
iOS Swift 最好的日历


iOS Swift 最好的日历


JTAppleCalendar  (https://github.com/patchthecode/JTAppleCalendar)


  • 边界日期 – 限制日历日期范围
  • 周/月模式 – 显示1行工作日。或2,3或6
  • 自定义单元格 – 可以自定义你想要的任何功能
  • 自定义日历视图 – 让您的日历可以自定义你想要的任何功能
  • 一周的第一天 – 挑任何一天是星期的第一天
  • 水平或垂直模式
  • 能够在不同尺寸/风格你喜欢的月份添加页眉
  • 只需使用日期滚动到任何一个月
  • Ability to design your calendar however you want. You want it, you build it
  • Complete Documentation

[Objective-C] 查看源文件 复制代码

User functions

    public func reloadData()
    public func reloadDates(dates: [NSDate])
    public func scrollToNextSegment() 
    public func scrollToPreviousSegment()
    public func scrollToDate()
    public func selectDates()
    public func cellStatusForDateAtRow(row: Int, column: Int) -> CellState?
    public func currentCalendarDateSegment() -> (startDate: NSDate, endDate: NSDate)
    public func scrollToHeaderForDate(date: NSDate)
Properties you can configure

// Note: You do not need to configure your calendar with this if it is already the default
calendarView.direction = .Horizontal                       // default is horizontal
calendarView.numberOfRowsPerMonth                          // default is 6. This is now setup in the configure Datasource Delegate Methhod
calendarView.cellInset = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)               // default is (3,3)
calendarView.allowsMultipleSelection = false               // default is false
calendarView.bufferTop = 0                                 // default is 0. - still work in progress
calendarView.bufferBottom = 0                              // default is 0. - still work in progress
calendarView.firstDayOfWeek = .Sunday                      // default is Sunday
calendarView.scrollEnabled = true                          // default is true
calendarView.pagingEnabled = true                          // default is true
calendarView.scrollResistance = 0.75                       // default is 0.75 - this is only applicable when paging is not enabled

DEMO 直接下载:

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