**************************************** * 类名: sxsrc.com * 功能: xml * 支持: forum.sxsrc.com * 新增: jaken,花中笑 * 日期: 2005-6-1 v1.0 **************************************** response.charset=”gb2312″ dim webserviceurl, httpreq str=covertion(sqlstr) webserviceurl =”http://localhost:81/index.asp” set httpreq = server.createobject(“msxml2.serverxmlhttp”) httpreq.open “get”, webserviceurl, false httpreq.send response.binarywrite httpreq.responsebody consumewebservice=httpreq.responsetext set istream = httpreq.responsestream.istream with istream .type = 1 .mode = 3 .open .charset =”gb2312″ .writetext end with srsave=covertion(httpreq.responsetext) microsoft xml core services (msxml) 4.0 – xml reference iserverxmlhttprequest/serverxmlhttp members [visual basic, script] the following tables show the properties, methods, and events. [c/c++] the following tables show the properties, methods, and events. this interface inherits from ixmlhttprequest. properties onreadystatechange specifies the event handler to be invoked when the readystate property changes. read/write. responsebody represents the response entity body as an array of unsigned bytes. read-only. readystate represents the state of the request. read-only. responsestream represents the response entity body as an istream. read-only. responsetext represents the response entity body as a string. read-only. responsexml represents the response entity body as parsed by microsoft® xml core services (msxml). read-only. status represents the http status code returned by a request. read-only. statustext represents the http response line status. read-only. methods note the following method names are case-sensitive when used with serverxmlhttp. they are not case-sensitive when used with xmlhttp. abort cancels the current http request. getallresponseheaders retrieves the values of all the http headers. getoption returns the value of one of the following options: sxh_option_url sxh_option_url_codepage sxh_option_escape_percent_in_url sxh_option_ignore_server_ssl_cert_error_flags sxh_option_select_client_ssl_cert getresponseheader retrieves the value of an http header from the response body. open initializes a request and specifies the method, url, and authentication information for the request. send sends an http request to the server and receives a response. setoption sets one of the following options: sxh_option_url_codepage sxh_option_escape_percent_in_url sxh_option_ignore_server_ssl_cert_error_flags sxh_option_select_client_ssl_cert setproxy specify proxy configuration. setproxycredentials specify proxy authentication credentials. settimeouts specifies timeout settings for resolving the domain name, establishing the connection to the server, sending the data, and receiving the response. setrequestheader specifies the name of an http header. waitforresponse allows the requesting server to suspend execution while waiting for an asynchronous send operation to complete. events none.
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