



attribute vb_name = "modmain"


信息打包与展开 (启动模块)

功能 :利用系统所存在的资源自作压缩与解压缩程序

作 者 :谢家峰

整理日期 :2004-08-08

email :douhapy@sina.com


option explicit

public windowspath as string

public windowssyspath as string

sub main()

dim boottrappath as string

dim setupfilepath as string

dim regexefilepath as string

dim reginfo() as string

dim regstr() as string

dim regfilename as string

dim str as string

dim resultat as long

dim resultat2 as long

dim res as double

dim startinfo as startupinfo

dim procinfo as process_information

dim secu as security_attributes

dim i as integer

if app.previnstance then msgbox "系统已启动!", , app.exename: end


windowspath = getwindowsdir

windowssyspath = getwindowssysdir

load frmmain


end sub


attribute vb_name = "modapi"


信息打包与展开 (所调用的api及通用函数模块)

功能 :利用系统所存在的资源自作压缩与解压缩程序

作 者 :谢家峰

整理日期 :2004-08-08

email :douhapy@sina.com


option explicit

public declare function getprivateprofilestring lib "kernel32" alias "getprivateprofilestringa" (byval lpapplicationname as string, byval lpkeyname as any, byval lpdefault as string, byval lpreturnedstring as string, byval nsize as long, byval lpfilename as string) as long

public declare function writeprivateprofilestring lib "kernel32" alias "writeprivateprofilestringa" (byval lpapplicationname as string, byval lpkeyname as any, byval lpstring as any, byval lpfilename as string) as long

public declare function createprocess lib "kernel32" alias "createprocessa" (byval lpapplicationname as string, byval lpcommandline as string, lpprocessattributes as security_attributes, lpthreadattributes as security_attributes, byval binherithandles as long, byval dwcreationflags as long, lpenvironment as any, byval lpcurrentdriectory as string, lpstartupinfo as startupinfo, lpprocessinformation as process_information) as long

public declare function waitforsingleobject lib "kernel32" (byval hhandle as long, byval dwmilliseconds as long) as long

public declare function closehandle lib "kernel32" (byval hobject as long) as long

public declare function getshortpathname lib "kernel32" alias "getshortpathnamea" (byval lpszlongpath as string, byval lpszshortpath as string, byval cchbuffer as long) as long

public declare function getwindowsdirectory lib "kernel32" alias "getwindowsdirectorya" (byval lpbuffer as string, byval nsize as long) as long

public declare function getsystemdirectory lib "kernel32" alias "getsystemdirectorya" (byval lpbuffer as string, byval nsize as long) as long

public const gstrsep_dir$ = "\"

public const gstrsep_urldir$ = "/"

public const gintmax_size% = 255

public const infinite = &hffff

public type startupinfo

cb as long

lpreserved as string

lpdesktop as string

lptitle as string

dwx as long

dwy as long

dwxsize as long

dwysize as long

dwxcountchars as long

dwycountchars as long

dwfillattribute as long

dwflags as long

wshowwindow as integer

cbreserved2 as integer

lpreserved2 as long

hstdinput as long

hstdoutput as long

hstderror as long

end type

public type process_information

hprocess as long

hthread as long

dwprocessid as long

dwthreadid as long

end type

public type security_attributes

nlength as long

lpsecuritydescriptor as long

binherithandle as long

end type

function stripterminator(byval strstring as string) as string

dim intzeropos as integer

intzeropos = instr(strstring, chr$(0))

if intzeropos > 0 then

stripterminator = left$(strstring, intzeropos – 1)


stripterminator = strstring

end if

end function




sub adddirsep(strpathname as string)

if right(trim(strpathname), len(gstrsep_urldir)) <> gstrsep_urldir and _

right(trim(strpathname), len(gstrsep_dir)) <> gstrsep_dir then

strpathname = rtrim$(strpathname) & gstrsep_dir

end if

end sub




function getwindowssysdir() as string

dim strbuf as string

strbuf = space$(gintmax_size)

if getsystemdirectory(strbuf, gintmax_size) > 0 then

strbuf = stripterminator(strbuf)

adddirsep strbuf

getwindowssysdir = strbuf


getwindowssysdir = vbnullstring

end if

end function




function getwindowsdir() as string

dim strbuf as string

strbuf = space$(gintmax_size)

if getwindowsdirectory(strbuf, gintmax_size) > 0 then

strbuf = stripterminator$(strbuf)

adddirsep strbuf

getwindowsdir = strbuf


getwindowsdir = vbnullstring

end if

end function




public function direxists(path as string) as boolean

on error resume next


if instr(path, "\\") then

direxists = (dir$(path & "\*.*") <> "")


direxists = (dir$(path & "\nul") <> "")

end if

end function




public sub createfloder(floder as string)

dim i as integer

dim path as string

dim floderstr() as string

on error resume next

floderstr = split(floder, "\")

path = floderstr(0)

for i = 1 to ubound(floderstr) – 1

path = path & "\" & floderstr(i)

if not direxists(path) then

mkdir path

end if


end sub




function getshortfilename(filename as string) as string

dim str as string

str = string(lenb(filename), chr(0))

if getshortpathname(filename, str, lenb(filename)) <> 0 then

str = left(str, instr(str, vbnullchar) – 1)

if str = "" then

getshortfilename = filename


getshortfilename = str

end if


getshortfilename = filename

end if

end function




public function getfilename(filenamepath as string) as string

dim auxvar() as string

auxvar() = split(filenamepath, "\", , vbtextcompare)

getfilename = auxvar(ubound(auxvar))

end function




public function getext(filename as string) as string

dim auxvar() as string

on error resume next

auxvar() = split(filename, "\", , vbtextcompare)

auxvar() = split(auxvar(ubound(auxvar)), ".", , vbtextcompare)

getext = auxvar(ubound(auxvar))

end function




public function fileexists(filename as string) as boolean

on error resume next

fileexists = (dir$(filename) <> "")

end function




function getfiles(filespec as string, optional attributes as vbfileattribute) as string()

dim result() as string

dim filename as string, count as long, path2 as string

const alloc_chunk = 50

redim result(0 to alloc_chunk) as string

filename = dir$(filespec, attributes)

do while len(filename)

count = count + 1

if count > ubound(result) then

redim preserve result(0 to count + alloc_chunk) as string

end if

result(count) = filename

filename = dir$


redim preserve result(0 to count) as string

getfiles = result

end function




public function stringfrombuffer(buffer as string) as string

dim npos as long

npos = instr(buffer, vbnullchar)

if npos > 0 then

stringfrombuffer = left$(buffer, npos – 1)


stringfrombuffer = buffer

end if

end function




sub writetextfilecontents(text as string, filename as string, optional appendmode as boolean)

dim fnum as integer, isopen as boolean

on error goto error_handler

fnum = freefile()

if appendmode then

open filename for append as #fnum


open filename for output as #fnum

end if

isopen = true

print #fnum, text


if isopen then close #fnum

if err then err.raise err.number, , err.description

end sub




public function readinifile(byval strinifile as string, byval strsection as string, byval strkey as string) as string

dim strbuffer as string * 255

if getprivateprofilestring(strsection, strkey, vbnullstring, strbuffer, 255, strinifile) then

readinifile = stringfrombuffer(strbuffer)

end if

end function




sub lstvinfo_add(lstvcontrol as listview, infonum as integer, selectedflag as boolean, paramarray infostr())

dim i as integer

with lstvcontrol

.listitems.add , , trim(infostr(0))

if selectedflag then

.listitems(.listitems.count).selected = true


.listitems(.listitems.count).selected = false

end if

for i = 2 to infonum

.listitems(.listitems.count).listsubitems.add , , trim(infostr(i – 1))



end with

end sub


1. 信息打包:在frmmain窗体中点击“打包”,直至打开frmaddinfo窗体,在其中点击“添加信息”进行信息添加项,同时,你也可以修改目标信息的路径及文件(说明修改完成后,别忘了点击“修改信息”信息按钮噢),你也可以给你的压缩包修改一个名字。最后点击“信息打包”按钮,进行打包;

2. 信息包展开:打包完成,你可以通过frmmain窗体中的展开程序进行压缩包展开,该展开形式对于存在的文件将覆盖,你可以修给代码,使之符合你自己的要求;

3. 你可以将你的压缩和该程序一同发给你的客户,这样,客户通过展开按钮便可以给你的程序进行信息更新了;

4. 你也可以将这些代码变通形式内嵌在你的程序中,通过文件关联,直接打开你的包文件,这样会更有趣;

5. 若你是dephi或c++程序员,我相信你看了代码后,用你的方式做起来会更简单。

j 若仍不明白,或需求源代码,请来信告诉我,请来信告诉我,我会尽量满足你的要求!

版权申明:本站文章部分自网络,如有侵权,请联系:west999com@outlook.com 特别注意:本站所有转载文章言论不代表本站观点! 本站所提供的图片等素材,版权归原作者所有,如需使用,请与原作者联系。未经允许不得转载:IDC资讯中心 » 用VB6.0自制压缩与解压缩程序(三)-.NET教程,VB.Net语言
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