


公司最近要上shop floor系统,需将数据库从东莞转移过来,以下就是转移的经过…


os:windows 2000 advanced server+sp4

oracle 9i standard edition version:


  hp ml570 cpu:intel xeon mp cpu 3.0g ram:2gb

  os:windows 2000 advanced server+sp4

  oracle 9i standard editon version:


1.        安装oracle 9i,选择只安装software,不创建数据库,安装过程略.

2.        创建相关目录:d:\oracle\admin\wjsfms\bdump





3.        copy数据文件到e:\oradata\wjsfms目录下,临时文件可不copy,文件清单如下:

            system01.dbf ndotbs01.dbf cwmlite01.dbf   drsys01.dbf example01.dbf indx01.dbf tools01.dbf 
           users01.dbf    csfis01.ora  sfis01.ora   rsfis02.ora  hsfis01.oracindx01.ora  rindx01.ora  
          rindx02.ora  hindx01.ora   undotbs2.ora

4.        copy控制文件g:\controlfile\wjsfms,h:\controlfile\wjsfms,i:\controlfile\wjsfms

5.        copy redo文件到g:\redolog\wjsfms,h:\ redolog \wjsfms,i:\ redolog \wjsfms

6.        新建实例,此sid必须跟原来的sid一样…

c:\oradim –new –sid wjsfms –startmode m

7.        创建密码文件

c:\orapwd file=d:\oracle\ora92\database\pwdwjsfms.ora password=password entries=5

8.        修改初始参数文件initwjsfms.ora,如没有参数文件,则可用oracle自带的参数文件进行修改,红色部分为修改部分:


control_files=(“g:\controlfile\wjsfms\control01.ctl”, “h:\controlfile\wjsfms\control02.ctl”, “i:\controlfile\wjsfms\control03.ctl”)










9.        激活oracle

c: qlplus /nolog

sql>conn / as sysdba

sql>startup pfile=d:\oracle\ora92\database\initwjsfms.ora


ora-00218: block size 4096 of controlfile does not match db_block_size (8192)

ora-00202: controlfile: g:\controlfile\wjsfms\control01.ctl


sql>shutdown immediate

sql> startup pfile=d:\oracle\ora92\database\initwjsfms.ora

ora-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 – see dbwr trace file

ora-01110: data file 1: d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms ystem01.dbf

ora-27041: unable to open file

sql> select a.name from v$datafile a,v$recover_file b where a.file#=b.file#;



d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms ystem01.dbf

















执行alter database  rename  file

sql> alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms ystem01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms ystem01.dbf;                                      

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\undotbs01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms\undotbs01.dbf;                                         

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\cwmlite01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms\cwmlite01.dbf;                                          

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\drsys01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms\drsys01.dbf;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\example01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms\example01.dbf;                                         

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\indx01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms\indx01.dbf;                                            

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\tools01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms\tools01.dbf;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\users01.dbf to e:\oradata\wjsfms\users01.dbf;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\csfis01.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\csfis01.ora;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\rsfis01.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\rsfis01.ora;                                            

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\rsfis02.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\rsfis02.ora;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\hsfis01.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\hsfis01.ora;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\cindx01.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\cindx01.ora;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\rindx01.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\rindx01.ora;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\rindx02.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\rindx02.ora;                                            

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\hindx01.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\hindx01.ora;                                           

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\undotbs2.ora to e:\oradata\wjsfms\undotbs2.ora;


sql>alter database open;

alter database open


error at line 1:

ora-00313: open failed for members of log group 1 of thread 1

ora-00312: online log 1 thread 1: e:\oracle\oradata\zisco12\redo01.log


再次执行alter database  rename  file

sql> alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\redo01.log to g:\redolog\wjsfms\redo01.log;   

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\redo02.log to h:\redolog\wjsfms\redo02.log;

alter database  rename  file  d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\redo03.log to i:\redolog\wjsfms\redo03.log;                                       


此时执行alter database open

sql>alter database open;


errors in file d:\oracle\admin\wjsfms\udump\wjsfms_ora_2516.trc:

ora-10827: database must be opened with migrate option



10.     数据库升级:

查看oracle online document,决定手工升级数据库

sql>startup migrate pfile=d:\oracle\ora92\database\initwjsfms.ora

sql> spool upgrade.log


run uold_release.sql, where old_release refers to the release you had installed prior to upgrading. see table 3-2 to choose the correct script. each script provides a direct upgrade from the release specified in the “old release” column. the “old release” is the release from which you are upgrading.


to run a script, enter the following:


sql> @uold_release.sql

table 3-2  upgrade scripts

old release      run script

7.3.4           u0703040.sql

8.0.6         u0800060.sql

8.1.7         u0801070.sql

9.0.1         u0900010.sql

 see also:

“determine your upgrade path to the new release” if the old release you had installed prior to upgrading is not listed in table 3-2


make sure you follow these guidelines when you run the script:


you must use the version of the script supplied with the new release 9.2 installation.

you must run the script in the new release 9.2 environment.

you only need to run one script, even if your upgrade spans more than one release. for example, if your old release was 8.1.7, then you only need to run u0801070.sql.

the script you run creates and alters certain dictionary tables. it also runs the catalog.sql and catproc.sql scripts that come with the new 9.2 release, which create the system catalog views and all the necessary packages for using pl/sql.


the following components are upgraded by running the uold_release.sql script:


oracle9i catalog views

oracle9i packages and types


display the contents of the component registry to determine which components need to be upgraded:

sql> select comp_name, version, status

         from dba_registry;


the following is an example of the output you will see when issuing this query:


comp_name                      version          status

—————————— —————- ———–

oracle9i catalog views        valid

oracle9i packages and types        valid

jserver java virtual machine   9.0.1            loaded

java packages                  9.0.1            loaded

oracle xdk for java            9.0.1            loaded

oracle text                    9.0.1            loaded

oracle workspace manager        loaded

oracle intermedia            loaded

oracle spatial        beta   loaded

ultrasearch                  loaded

olap catalog                 loaded


11 rows selected.



run the cmpdbmig.sql script to upgrade components that can be upgraded while connected with sysdba privileges:

sql> @cmpdbmig.sql


the following components are upgraded by running the cmpdbmig.sql script:


jserver java virtual machine

 oracle9i java packages

 oracle xdk for java

 messaging gateway

 oracle9i real application clusters

 oracle workspace manager

 oracle data mining

 olap catalog

 olap analytic workspace

 oracle label security


display the contents of the component registry to determine which components were upgraded:

sql> select comp_name, version, status

         from dba_registry;


the following is an example of the output you will see when issuing this query:


comp_name                      version         status

—————————— ————— ———–

oracle9i catalog views       valid

oracle9i packages and types       valid

jserver java virtual machine       valid

oracle9i java packages       valid

oracle xdk for java         upgraded

oracle text                    9.0.1           loaded

oracle workspace manager       valid

oracle intermedia           loaded

oracle spatial        beta  loaded

ultrasearch                 loaded

olap catalog                valid

olap analytic workspace       loaded


12 rows selected.


turn off the spooling of script results to the log file:

sql> spool off


then, check the spool file and verify that the packages and procedures compiled successfully. you named the spool file in step 13; the suggested name was upgrade.log. correct any problems you find in this file and rerun the appropriate upgrade scripts if necessary. you can rerun any of the scripts described in this chapter as many times as necessary.


shut down and restart the instance to reinitialize the system parameters for normal operation. the restart will also perform release 9.2 initialization for jserver java virtual machine and other components.

sql> shutdown immediate


executing this clean shutdown flushes all caches, clears buffers, and performs other housekeeping activities. these measures are an important final step to ensure the integrity and consistency of the newly upgraded oracle9i database.


also, if you encountered a message listing obsolete initialization parameters when you started the database in step 11, then remove the obsolete initialization parameters from the initialization parameter file now.


upgrade any remaining components that existed in the previous database. see “upgrading specific components”.


the following components require separate upgrade steps:


oracle text

 oracle ultra search

 oracle spatial

 oracle intermedia

 oracle visual information retrieval


run utlrp.sql to recompile any remaining stored pl/sql and java code.

sql> @utlrp.sql


verify that all expected packages and classes are valid:


sql> select count(*) from dba_objects where status=invalid;

sql> select destinct object_name from dba_objects where status=invalid;

verify that all components are valid and have been upgraded to release 9.2:

sql> select comp_name, version, status

         from dba_registry;

your database is now upgraded to the new 9.2 release. complete the procedures described in chapter 4, “after upgrading a database”.

11.     创建spfile

sql>create spfile from pfile;

12.     查看报警日志文件,发现temp file找不到:

           errors in file d:\oracle\admin\wjsfms\bdump\wjsfms_dbw0_2200.trc:

          ora-01186: file 201 failed verification tests

          ora-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 201 – see dbwr trace file

         ora-01110: data file 201: d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\temp01.dbf


         wed nov 10 10:29:22 2004

        file 201 not verified due to error ora-01157

       wed nov 10 10:29:22 2004

       errors in file d:\oracle\admin\wjsfms\bdump\wjsfms_dbw0_2200.trc:

       ora-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 202 – see dbwr trace file

      ora-01110: data file 202: d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\temp2.ora

      ora-27041: unable to open file

sql>select a.name,b.file#,b.name from ts$ a,v$tempfile b where a.ts#=b.ts#;

name                      file#           name                         


temp                         1            d:\oracle\oradata\wjsfms\temp01.dbf                                                   

temp2                        2            d: \oracle\oradata\wjsfms\temp02.dbf   

sql>alter database tempfile 1 drop including datafiles;

sql>alter database tempfile 2 drop including datafiles;

sql>alter tablespace temp

add tempfile e:\oradata\wjsfms\temp01.dbf size 100m autoextend on next 1024k maxsize 1024m;

sql>alter tablespace temp2

add tempfile e:\oradata\wjsfms\temp02.dbf size 100m autoextend on next 1024k maxsize 1024m;


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