
设计模式之工厂方法(FACTORY METHOD))(三)-.NET教程,数据库应用



straight seeding类

在这个小程序在实际应用当中,会发现大部分工作在straight seeding类中完成的。我们实例化straightseeding 类,复制、修改游泳运动员的集合和所属泳道位置。

public class straightseeding

inherits seeding

public overrides sub seed()

dim lastheat as integer

dim lastlanes as integer

dim i, j, count, heats as integer

dim swmr as swimmer


sw = sort(sw)

laneorder = calclaneorder(numlanes)

count = sw.count

lastheat = count mod numlanes

if (lastheat < 3) and lastheat > 0 then

lastheat = 3 last heat must have 3 or more

end if

count = sw.count

lastlanes = count – lastheat

numheats = lastlanes \ numlanes

if (lastheat > 0) then

numheats = numheats + 1

end if

heats = numheats

place heat and lane in each swimmers object

j = 0

for i = 0 to lastlanes – 1

swmr = sw.swm(i)

swmr.setlane(ctype(laneorder(j), integer))

j = j + 1


if (j >= numlanes) then

heats = heats – 1

j = 0

end if

next i

add in last partial heat

if (lastheat > 0) then

if j > 0 then

heats = heats – 1

end if

j = 0

for i = lastlanes to count – 1

swmr = ctype(sw(i), swimmer)

swmr.setlane(ctype(laneorder(j), integer))

j = j + 1


next i

end if

catch e as exception

console.writeline(i.tostring + j.tostring + e.tostring)


end try

end sub


public sub new(byval swmrs as swimmers, byval lanes as integer)

mybase.new(swmrs, lanes)

end sub

end class

当调用getswimmers方法时,straightseeding 类将创建被选拔的游泳运动员数组。

circle seeding类

circleseeding 类是从straightseeding 类派生的。

public class circleseeding

inherits straightseeding

private circlesd as integer


public sub new(byval swmrs as swimmers, byval lanes as integer)

mybase.new(swmrs, lanes)

end sub


public overrides sub seed()

dim i, j, k, numheats as integer

laneorder = calclaneorder(numlanes)

sw = sort(sw) 排序


numheats = mybase.getheats

if (numheats >= 2) then

if (numheats >= 3) then

circlesd = 3


circlesd = 2

end if

i = 0

for j = 0 to numlanes – 1

for k = 1 to circlesd

sw.swm(i).setlane(ctype(laneorder(j), integer))

sw.swm(i).setheat(numheats – k + 1)

i = i + 1

next k

next j

end if

end sub


end class

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