
不注册调用ActiveX Dll-.NET教程,评论及其它


每个activex dll都应该有个dllgetclassobject函数,利用该函数就可以直接创建所需的com对象,而不需要通过注册表(或者注册),

stdapi dllgetclassobject(
  refclsid rclsid,  //clsid for the class object
  refiid riid,      //reference to the identifier of the interface
                    // that communicates with the class object
  lpvoid * ppv      //address of output variable that receives the
                    // interface pointer requested in riid

这里必须知道两样东西,一个rclsid,就是需要创建的com对象的clsid,另一个是 riid,该对象的一个接口的 id.
然而,调用dllgetclassobject,并不能直接创建所需要的对象,但可以得到对应的 iclassfactory,再由 iclassfactory.createinstance得到所需的对象.
另外,也将那个activex dll引用进工程,这里,并不是需要注册它,而是为了方便使用它的方法,因为并没有使用new来创建对象,

option explicit

假设activex dll 的文件名为dlldemo.dll,并且处于工程同一目录
private declare function dllgetclassobject lib “dlldemo.dll” ( _
    rclsid as uuid, riid as uuid, byref ppv as any) as long

class id
private const clsstr_obj as string = “{c1a334ba-d1a4-48d0-98d5-47fe934961df}”
private const iidstr_ins as string = “{231114d5-e046-4dae-b192-0ab49d493a85}”

iclassfactory id
private const striid_iclassfactory as string = “{00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}”

private clsid_obj as uuid
private iid_ins as uuid
private iid_iunknow as uuid
private iid_iclassfactory as uuid

private sub command1_click()
dim tobj as olelib.iunknown
dim tobj2 as dlldemo.idemo
dim tfac as olelib.iclassfactory

call dllgetclassobject(clsid_obj, iid_iclassfactory, tfac)

tfac.createinstance nothing, iid_iunknow, tobj
set tfac = nothing
set tobj2 = tobj

end sub

private sub form_load()
将string转换为 uuid
clsidfromstring clsstr_obj, clsid_obj
clsidfromstring iidstr_ins, iid_ins
clsidfromstring iidstr_iunknown, iid_iunknow
clsidfromstring striid_iclassfactory, iid_iclassfactory
end sub


至此,问题似乎已经解决了,只要为不同的activex dll编写对应的dllgetclassobject函数就可以了,只是当文件名未定时就比较难办了,例如编写插件时.

// crcom.cpp : defines the entry point for the dll application.

#include “stdafx.h”
#include <unknwn.h>
#include <objbase.h>

typedef int (callback *myproc)(refclsid,refiid,lpvoid *);

bool apientry dllmain( handle hmodule,
                       dword  ul_reason_for_call,
                       lpvoid lpreserved
    return true;

// if(riid==null)riid=&iid_iunknown
int _stdcall crcomobj(
      lpcstr lpdll,
      clsid *rclsid,
      iid *riid,
      lpvoid * ppv)
 hinstance hinstlib;
    myproc procadd;  

 bool ffreeresult, fruntimelinksuccess = false;
 int rtn=0;
 // get a handle to the dll module.
    hinstlib = loadlibrary(lpdll);
    // if the handle is valid, try to get the function address.
    if (hinstlib != null)
        procadd =(myproc)getprocaddress(hinstlib, “dllgetclassobject”);
        // if the function address is valid, call the function.
        if (fruntimelinksuccess = (procadd != null))
    return 0;
    riid=(iid *)&iid_iunknown;

   iclassfactory *pif;
            if(procadd(*rclsid,iid_iclassfactory,(void **)&pif)==s_ok && pif!=null)
        // free the dll module.
        if(!rtn)ffreeresult = freelibrary(hinstlib);
 return rtn;

// if strriid==null, use iid_iunknown;
int _stdcall crcomobj2(
      lpcstr lpdll,
      lpcstr  strrclsid,
      lpcstr  strriid,
      lpvoid * ppv )
 hinstance hinstlib;
    myproc procadd;  

 bool ffreeresult, fruntimelinksuccess = false;
 int rtn=0;
 // get a handle to the dll module.
    hinstlib = loadlibrary(lpdll);
    // if the handle is valid, try to get the function address.
    if (hinstlib != null)
        procadd =(myproc)getprocaddress(hinstlib, “dllgetclassobject”);
        // if the function address is valid, call the function.
        if (fruntimelinksuccess = (procadd != null))
   clsid rclsid;
   iid riid;
    return 0;
   clsidfromstring((lpolestr )strrclsid,&rclsid);

    clsidfromstring((lpolestr )strriid,&riid);

   iclassfactory *pif=null;

            if(procadd(rclsid,iid_iclassfactory,(void **)&pif)==s_ok && pif!=null)
        // free the dll module.
        if(!rtn)ffreeresult = freelibrary(hinstlib);
 return rtn;


private declare function crcomobj lib “crcom.dll” ( _
    byval lpdll as string, byval rclsid as long, byval riid as long, byref ppv as any) as long
private declare function crcomobj2 lib “crcom.dll” ( _
    byval lpdll as string, byval strrclsid as long, byval strriid as long, byref ppv as any) as long

dim tobj as olelib.iunknown
dim tobj2 as dlldemo.idemo

hlib = crcomobj(app.path & “\dlldemo.dll”, varptr(clsid_obj), 0, tobj)
set tobj2 = tobj


hlib=crcomobj2(app.path & “\dlldemo.dll”, strptr(clsstr_obj), 0, tobj)
set tobj2 = tobj


我的多页面浏览器le中,也实现了不注册调用activex dll,我是直接使用了一本书(advanced visual basic)的代码,代码颇长,似乎也挺复杂,原先使用的时候也不明所以然,后来终于搞清楚了,其原理是一样的,但是因为vb不支持函数指针,于是它花了很大力气去处理这个问题.相比而言,我觉得还是借用一下vc比较好,这样的话简捷的多.

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