnail resolutionx”
            /// “thumbnail resolutiony”
            /// “thumbnail planarconfig”
            /// “thumbnail resolutionunit”
            /// “thumbnail transferfunction”
            /// “thumbnail softwareused”
            /// “thumbnail datetime”
            /// “thumbnail artist”
            /// “thumbnail whitepoint”
            /// “thumbnail primarychromaticities”
            /// “thumbnail ycbcrcoefficients”
            /// “thumbnail ycbcrsubsampling”
            /// “thumbnail ycbcrpositioning”
            /// “thumbnail refblackwhite”
            /// “thumbnail copyright”
            /// “luminance table”
            /// “chrominance table”
            /// “frame delay”
            /// “loop count”
            /// “pixel unit”
            /// “pixel perunit x”
            /// “pixel perunit y”
            /// “palette histogram”
            /// “exposure time”
            /// “f-number”
            /// “exposure prog”
            /// “spectral sense”
            /// “iso speed”
            /// “oecf”
            /// “ver”
            /// “dtorig”
            /// “dtdigitized”
            /// “compconfig”
            /// “compbpp”
            /// “shutter speed”
            /// “aperture”
            /// “brightness”
            /// “exposure bias”
            /// “maxaperture”
            /// “subjectdist”
            /// “metering mode”
            /// “lightsource”
            /// “flash”
            /// “focallength”
            /// “maker note”
            /// “user comment”
            /// “dtsubsec”
            /// “dtorigss”
            /// “dtdigss”
            /// “fpxver”
            /// “colorspace”
            /// “pixxdim”
            /// “pixydim”
            /// “relatedwav”
            /// “interop”
            /// “flashenergy”
            /// “spatialfr”
            /// “focalxres”
            /// “focalyres”
            /// “focalresunit”
            /// “subject loc”
            /// “exposure index”
            /// “sensing method”
            /// “filesource”
            /// “scenetype”
            /// “cfapattern”
            /// “gps ver”
            /// “gps latituderef”
            /// “gps latitude”
            /// “gps longituderef”
            /// “gps longitude”
            /// “gps altituderef”
            /// “gps altitude”
            /// “gps gpstime”
            /// “gps gpssatellites”
            /// “gps gpsstatus”
            /// “gps gpsmeasuremode”
            /// “gps gpsdop”
            /// “gps speedref”
            /// “gps speed”
            /// “gps trackref”
            /// “gps track”
            /// “gps imgdirref”
            /// “gps imgdir”
            /// “gps mapdatum”
            /// “gps destlatref”
            /// “gps destlat”
            /// “gps destlongref”
            /// “gps destlong”
            /// “gps destbearref”
            /// “gps destbear”
            /// “gps destdistref”
            /// “gps destdist”
            /// </summary>
            public object this[string index]
                    return properties[index];
            private system.drawing.bitmap bmp;
            private string data;
            private translation myhash;
            private hashtable properties;
            internal int count
                    return this.properties.count;
            string sp;
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”id”></param>
            /// <param name=”len”></param>
            /// <param name=”type”></param>
            /// <param name=”data”></param>
            public void settag(int id, string data)
                encoding ascii = encoding.ascii;
                this.settag(id, data.length, 0x2, ascii.getbytes(data));
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”id”></param>
            /// <param name=”len”></param>
            /// <param name=”type”></param>
            /// <param name=”data”></param>
            public void settag(int id, int len, short type, byte[] data)
                propertyitem p = createpropertyitem(type, id, len, data);
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”type”></param>
            /// <param name=”tag”></param>
            /// <param name=”len”></param>
            /// <param name=”value”></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private static propertyitem createpropertyitem(short type, int tag, int len, byte[] value)
                propertyitem item;

                // loads a propertyitem from a jpeg image stored in the assembly as a resource.
                assembly assembly = assembly.getexecutingassembly();
                stream emptybitmapstream = assembly.getmanifestresourcestream(“exifextractor.decoy.jpg”);
                system.drawing.image empty = system.drawing.image.fromstream(emptybitmapstream);

                item = empty.propertyitems[0];

                // copies the data to the property item.
                item.type = type;
                item.len = len;
                item.id = tag;
                item.value = new byte[value.length];
                value.copyto(item.value, 0);

                return item;
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”bmp”></param>
            /// <param name=”sp”></param>
            public exifextractor(ref system.drawing.bitmap bmp, string sp)
                properties = new hashtable();
                this.bmp = bmp;
                this.sp = sp;
                myhash = new translation();
            string msp = “”;
            public exifextractor(ref system.drawing.bitmap bmp, string sp, string msp)
                properties = new hashtable();
                this.sp = sp;
                this.msp = msp;
                this.bmp = bmp;
                myhash = new translation();

            public static propertyitem[] getexifproperties(string filename)
                filestream stream = new filestream(filename, filemode.open, fileaccess.read);
                system.drawing.image image = system.drawing.image.fromstream(stream,
                    /* useembeddedcolormanagement = */ true,
                    /* validateimagedata = */ false);
                return image.propertyitems;
            public exifextractor(string file, string sp, string msp)
                properties = new hashtable();
                this.sp = sp;
                this.msp = msp;

                myhash = new translation();


            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            private void builddb(system.drawing.imaging.propertyitem[] parr)
                data = “”;
                encoding ascii = encoding.ascii;
                foreach (system.drawing.imaging.propertyitem p in parr)
                    string v = “”;
                    string name = (string)myhash[p.id];
                    // tag not found. skip it
                    if (name == null) continue;
                    data += name + “: “;
                    //1 = byte an 8-bit unsigned integer.,
                    if (p.type == 0x1)
                        v = p.value[0].tostring();
                    //2 = ascii an 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ascii code. the final byte is terminated with null.,
                    else if (p.type == 0x2)
                        // string     
                        v = ascii.getstring(p.value);
                    //3 = short a 16-bit (2 -byte) unsigned integer,
                    else if (p.type == 0x3)
                        // orientation // lookup table     
                        switch (p.id)
                            case 0x8827: // iso
                                v = “iso-” + converttoint16u(p.value).tostring();
                            case 0xa217: // sensing method
                                    switch (converttoint16u(p.value))
                                        case 1: v = “not defined”; break;
                                        case 2: v = “one-chip color area sensor”; break;
                                        case 3: v = “two-chip color area sensor”; break;
                                        case 4: v = “three-chip color area sensor”; break;
                                        case 5: v = “color sequential area sensor”; break;
                                        case 7: v = “trilinear sensor”; break;
                                        case 8: v = “color sequential linear sensor”; break;
                                        default: v = ” reserved”; break;
                            case 0x8822: // aperture
                                switch (converttoint16u(p.value))
                                    case 0: v = “not defined”; break;
                                    case 1: v = “manual”; break;
                                    case 2: v = “normal program”; break;
                                    case 3: v = “aperture priority”; break;
                                    case 4: v = “shutter priority”; break;
                                    case 5: v = “creative program (biased toward depth of field)”; break;
                                    case 6: v = “action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)”; break;
                                    case 7: v = “portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)”; break;
                                    case 8: v = “landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)”; break;
                                    default: v = “reserved”; break;
                            case 0x9207: // metering mode
                                switch (converttoint16u(p.value))
                                    case 0: v = “unknown”; break;
                                    case 1: v = “average”; break;
                                    case 2: v = “centerweightedaverage”; break;
                                    case 3: v = “spot”; break;
                                    case 4: v = “multispot”; break;
                                    case 5: v = “pattern”; break;
                                    case 6: v = “partial”; break;
                                    case 255: v = “other”; break;
                                    default: v = “reserved”; break;
                            case 0x9208: // light source
                                    switch (converttoint16u(p.value))
                                        case 0: v = “unknown”; break;
                                        case 1: v = “daylight”; break;
                                        case 2: v = “fluorescent”; break;
                                        case 3: v = “tungsten”; break;
                                        case 17: v = “standard light a”; break;
                                        case 18: v = “standard light b”; break;
                                        case 19: v = “standard light c”; break;
                                        case 20: v = “d55”; break;
                                        case 21: v = “d65”; break;
                                        case 22: v = “d75”; break;
                                        case 255: v = “other”; break;
                                        default: v = “reserved”; break;
                            case 0x9209:
                                    switch (converttoint16u(p.value))
                                        case 0: v = “flash did not fire”; break;
                                        case 1: v = “flash fired”; break;
                                        case 5: v = “strobe return light not detected”; break;
                                        case 7: v = “strobe return light detected”; break;
                                        default: v = “reserved”; break;
                                v = converttoint16u(p.value).tostring();
                    //4 = long a 32-bit (4 -byte) unsigned integer,
                    else if (p.type == 0x4)
                        // orientation // lookup table     
                        v = converttoint32u(p.value).tostring();
                    //5 = rational two longs. the first long is the numerator and the second long expresses the//denominator.,
                    else if (p.type == 0x5)
                        // rational
                        byte[] n = new byte[p.len / 2];
                        byte[] d = new byte[p.len / 2];
                        array.copy(p.value, 0, n, 0, p.len / 2);
                        array.copy(p.value, p.len / 2, d, 0, p.len / 2);
                        uint a = converttoint32u(n);
                        uint b = converttoint32u(d);
                        rational r = new rational(a, b);
                        //convert here
                        switch (p.id)
                            case 0x9202: // aperture
                                v = “f/” + math.round(math.pow(math.sqrt(2), r.todouble()), 2).tostring();
                            case 0x920a:
                                v = r.todouble().tostring();
                            case 0x829a:
                                v = r.todouble().tostring();
                            case 0x829d: // f-number
                                v = “f/” + r.todouble().tostring();
                                v = r.tostring(“/”);

                    //7 = undefined an 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition,
                    else if (p.type == 0x7)
                        switch (p.id)
                            case 0xa300:
                                    if (p.value[0] == 3)
                                        v = “dsc”;
                                        v = “reserved”;
                            case 0xa301:
                                if (p.value[0] == 1)
                                    v = “a directly photographed image”;
                                    v = “not a directly photographed image”;
                                v = “-“;
                    //9 = slong a 32-bit (4 -byte) signed integer (2s complement notation),
                    else if (p.type == 0x9)
                        v = converttoint32(p.value).tostring();
                    //10 = srational two slongs. the first slong is the numerator and the second slong is the
                    else if (p.type == 0xa)

                        // rational
                        byte[] n = new byte[p.len / 2];
                        byte[] d = new byte[p.len / 2];
                        array.copy(p.value, 0, n, 0, p.len / 2);
                        array.copy(p.value, p.len / 2, d, 0, p.len / 2);
                        int a = converttoint32(n);
                        int b = converttoint32(d);
                        rational r = new rational(a, b);
                        // convert here
                        switch (p.id)
                            case 0x9201: // shutter speed
                                v = “1/” + math.round(math.pow(2, r.todouble()), 2).tostring();
                            case 0x9203:
                                v = math.round(r.todouble(), 4).tostring();
                                v = r.tostring(“/”);
                    // add it to the list
                    if (properties[name] == null)
                        properties.add(name, v);
                    // cat it too
                    data += v;
                    data += this.sp;


            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override string tostring()
                return data;
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”arr”></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            int converttoint32(byte[] arr)
                if (arr.length != 4)
                    return 0;
                    return arr[3] << 24 | arr[2] << 16 | arr[1] << 8 | arr[0];
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”arr”></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            int converttoint16(byte[] arr)
                if (arr.length != 2)
                    return 0;
                    return arr[1] << 8 | arr[0];
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”arr”></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            uint converttoint32u(byte[] arr)
                if (arr.length != 4)
                    return 0;
                    return convert.touint32(arr[3] << 24 | arr[2] << 16 | arr[1] << 8 | arr[0]);
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=”arr”></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            uint converttoint16u(byte[] arr)
                if (arr.length != 2)
                    return 0;
                    return convert.touint16(arr[1] << 8 | arr[0]);
            #region ienumerable members

            public ienumerator getenumerator()
                // todo:  add exifextractor.getenumerator implementation
                return (new exifextractorenumerator(this.properties));


        // dont touch this class. its for ienumerator
        class exifextractorenumerator : ienumerator
            hashtable exiftable;
            idictionaryenumerator index;

            internal exifextractorenumerator(hashtable exif)
                this.exiftable = exif;
                index = exif.getenumerator();

            #region ienumerator members

            public void reset()
                this.index = null;

            public object current
                    return (new pair(this.index.key, this.index.value));

            public bool movenext()
                if (index != null && index.movenext())
                    return true;
                    return false;


    public class pair
        public string first;
        public string second;
        public pair(object key, object value)
            this.first = key.tostring();
            this.second = value.tostring();


using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.collections;
using system.text;

namespace exif
  /// <summary>
  /// summary description for translation.
  /// </summary>
  public class translation : hashtable
   /// <summary>
   /// </summary>
   public translation()
    this.add(0x8769,”exif ifd”);
    this.add(0x8825,”gps ifd”);
    this.add(0xfe,”new subfile type”);
    this.add(0xff,”subfile type”);
    this.add(0x100,”image width”);
    this.add(0x101,”image height”);
    this.add(0x102,”bits per sample”);
    this.add(0x106,”photometric interp”);
    this.add(0x107,”thresh holding”);
    this.add(0x108,”cell width”);
    this.add(0x109,”cell height”);
    this.add(0x10a,”fill order”);
    this.add(0x10d,”document name”);
    this.add(0x10e,”image description”);
    this.add(0x10f,”equip make”);
    this.add(0x110,”equip model”);
    this.add(0x111,”strip offsets”);
    this.add(0x115,”samples perpixel”);
    this.add(0x116,”rows per strip”);
    this.add(0x117,”strip bytes count”);
    this.add(0x118,”min sample value”);
    this.add(0x119,”max sample value”);
    this.add(0x11a,”x resolution”);
    this.add(0x11b,”y resolution”);
    this.add(0x11c,”planar config”);
    this.add(0x11d,”page name”);
    this.add(0x11e,”x position”);
    this.add(0x11f,”y position”);
    this.add(0x120,”free offset”);
    this.add(0x121,”free byte counts”);
    this.add(0x122,”gray response unit”);
    this.add(0x123,”gray response curve”);
    this.add(0x124,”t4 option”);
    this.add(0x125,”t6 option”);
    this.add(0x128,”resolution unit”);
    this.add(0x129,”page number”);
    this.add(0x12d,”transfer funcition”);
    this.add(0x131,”software used”);
    this.add(0x132,”date time”);
    this.add(0x13c,”host computer”);
    this.add(0x13e,”white point”);
    this.add(0x13f,”primary chromaticities”);
    this.add(0x141,”halftone hints”);
    this.add(0x142,”tile width”);
    this.add(0x143,”tile length”);
    this.add(0x144,”tile offset”);
    this.add(0x145,”tile bytecounts”);
    this.add(0x14d,”ink names”);
    this.add(0x14e,”number of inks”);
    this.add(0x150,”dot range”);
    this.add(0x151,”target printer”);
    this.add(0x152,”extra samples”);
    this.add(0x153,”sample format”);
    this.add(0x154,”s min sample value”);
    this.add(0x155,”s max sample value”);
    this.add(0x156,”transfer range”);
    this.add(0x200,”jpeg proc”);
    this.add(0x201,”jpeg interformat”);
    this.add(0x202,”jpeg interlength”);
    this.add(0x203,”jpeg restartinterval”);
    this.add(0x205,”jpeg losslesspredictors”);
    this.add(0x206,”jpeg pointtransforms”);
    this.add(0x207,”jpeg qtables”);
    this.add(0x208,”jpeg dctables”);
    this.add(0x209,”jpeg actables”);
    this.add(0x211,”ycbcr coefficients”);
    this.add(0x212,”ycbcr subsampling”);
    this.add(0x213,”ycbcr positioning”);
    this.add(0x214,”ref black white”);
    this.add(0x8773,”icc profile”);
    this.add(0x302,”icc profile descriptor”);
    this.add(0x303,”srgb renderingintent”);
    this.add(0x320,”image title”);
    this.add(0x5001,”resolution x unit”);
    this.add(0x5002,”resolution y unit”);
    this.add(0x5003,”resolution x lengthunit”);
    this.add(0x5004,”resolution y lengthunit”);
    this.add(0x5005,”print flags”);
    this.add(0x5006,”print flags version”);
    this.add(0x5007,”print flags crop”);
    this.add(0x5008,”print flags bleed width”);
    this.add(0x5009,”print flags bleed width scale”);
    this.add(0x500a,”halftone lpi”);
    this.add(0x500b,”halftone lpiunit”);
    this.add(0x500c,”halftone degree”);
    this.add(0x500d,”halftone shape”);
    this.add(0x500e,”halftone misc”);
    this.add(0x500f,”halftone screen”);
    this.add(0x5010,”jpeg quality”);
    this.add(0x5011,”grid size”);
    this.add(0x5012,”thumbnail format”);
    this.add(0x5013,”thumbnail width”);
    this.add(0x5014,”thumbnail height”);
    this.add(0x5015,”thumbnail colordepth”);
    this.add(0x5016,”thumbnail planes”);
    this.add(0x5017,”thumbnail rawbytes”);
    this.add(0x5018,”thumbnail size”);
    this.add(0x5019,”thumbnail compressedsize”);
    this.add(0x501a,”color transfer function”);
    this.add(0x501b,”thumbnail data”);
    this.add(0x5020,”thumbnail imagewidth”);
    this.add(0x502,”thumbnail imageheight”);
    this.add(0x5022,”thumbnail bitspersample”);
    this.add(0x5023,”thumbnail compression”);
    this.add(0x5024,”thumbnail photometricinterp”);
    this.add(0x5025,”thumbnail imagedescription”);
    this.add(0x5026,”thumbnail equipmake”);
    this.add(0x5027,”thumbnail equipmodel”);
    this.add(0x5028,”thumbnail stripoffsets”);
    this.add(0x5029,”thumbnail orientation”);
    this.add(0x502a,”thumbnail samplesperpixel”);
    this.add(0x502b,”thumbnail rowsperstrip”);
    this.add(0x502c,”thumbnail stripbytescount”);
    this.add(0x502d,”thumbnail resolutionx”);
    this.add(0x502e,”thumbnail resolutiony”);
    this.add(0x502f,”thumbnail planarconfig”);
    this.add(0x5030,”thumbnail resolutionunit”);
    this.add(0x5031,”thumbnail transferfunction”);
    this.add(0x5032,”thumbnail softwareused”);
    this.add(0x5033,”thumbnail datetime”);
    this.add(0x5034,”thumbnail artist”);
    this.add(0x5035,”thumbnail whitepoint”);
    this.add(0x5036,”thumbnail primarychromaticities”);
    this.add(0x5037,”thumbnail ycbcrcoefficients”);
    this.add(0x5038,”thumbnail ycbcrsubsampling”);
    this.add(0x5039,”thumbnail ycbcrpositioning”);
    this.add(0x503a,”thumbnail refblackwhite”);
    this.add(0x503b,”thumbnail copyright”);
    this.add(0x5090,”luminance table”);
    this.add(0x5091,”chrominance table”);
    this.add(0x5100,”frame delay”);
    this.add(0x5101,”loop count”);
    this.add(0x5110,”pixel unit”);
    this.add(0x5111,”pixel perunit x”);
    this.add(0x5112,”pixel perunit y”);
    this.add(0x5113,”palette histogram”);
    this.add(0x829a,”exposure time”);
    this.add(0x8822,”exposure prog”);
    this.add(0x8824,”spectral sense”);
    this.add(0x8827,”iso speed”);
    this.add(0x9201,”shutter speed”);
    this.add(0x9204,”exposure bias”);
    this.add(0x9207,”metering mode”);
    this.add(0x927c,”maker note”);
    this.add(0x9286,”user comment”);
    this.add(0xa214,”subject loc”);
    this.add(0xa215,”exposure index”);
    this.add(0xa217,”sensing method”);
    this.add(0x0,”gps ver”);
    this.add(0x1,”gps latituderef”);
    this.add(0x2,”gps latitude”);
    this.add(0x3,”gps longituderef”);
    this.add(0x4,”gps longitude”);
    this.add(0x5,”gps altituderef”);
    this.add(0x6,”gps altitude”);
    this.add(0x7,”gps gpstime”);
    this.add(0x8,”gps gpssatellites”);
    this.add(0x9,”gps gpsstatus”);
    this.add(0xa,”gps gpsmeasuremode”);
    this.add(0xb,”gps gpsdop”);
    this.add(0xc,”gps speedref”);
    this.add(0xd,”gps speed”);
    this.add(0xe,”gps trackref”);
    this.add(0xf,”gps track”);
    this.add(0x10,”gps imgdirref”);
    this.add(0x11,”gps imgdir”);
    this.add(0x12,”gps mapdatum”);
    this.add(0x13,”gps destlatref”);
    this.add(0x14,”gps destlat”);
    this.add(0x15,”gps destlongref”);
    this.add(0x16,”gps destlong”);
    this.add(0x17,”gps destbearref”);
    this.add(0x18,”gps destbear”);
    this.add(0x19,”gps destdistref”);
    this.add(0x1a,”gps destdist”);
  /// <summary>
  /// private class
  /// </summary>
  internal class rational
   private int n;
   private int d;
   public rational(int n, int d)
    this.n = n;
    this.d = d;
    simplify(ref this.n, ref this.d);
   public rational(uint n, uint d)
    this.n = convert.toint32(n);
    this.d = convert.toint32(d);

    simplify(ref this.n, ref this.d);
   public rational()
    this.n= this.d=0;
   public string tostring(string sp)
    if( sp == null ) sp = “/”;
    return n.tostring() + sp + d.tostring();
   public double todouble()
    if( d == 0 )
     return 0.0;

    return math.round(convert.todouble(n)/convert.todouble(d),2);
   private void simplify( ref int a, ref int b )
    if( a== 0 || b == 0 )

    int gcd = euclid(a,b);
    a /= gcd;
    b /= gcd;
   private int euclid(int a, int b)
     return a;
     return euclid(b,a%b);

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