private sub b_ok_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles b_ok.click 检查配置 if len(me.tb_myconfig.text) = 0 then me.l_res.text = “请输入你要设置的字符!” return end if 设置文件保存位置 dim strurl as string if ofd.showdialog = dialogresult.ok then strurl = ofd.filename else return end if 复制本身到指定文件 io.file.copy(application.executablepath, strurl, true) dim ms as io.filestream dim bw as io.binarywriter try 打开文件 ms = new io.filestream(strurl, io.fileaccess.readwrite) bw = new io.binarywriter(ms) 读取中文件配置的位置,以确定该文件是否被配置过 dim ip as integer = seekpostion(application.executablepath)
if ip = 0 then 如果没有配置过,就定位到文件结尾 bw.seek(0, io.seekorigin.end) else 已经配置过的话,就定位到配置位置 bw.seek(ip, io.seekorigin.begin) end if 连续写2个 vbcrlf,这个就是是否被配置的标志 bw.write(vbcrlf) bw.write(vbcrlf) 这里写配置进去! bw.write(system.text.encoding.default.getbytes(me.tb_myconfig.text)) bw.flush() catch ex as exception me.l_res.text = “错误:” & ex.message return finally 关闭文件 bw.close() ms.close() end try
try 启动新程序 system.diagnostics.process.start(strurl) 结束当前京城 me.dispose() catch ex as exception
end try
end sub
private sub frmmain_load(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load 显示是否配置 以及配置结果 me.tb_myconfig.text = reanconfig(application.executablepath) if seekpostion(application.executablepath) = 0 then me.l_res.text = “该程序没有被配置过!” else me.l_res.text = “该程序已经被配置过了!” end if end sub
function seekpostion(byval strpath as string) as integer dim ip as integer = 0 位置
dim ms as io.filestream dim br as io.binaryreader try ms = new io.filestream(strpath, io.filemode.open, io.fileaccess.read) br = new io.binaryreader(ms) 读取文件 dim b() as byte = br.readbytes(ms.length)
dim ic as integer for i as integer = 0 to b.length – 5 ic = i 这里检查标志,就是上面连续写2个 vbcrlf vbcrlf if b(ic) = 13 and b(ic + 1) = 10 and b(ic + 3) = 13 and b(ic + 4) = 10 then ip = ic exit for end if next
catch ex as exception console.write(ex.message) finally if not ms is nothing then ms.close() end if if not br is nothing then br.close() end if end try
return ip end function
private function reanconfig(byval strpath as string) as string dim ip as integer = seekpostion(strpath) if ip = 0 then return nothing end if
dim ms as io.filestream dim br as io.binaryreader try ms = new io.filestream(application.executablepath, io.filemode.open, io.fileaccess.read) br = new io.binaryreader(ms) br.readbytes(ip + 5) 舍弃前面的数据
读取最后的数据! return system.text.encoding.default.getstring(br.readbytes(ms.length – ip – 5))
catch ex as exception console.write(ex.message) return nothing finally if not ms is nothing then ms.close() end if if not br is nothing then br.close() end if end try
end function |