




二、已有数据库表,快速生成列表、基本查询、高级查询、插入新行、删除、编辑asp.net页面的工具asp.net maker





using system;using system.web.ui;using system.globalization;using system.data;using system.data.sqlclient;namespace ns_db{public class c_db: usercontrol{

 //******************************** //  返回数据库连接字符串 //********************************

 public string ewconnstr() {  return “password=******;persist security info=true;user id=sa;initial catalog=******;data source=

(local)”; } // end ewconnstr

 //****************************************************** //  返回一个 dataview 根据 connection string & sql //******************************************************

 public dataview ewdataview(string sconn, string ssql) {  try  {

   // create a new connection object   sqlconnection oconn = new sqlconnection(sconn);

   // create a new dataadapter using the connection object and sql statement   sqldataadapter oda = new sqldataadapter(ssql, oconn);

   // create a new dataset object to fill with data   dataset ods = new dataset();

   // fill the dataset with data from the dataadapter object   oda.fill(ods, “ewdataset”);   return ods.tables[0].defaultview;  }  catch (sqlexception oerr)  {   session[“dberrmsg”] = ewdataerrormessage(oerr);   return null;  } } // end ewdataview

 //********************************* //  返回一个 dataview for linking //*********************************

 public dataview ewdataviewlink(string sconn, string stable/*表名*/,  string slnkfld, string sdispfld,  string sdispfld2, string sfilterfld,  string sorderby/*排序列*/, string sordertype/*排序规则*/,  bool bdistinct/*是否剔除重复值*/, string sfilter) {  string ssql;  try  {

   // construct sql statement   ssql = “select”;   if (bdistinct)   {    ssql += ” distinct”;   }   ssql += ” [” + slnkfld + “], [” + sdispfld + “]”;   if (sdispfld2 != “”)   {    ssql += “, [” + sdispfld2 + “]”;   }   if (sfilterfld != “”)   {    ssql += “, [” + sfilterfld + “]”;   }   ssql += ” from [” + stable + “]”;   if (sfilter != “”)   {    ssql += ” where ” + sfilter;   }   if (sorderby != “”)   {    ssql += ” order by [” + sorderby + “] ” + sordertype;   }

   // create a new connection object using the connection string   sqlconnection oconn = new sqlconnection(sconn);

   // create a new dataadapter using the connection object and sql statement   sqldataadapter oda = new sqldataadapter(ssql, oconn);

   // create a new dataset object to fill with data   dataset ods = new dataset();

   // fill the dataset with data from the dataadapter object   oda.fill(ods, “ewdataset”);

   // create the textfield and valuefield columns   ods.tables[0].columns.add(“ewvaluefield”,type.gettype(“system.string”),”[” + slnkfld + “]”);   if (sdispfld2 == “”)   {    ods.tables[0].columns.add(“ewtextfield”,type.gettype(“system.string”),”[” + sdispfld + “]”);   }   else   {    ods.tables[0].columns.add(“ewtextfield”,type.gettype(“system.string”),”[” + sdispfld + “] +

, + [” + sdispfld2 + “]”);   }   return ods.tables[0].defaultview;  }  catch (sqlexception oerr)  {   session[“dberrmsg”] = ewdataerrormessage(oerr);   return null;  } } // end ewdataviewlink

 //********************************************************* //  根据 connection string & sql 返回 records 的数量 //*********************************************************

 public int ewrecordcount(string sconn, string stable, string swhere) {  string ssql;  try  {

   // construct sql   ssql = “select count(*) from [” + stable + “]”;   if (swhere != “”)   {    ssql += ” where ” + swhere;   }

   // create a new connection object using the connection string   sqlconnection oconn = new sqlconnection(sconn);

   // create a new dataadapter using the connection object and sql statement   sqldataadapter oda = new sqldataadapter(ssql, oconn);

   // create a new dataset object to fill with data   dataset ods = new dataset();

   // fill the dataset with data from the dataadapter object   oda.fill(ods, “ewdataset”);   return convert.toint32(ods.tables[0].rows[0][0]);  }  catch (sqlexception oerr)  {   session[“dberrmsg”] = ewdataerrormessage(oerr);   return 0;  } } // end ewrecordcount

 //*********************************************************** //  返回 1-page dataview 根据 connection string & sql //***********************************************************

 public dataview ewdataviewpage(string sconn, string ssql,  int icurrentrec, int ipagesize) {  try  {

   // create a new connection object using the connection string   sqlconnection oconn = new sqlconnection(sconn);

   // create a new dataadapter using the connection object and sql statement   sqldataadapter oda = new sqldataadapter(ssql, oconn);

   // create a new dataset object to fill with data   dataset ods = new dataset();

   // fill the dataset with data from the dataadapter object   oda.fill(ods, icurrentrec, ipagesize, “ewdataset”);   return ods.tables[0].defaultview;  }  catch (sqlexception oerr)  {   session[“dberrmsg”] = ewdataerrormessage(oerr);   return null;  } } // end ewdataviewpage

 //************************************************* //  return a datareader based on connection & sql //*************************************************

 public sqldatareader ewdatareader(sqlconnection oconn, string ssql) {  try  {

   // create a datareader object   sqldatareader odr;

   // create a new command object using the connection and sql statement   sqlcommand ocmd = new sqlcommand(ssql, oconn);

   // execute the sql statement against the command to get the datareader   odr = ocmd.executereader();   return odr;  }  catch (sqlexception oerr)  {   session[“dberrmsg”] = ewdataerrormessage(oerr);   return null;  } } // end ewdatareader

 //********************************************** //  return error message based on error object //**********************************************

 public string ewdataerrormessage(sqlexception oerr) {  string sdberrmsg;  sdberrmsg = “”;  for (int i = 0; i <= oerr.errors.count – 1; i++)  {   sdberrmsg += “message: ” + oerr.errors[i].message + “”    + “line number: ” + oerr.errors[i].linenumber + “”    + “source: ” + oerr.errors[i].source + “”    + “procedure: ” + oerr.errors[i].procedure + “”;  }  return sdberrmsg; } // end ewdataerrormessage

 //*************************** //  return upload file name //***************************

 public string ewuploadfilename(string sfilename) {  string soutfilename;

  // amend your logic here  soutfilename = sfilename;

  // return computed output file name  return soutfilename; } // end ewuploadfilename

 //****************************************************** //  return formatted number similar to vb formatnumber //  – includeleadingdigit is not supported //******************************************************

 public string ewformatnumber(object ono, int idecplace, int iuseparen, int igroupdigits) {  numberformatinfo onfi = (numberformatinfo) numberformatinfo.currentinfo.clone();  onfi.numberdecimaldigits = idecplace; // numdigitsafterdecimal

  // includeleadingdigit: not used  if (iuseparen == -1) // useparensfornegativenumbers: true  {   onfi.numbernegativepattern = 0;  }  else if (iuseparen == 0) // useparensfornegativenumbers: false  {   onfi.numbernegativepattern = 1;  }  if (igroupdigits == -1) // groupdigits: true  {   onfi.numbergroupseparator = “,”;  }  else if (igroupdigits == 0) // groupdigits: false  {   onfi.numbergroupseparator = “”;  }

  // cast for different data types  if (ono is short) // short  { return ((short) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is ushort) // ushort  { return ((ushort) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is int) // int  { return ((int) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is uint) // uint  { return ((uint) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is long) // long  { return ((long) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is ulong) // ulong  { return ((ulong) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is float) // float  { return ((float) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is double) // double  { return ((double) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else if (ono is decimal) // decimal  { return ((decimal) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); }  else  { return ((decimal) ono).tostring(“n”,onfi); } }

 //********************************************************** //  return formatted currency similar to vb formatcurrency //  – includeleadingdigit is not supported //**********************************************************

 public string ewformatcurrency(object ono, int idecplace, int iuseparen, int igroupdigits) {  numberformatinfo onfi = (numberformatinfo) numberformatinfo.currentinfo.clone();  onfi.currencydecimaldigits = idecplace; // numdigitsafterdecimal

  // includeleadingdigit: not used  if (iuseparen == -1) // useparensfornegativenumbers: true  {   onfi.currencynegativepattern = 0;  }  else if (iuseparen == 0) // useparensfornegativenumbers: false  {   onfi.currencynegativepattern = 1;  }  if (igroupdigits == -1) // groupdigits: true  {   onfi.currencygroupseparator = “,”;  }  else if (igroupdigits == 0) // groupdigits: false  {   onfi.currencygroupseparator = “”;  }

  // cast for different data types  if (ono is short) // short  { return ((short) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is ushort) // ushort  { return ((ushort) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is int) // int  { return ((int) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is uint) // uint  { return ((uint) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is long) // long  { return ((long) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is ulong) // ulong  { return ((ulong) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is float) // float  { return ((float) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is double) // double  { return ((double) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else if (ono is decimal) // decimal  { return ((decimal) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); }  else  { return ((decimal) ono).tostring(“c”,onfi); } }

 //******************************************************** //  return formatted percent similar to vb formatpercent //  – includeleadingdigit is not supported //********************************************************

 public string ewformatpercent(object ono, int idecplace, int iuseparen, int igroupdigits) {  numberformatinfo onfi = (numberformatinfo) numberformatinfo.currentinfo.clone();  onfi.currencydecimaldigits = idecplace; // numdigitsafterdecimal

  // includeleadingdigit: not used  if (iuseparen == -1) // useparensfornegativenumbers: true  {   onfi.currencynegativepattern = 0;  }  else if (iuseparen == 0) // useparensfornegativenumbers: false  {   onfi.currencynegativepattern = 1;  }  if (igroupdigits == -1) // groupdigits: true  {   onfi.currencygroupseparator = “,”;  }  else if (igroupdigits == 0) // groupdigits: false  {   onfi.currencygroupseparator = “”;  }

  // cast for different data types  if (ono is short) // short  { return ((short) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is ushort) // ushort  { return ((ushort) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is int) // int  { return ((int) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is uint) // uint  { return ((uint) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is long) // long  { return ((long) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is ulong) // ulong  { return ((ulong) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is float) // float  { return ((float) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is double) // double  { return ((double) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else if (ono is decimal) // decimal  { return ((decimal) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); }  else  { return ((decimal) ono).tostring(“p”,onfi); } }} // end class} // end namespace

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