microsoft公司在windows nt3.51开始提出了注册表(registry)的概念。注册表是windows的一个重要组成部分,它保存了windows中的各种配置参数。windows的各个功能模块和安装的应用模块,在启动时都要读取注册表的信息,并根据这些参数来设置自己的运行环境,我们就可以把注册信息写入注册表来实现程序的共享注册。
private sub command1_click()
dim keyname as string’创建的项目名称
dim subkeyname as string’项目下的子项
dim valuename as string’子项下的值项名称
dim value1 as string’值项的值
value1=”my new key!”
if ret=”noexit”then
savesetting keyname,subkeyname,valuename,value1
end if
end sub
创建的默认位置为hkey_current_user\software\vb and vba program settings下
第二种使用windows api函数处理注册表
global const hkey_classes_root=&h80000000
global const hkey_current_user=&h80000001
global const hkey_local_machine=&h80000002
global const hkey_users=&h80000003
global const error_success=0&
global const error_no_more_items=259&
public const reg_sz=1
public const reg_binary=3
public const reg_dword=4
public const standard_rights_all=&h1f0000
public const key_query_value=&h1
public const key_set_value=&h2
public const key_create_sub_key=&h4
public const key_enumerate_sub_keys=&h8
public const key_notify=&h10
public const key_create_link=&h20
public const synchronize_ =&h100000
public const key_all_access=((standard_rights_all or key_query_value or key_set_value or key_create_sub_key or key_enumerate_sub_keys or key_notify or key_create_link) and (not synchronize))
public const reg_option_non_volatile=0
private declare function regcreatekey lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regcreatekeya” (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string, phkresult as long) as long
private declare function regenumvalue lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regenumvaluea” (byval hkey as long, byval dwindex as long, byval lpvaluename as string, lpcbvaluename as long, byval lpreserved as long, lptype as long, lpdata as byte, lpcbdata as long) as long
private declare function regclosekey lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regclosekey” (byval hkey as long) as long
private declare function regcreatekeyex lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regcreatekeyexa” (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string, byval reserved as long, byval lpclass as string, byval dwoptions as long, byval samdesired as long, lpsecurityattributes as security_attributes, phkresult as long, lpdwdisposition as long) as long
private declare function regdeletekey lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regdeletekeya” (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string) as long
private declare function regopenkeyex lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regopenkeyexa” (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string, byval uloptions as long, byval samdesired as long, phkresult as long) as long
private declare function regqueryvalueex lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regqueryvalueexa” (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string, byval lpreserved as long, lptype as long, lpdata as any, lpcbdata as long) as long
private declare function regsetvalueex lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regsetvalueexa” (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string, byval reserved as long, byval dwtype as long, lpdata as any, byval cbdata as long) as long
private declare function regdeletevalue lib “advapi32.dll” alias “regdeletevaluea” (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string) as long
’cmdccreatekey 创建项
’cmdcreatevalue 创建值项
’cmddeletevalue 删除项和值项
’cmdexit 退出
private sub cmdcreatekey_click()
dim lresult as long
dim hkeymykey as long
dim dwflag as long
dim msg, response
lresult = regcreatekey(hkey_current_user, “software\mykey”, hkeymykey)
if lresult = error_success then
msg = “成功创建项”
msg = “创建项失败”
end if
response = msgbox(msg, vbokonly, “提示信息”)
regclosekey (hkeymykey)
end sub
private sub cmdcreatevalue_click()
dim lresult as long
dim hkeymykey as long
dim szvalue as string
dim msg, response
lresult = regopenkeyex(hkey_current_user, “software\mykey”, 0, key_all_access, hkeymykey)
if lresult = error_success then
szvalue = “hello workd!”
lresult = regsetvalueex(hkeymykey, “testvalue”, 0, reg_sz, byval szvalue, len(szvalue))
msg = “成功创建值项testvalue!”
regclosekey (hkeymykey)
msg = “创建值项testvalue失败!”
end if
end sub
private sub cmdqueryvalue_click()
dim lresult as long
dim msg, response
lresult = regdeletekey(hkey_current_user, “software\mykey”)
if lresult = error_success then
msg = “成功删除项mykey!”
msg = “删除项mykey失败!”
end if
response = msgbox(msg, vbokonly)