


  ** example of usage.
  ** read the file background.gif into
  ** $backgrnd.
  $filename = background.gif;
  $backgrnd = fread($fp = fopen($filename, r), filesize($filename));
  ** read the file test.zip into $attachment.
  $filename = example.zip;
  $attachment = fread($fp = fopen($filename, r), filesize($filename));
  ** create the mail object. optional headers
  ** argument. do not put from: here, this
  ** will be added when $mail->send
  $mail = new html_mime_mail(“x-mailer: html mime mail class\r\n”);
  ** if sending an html email, then these
  ** two variables specify the text and
  ** html versions of the mail. dont
  ** have to be named as these are. just
  ** make sure the names tie in to the
  ** $mail->add_html() command further down.
  $text = this is a test.;
  $html = <html><body background=”background.gif”><font face=”verdana, arial” color=”#ff0000″>    success!</font><p></body></html>;
  ** add the text, html and embedded images.
  ** each embedded image has to be added
  ** using $mail->add_html_image() before
  ** calling $mail->add_html(). the name
  ** of the image should match exactly
  ** (case-sensitive) to the name in the html.
  $mail->add_html_image($backgrnd, background.gif, image/gif);
  $mail->add_html($html, $text);
  ** if not sending an html email, then
  ** this is used to set the plain text
  ** body of the email.
  // $mail->body = fsss;
  ** this is used to add an attachment to
  ** the email.
  $mail->add_attachment($attachment, example.zip, application/octet-stream);
  ** builds the message.
  ** sends the message. $mail->build_message()
  ** is seperate to $mail->send so that the
  ** same email can be sent many times to
  ** differing recipients simply by putting
  ** $mail->send() in a loop.
  $mail->send(,szw@phpexe.com, from name, szw@phpexe.com, subject,);
  ** debug stuff. entirely unnecessary.
  echo <pre>;
  echo $mail->mime;
  echo </pre>;

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