<% dim firstchr,lastchr,k,i,j
firstchr = request("firstchr") firstchr="45217" 定义起始值
lastchr = request("lastchr") lastchr="62289" 定义终结值
httpaddress = request.servervariables("url") 不要动
sub makechineseword()
response.write "起始值:"&firstchr&" "
response.write "终止值:"&lastchr&" "
response.write "差值= "&lastchr-firstchr+1&"<p>"
for j = firstchr to lastchr
response.write "<a title="&j&">"&chr(j)&"</a> "
k = k+1
if (j mod 20) = 0 then
response.write "(最后为"&j&")<p>"
end if
response.write "<p>共有:"& k &"中文字<br>"
end sub
<form action="<%=httpaddress%>" method="post">
<select name="firstchr">
<option value="" selected>选择起始值</option>
<%for i = 1 to 72
response.write "<option value="&(45217+k1)&">"&(45217+k1)&"-"&i&"</option>"
k1 = k1 + 256
<select name="lastchr">
<option value="" selected>选择起始值</option>
<%for i = 1 to 72
response.write "<option value="&(45310+k2)&">"&(45310+k2)&"-"&i&"</option>"
k2 = k2 + 256
<input type="submit" value="确定">
if firstchr <> "" and lastchr <> "" then
call makechineseword()
end if