level=0时 用时24.98秒 大小95.1m
level=255时 用时30.24秒 大小91.6m
winrar最快压缩zip 用时 25.2秒 大小58.6m
option explicit
private withevents objzip as classzip
private bgtime as single
private sub command1_click()
bgtime = timer
command1.enabled = false
command2.enabled = false
with objzip
.inputfilename = text1.text
.outputfilename = text2.text
.iscompress = true
.compresslevel = val(text4.text)
end with
label1.caption = round(timer – bgtime, 2) & “秒”
command1.enabled = true
command2.enabled = true
end sub
private sub command2_click()
bgtime = timer
command1.enabled = false
command2.enabled = false
with objzip
.inputfilename = text2.text
.outputfilename = text3.text
.iscompress = false
end with
label1 = round(timer – bgtime, 2) & “秒”
command1.enabled = true
command2.enabled = true
end sub
private sub command3_click()
objzip.cancelprocss = true
end sub
private sub form_load()
set objzip = new classzip
command1.caption = “压缩”
command2.caption = “解压”
command3.caption = “中断”
end sub
private sub form_unload(cancel as integer)
set objzip = nothing
end sub
private sub objzip_fileprogress(sngpercentage as single)
label1 = int(sngpercentage * 100) & “%”
end sub
private sub objzip_procsserror(errordescription as string)
msgbox errordescription
end sub
option explicit
public event fileprogress(sngpercentage as single)
public event procsserror(errordescription as string)
private type fileheader
headertag as string * 3
headersize as integer
flag as byte
filelength as long
version as integer
end type
private mintcompresslevel as long
private m_benableprocss as boolean
private m_bcompress as boolean
private m_strinputfilename as string
private m_stroutputfilename as string
private const mcintwindowsize as integer = &h1000
private const mcintmaxmatchlen as integer = 18
private const mcintminmatchlen as integer = 3
private const mcintnull as long = &h1000
private const mcstrsignature as string = “fmz”
private declare sub copymemory lib “kernel32” alias “rtlmovememory” (pdest as any, psource as any, byval dwlength as long)
public sub beginprocss()
if m_bcompress then
end if
end sub
private function lasterror(errno as integer) as string
select case errno
case 1
lasterror = “待压缩文件未设置或不存在”
case 2
lasterror = “待压缩文件长度太小”
case 3
lasterror = “待压缩文件已经过压缩”
case 4
lasterror = “待解压文件未设置或不存在”
case 5
lasterror = “待解压文件格式不对或为本软件不能认别的高版本软件所压缩”
case 254
lasterror = “用户取消了操作”
case 255
lasterror = “未知错误”
end select
end function
public property get compresslevel() as integer
compresslevel = mintcompresslevel \ 16
end property
public property let compresslevel(byval intvalue as integer)
mintcompresslevel = intvalue * 16
if mintcompresslevel < 0 then mintcompresslevel = 0
end property
public property get iscompress() as boolean
iscompress = m_bcompress
end property
public property let iscompress(byval bvalue as boolean)
m_bcompress = bvalue
end property
public property let cancelprocss(byval bvalue as boolean)
m_benableprocss = not bvalue
end property
public property get inputfilename() as string
inputfilename = m_strinputfilename
end property
public property get outputfilename() as string
outputfilename = m_stroutputfilename
end property
public property let outputfilename(byval strvalue as string)
m_stroutputfilename = strvalue
end property
public property let inputfilename(byval strvalue as string)
m_strinputfilename = strvalue
end property
private sub class_terminate()
m_benableprocss = false
end sub