if(!defined(_in_app)) exit;
class textnumber
var $resource = null;
var $number = 0;
var $grouplength = 3;
var $wordseperated = true;
function setresource($resource = null){
$this->resource = $resource;
function setnumber($number){
$this->number = $number;
function setwordseperated($seperated){
$this->wordseperated = $seperated;
function split_number(&$sign, &$int, &$fraction){
list($int, $fraction) = explode(., $this->number);
$sign = ;
if ($int{0} == -){
$sign = -;
$int = substr($int, 1);
$int = preg_replace(/[^0-9]/, , $int);
$int = preg_replace(/^[0]+/, , $int);
$int = ($int == )? 0 : $int;
$fraction = preg_replace(/[^0-9]/, , $fraction);
if (preg_match(/^0*$/, $fraction))
$fraction = ;
function split_group($int){
$int = strrev($int);
$int = chunk_split($int, $this->grouplength, ,);
$int = substr(strrev($int), 1);
return $int;
function addseperator($word = ){
if ($this->wordseperated){
if ($word != )
$word .= ;
return $word;
function trans_sign($sign){
if ($sign == -){
if (isset($this->resource[group][-]))
return $this->addseperator($this->resource[group][-]);
return -;
return ;
function trans_int($int){
return $this->split_group($int);
function trans_dec_point($fraction = 0){
if (isset($this->resource[group][.])){
$point = $this->resource[group][.];
$point = $this->addseperator($point);
$point = .;
return ($fraction == 0)? : $point;
function trans_fraction($fraction){
return ($fraction == 0)? : $fraction;
function gettext(){
$this->split_number($sign, $int, $fraction);
$ssign = $this->trans_sign($sign);
$sint = $this->trans_int($int);
$spoint = $this->trans_dec_point($fraction);
$sfrac = $this->trans_fraction($fraction);
return trim($ssign.$sint.$spoint.$sfrac);
class textnumberfactory
function &createtextnumber($lang = en_us){
$class = textnumber_.$lang;
if (class_exists($class)){
$textnumber =& new $class;
if (!is_subclass_of($textnumber, textnumber)){
$textnumber =& new textnumber;
$textnumber =& new textnumber;
return $textnumber;
class textnumber_en_us extends textnumber
function textnumber_en_us(){
function __construct(){
$this->resource = array(
group_int => array(
0 => zero,
1 => one,
2 => two,
3 => three,
4 => four,
5 => five,
6 => six,
7 => seven,
8 => eight,
9 => nine,
10 => ten,
11 => eleven,
12 => twelve,
13 => thirteen,
14 => fourteen,
15 => fifteen,
16 => sixteen,
17 => seventeen,
18 => eighteen,
19 => nineteen,
20 => twenty,
30 => thirty,
40 => forty,
50 => fifty,
60 => sixty,
70 => seventy,
80 => eighty,
90 => ninety,
100 => hundred
group => array(
0 => ,
1 => thousand,
2 => million,
3 => billion,
4 => trillion,
– => minus,
. => point,
group_number => 4
function trans_group_int($group_int){
$trans =& $this->resource[group_int];
$h = intval(floor($group_int / 100));
$r = $group_int % 100;
$sh = ;
if ($h != 0){
$sh = $this->addseperator($trans[$h]);
$sh .= $this->addseperator($trans[100]);
$sr = ;
if ($r != 0){
if ($r <= 20){
$sr = $this->addseperator($trans[$r]);
$rr = $r % 10;
$rt = $r – $rr;
if ($rr == 0){
$sr = $this->addseperator($trans[$r]);
$sr = $trans[$rt];
$sr .= -.$this->addseperator($trans[$rr]);
$ss = ;
if ($sh != && $sr != ){
$ss = $sh. $this->addseperator(and) .$sr;
$ss = $sh.$sr;
return $ss;
function trans_int($int){
if ($int <= 20) return $this->addseperator($this->resource[group_int][intval($int)]);
$groups = explode(,, $this->split_group($int));
$groups = array_reverse($groups);
$cgroup = $this->resource[group][group_number];
$result = ;
foreach($groups as $key => $group_int){
$sgroup = ;
$k = $key % $cgroup;
if ((int)$group_int != 0){
$sgroup = $this->resource[group][$k];
$sgroup = $this->addseperator($sgroup);
$sgroup = $this->trans_group_int($group_int).$sgroup;
$ss = ;
if ($k == 0 && $key >= $cgroup)
$ss = $this->addseperator($this->resource[group][$cgroup]);
$result = $sgroup.$ss.$result;
return $result;
function trans_fraction($fraction){
if ($fraction == ) return ;
$fraction = preg_replace(/([0-9])/e, $this->addseperator($this->resource[\group_int\][\\1]), $fraction);
return $fraction;
function gettext($isupper = false){
$text = parent::gettext();
if ($isupper){
$text = strtoupper($text);
return $text;
class textnumber_zh_cn extends textnumber
var $grouplength = 4;
var $wordseperated = false;
function textnumber_zh_cn(){
function __construct(){
$this->resource = array(
group_int => array(
0 => 零,
1 => 一,
2 => 二,
3 => 三,
4 => 四,
5 => 五,
6 => 六,
7 => 七,
8 => 八,
9 => 九
group_int_digital => array(
0 => ,
1 => 十,
2 => 百,
3 => 千
group => array(
0 => ,
1 => 万,
2 => 亿,
3 => 兆,
– => 负,
. => 点,
group_number => 3
trans_upper => array(
一 => 壹,
二 => 贰,
三 => 叁,
四 => 肆,
五 => 伍,
六 => 陆,
七 => 柒,
八 => 捌,
九 => 玖,
十 => 拾,
百 => 佰,
千 => 仟
function trans_group_int($group_int){
$si = strrev($group_int);
$ss = ;
$i = 0;
if (preg_match(/^([0]+)/, $si, $matches)){
$i = strlen($matches[1]);
for(; $i < strlen($si); $i++){
$s = ($si{$i} == 0)? : $this->addseperator($this->resource[group_int_digital][$i]);
$ss = $si{$i}.$s.$ss;
return $ss;
function trans_int($int){
if ($int < 10) return $this->addseperator($this->resource[group_int][intval($int)]);
if ($int < 20){
$sint = $this->addseperator($this->resource[group_int][10]);
$sint .= $this->addseperator($this->resource[group_int][$int % 10]);
return $sint;
$groups = explode(,, $this->split_group($int));
$groups = array_reverse($groups);
$cgroup = $this->resource[group][group_number];
$result = ;
foreach($groups as $key => $group_int){
$sgroup = ;
$k = $key % $cgroup;
if ((int)$group_int != 0){
$sgroup = $this->resource[group][$k];
$sgroup = $this->addseperator($sgroup);
$sgroup = $this->trans_group_int($group_int).$sgroup;
if ($k != 0 && substr($group_int, -1) == 0)
$sgroup .= 0;
$sgroup = 0;
$ss = ;
if ($k == 0 && $key >= $cgroup){
$ss = $this->addseperator($this->resource[group][$cgroup]);
if (substr($group_int, -1) == 0)
$ss .= 0;
$result = $sgroup.$ss.$result;
$result = preg_replace(/[0]+/, 0, $result);
$result = preg_replace(/(^|[^1-9])0([^1-9]|$)/, \\1\\2, $result);
$result = preg_replace(/([0-9])/e, $this->addseperator($this->resource[\group_int\][\\1]), $result);
return $result;
function trans_fraction($fraction){
if ($fraction == ) return ;
$fraction = preg_replace(/([0-9])/e, $this->addseperator($this->resource[\group_int\][\\1]), $fraction);
return $fraction;
function gettext($isupper = false){
$text = parent::gettext();
if ($isupper && isset($this->resource[trans_upper])){
$text = strtr($text, $this->resource[trans_upper]);
return $text;
require_once (textnumber.class.php);
$lang = array(en_us, zh_cn);
$number = -00123020456006010335678901201.00086789;
echo “$number<br><br>\n”;
for($i = 0; $i < count($lang); $i++){
$textnumber =& textnumberfactory::createtextnumber($lang[$i]);
$snormal = $textnumber->gettext(false);
$supper = $textnumber->gettext(true);
echo “$snormal<br><br>\n”;
echo “$supper<br><br>\n”;
minus one hundred and twenty-three trillion twenty billion four hundred and fifty-six million six thousand ten trillion three hundred and thirty-five billion six hundred and seventy-eight million nine hundred and one thousand two hundred and one point zero zero zero eight six seven eight nine
minus one hundred and twenty-three trillion twenty billion four hundred and fifty-six million six thousand ten trillion three hundred and thirty-five billion six hundred and seventy-eight million nine hundred and one thousand two hundred and one point zero zero zero eight six seven eight nine