option explicit
const nerr_success = 0
const error_more_data = 234&
const max_preferred_length = -1&
const lg_include_indirect = &h1
const user_priv_user = &h1
const format_message_from_system = &h1000
const nerr_base = 2100
const max_nerr = nerr_base + 899
const load_library_as_datafile = &h2
const format_message_from_hmodule = &h800
type tuser1 ’ level 1
ptrname as long
ptrpassword as long
dwpasswordage as long
dwpriv as long
ptrhomedir as long
ptrcomment as long
dwflags as long
ptrscriptpath as long
end type
type user_info_0
usri0_name as long
end type
type localgroup_info_0
lgrpi0_name as long
end type
type localgroup_user_info_0
lgrui0_name as long
end type
type userinfo_1
username as string
password as string
passwordage as long
privilege as long
homedir as string
comment as long
flags as long
scriptpath as string
end type
type localgroup_members_info_3
lgrmi3_domainandname as long
end type
type user_info_1003
usri1003_password as long
end type
private usr1 as userinfo_1
declare function netusergetlocalgroups lib “netapi32.dll” (byval servername as string, byval username as string, byval level as long, byval flag as long, bufptr as any, byval prefmaxlen as long, entriesread as long, totalentries as long) as long
declare function netlocalgroupenum lib “netapi32.dll” (byval servername as string, byval level as long, bufptr as any, byval prefmaxlen as long, entriesread as long, totalentries as long, resumehandle as long) as long
declare function lstrlen lib “kernel32.dll” alias “lstrlenw” (byval lpszstring as long) as long
declare function lstrcpy lib “kernel32.dll” alias “lstrcpyw” (lpszstring1 as any, lpszstring2 as any) as long
declare function netapibufferfree lib “netapi32.dll” (byval buffer as long) as long
declare sub rtlmovememory lib “kernel32.dll” (destination as any, source as any, byval length as long)
private declare function netuseradd lib “netapi32” (byval servername as string, byval level as long, buffer as any, paramerr as long) as long
declare function netuserenum lib “netapi32.dll” (byval servername as string, byval level as long, byval filter as long, bufptr as any, byval prefmaxlen as long, entriesread as long, totalentries as long, resume_handle as long) as long
declare function netlocalgroupaddmembers lib “netapi32.dll” (byval servername as string, byval groupname as string, byval level as long, buf as any, byval totalentries as long) as long
declare function netuserdel lib “netapi32.dll” (servername as byte, username as byte) as long
declare function netgroupdeluser lib “netapi32.dll” (servername as byte, groupname as byte, username as byte) as long
declare function netuserchangepassword lib “netapi32.dll” (byval domainname as string, byval username as string, byval oldpassword as string, byval newpassword as string) as long
private declare function netgetdcname lib “netapi32.dll” (servername as long, domainname as byte, bufptr as long) as long
private declare function loadlibraryex lib “kernel32” alias “loadlibraryexa” (byval lplibfilename as string, byval hfile as long, byval dwflags as long) as long
private declare function netusersetinfo lib “netapi32.dll” (byval servername as string, byval username as string, byval level as long, userinfo as any, parmerror as long) as long
private declare sub lstrcpyw lib “kernel32” (dest as any, byval src as any)
private declare function formatmessage lib “kernel32” alias “formatmessagea” (byval dwflags as long, byval lpsource as long, byval dwmessageid as long, byval dwlanguageid as long, byval lpbuffer as string, byval nsize as long, arguments as any) as long
private declare function freelibrary lib “kernel32” (byval hlibmodule as long) as long
function changepassword(byval servername as string, byval username as string, byval oldpassword as string, byval newpassword as string)
dim strserver as string, strusername as string
dim strnewpassword as string, stroldpassword as string
dim ui1003 as user_info_1003
dim dwlevel as long
dim lret as string
dim snew as string
’strserver = strconv(servername, vbunicode)
strusername = strconv(username, vbunicode)
’stroldpassword = strconv(oldpassword, vbunicode)
strnewpassword = strconv(newpassword, vbunicode)
if left(servername, 2) = “\\” then
strserver = strconv(servername, vbunicode)
’ domain was referenced, get the primary domain controller
strserver = strconv(getprimarydcname(servername), vbunicode)
end if
if oldpassword = “” then
’ administrative over-ride of existing password.
’ does not require old password
dwlevel = 1003
snew = newpassword
ui1003.usri1003_password = strptr(snew)
lret = netusersetinfo(strserver, strusername, dwlevel, ui1003, 0&)
’ set the old password and attempt to change the user’s password
stroldpassword = strconv(oldpassword, vbunicode)
lret = netuserchangepassword(strserver, strusername, stroldpassword, strnewpassword)
end if
if lret <> 0 then
displayerror lret
msgbox “password change was successful”
end if
end function
function useradd(byval servername as string, byval username as string, byval password as string) as string
servername = strconv(servername, vbunicode)
usr1.username = strconv(username, vbunicode)
usr1.password = strconv(password, vbunicode)
usr1.privilege = user_priv_user
usr1.comment = 0
usr1.flags = 0
useradd = netuseradd(servername, 1, usr1, 0)
end function
function addusertogroup(byval servername as string, byval groupname as string, byval username as string) as long
dim lngwin32apiresultcode as long
dim strservername as string
dim strlocalgroupname as string
dim lngbufptr as long
dim udtlgmeminfo as localgroup_members_info_3
dim strname as string
strservername = strconv(servername, vbunicode)
strlocalgroupname = strconv(groupname, vbunicode)
’strname = strconv(username, vbunicode)
strname = username
udtlgmeminfo.lgrmi3_domainandname = strptr(strname)
lngwin32apiresultcode = netlocalgroupaddmembers(strservername, strlocalgroupname, 3, udtlgmeminfo, 1)
netapibufferfree lngbufptr
end function
sub enumusers(cbousers as combobox)
dim lngwin32apiresultcode as long
dim strservername as string
dim lngbufptr as long
dim lngmaxlen as long
dim lngentriesread as long
dim lngtotalentries as long
dim lngresumehandle as long
dim udtuserinfo0 as user_info_0
dim lngentry as long
strservername = strconv(“”, vbunicode)
lngwin32apiresultcode = netuserenum(strservername, 0, 0, lngbufptr, lngmaxlen, lngentriesread, lngtotalentries, lngresumehandle)
if (lngwin32apiresultcode = nerr_success) or (lngwin32apiresultcode = error_more_data) then
for lngentry = 0 to lngentriesread – 1
rtlmovememory udtuserinfo0, byval lngbufptr + len(udtuserinfo0) * lngentry, len(udtuserinfo0)
cbousers.additem pointertostring(udtuserinfo0.usri0_name)
end if
if lngbufptr <> 0 then
netapibufferfree lngbufptr
end if
loop until lngentriesread = lngtotalentries
end sub
sub enumlocalgroups(lstlocalgroups as listbox) dim lngwin32apiresultcode as long
dim strservername as string
dim lngbufptr as long
dim lngentriesread as long
dim lngtotalentries as long
dim lngresumehandle as long
dim udtlginfo0 as localgroup_info_0
dim lngentry as long
strservername = strconv(“”, vbunicode)
lngwin32apiresultcode = netlocalgroupenum(strservername, 0, lngbufptr, max_preferred_length, lngentriesread, lngtotalentries, lngresumehandle)
if (lngwin32apiresultcode = nerr_success) or (lngwin32apiresultcode = error_more_data) then
for lngentry = 0 to lngentriesread – 1
rtlmovememory udtlginfo0, byval lngbufptr + len(udtlginfo0) * lngentry, len(udtlginfo0)
lstlocalgroups.additem pointertostring(udtlginfo0.lgrpi0_name)
end if
if lngbufptr <> 0 then
netapibufferfree lngbufptr
end if
loop while lngwin32apiresultcode = error_more_data
end sub
sub enumuserlocalgroups(lstuserlocalgroups as listbox, lstlocalgroups as listbox, cmbuser as combobox)
dim lngwin32apiresultcode as long
dim strservername as string
dim strusername as string
dim lngbufptr as long
dim lngentriesread as long
dim lngtotalentries as long
dim lngresumehandle as long
dim udtlginfo0 as localgroup_user_info_0
dim lngentry as long
dim strlocalgroup as string
dim lnglistcounter as long
strservername = strconv(“”, vbunicode)
strusername = strconv(cmbuser.text, vbunicode)
lngwin32apiresultcode = netusergetlocalgroups(strservername, strusername, 0, lg_include_indirect, lngbufptr, max_preferred_length, lngentriesread, lngtotalentries)
if (lngwin32apiresultcode = nerr_success) or (lngwin32apiresultcode = error_more_data) then
for lngentry = 0 to lngentriesread – 1
rtlmovememory udtlginfo0, byval lngbufptr + len(udtlginfo0) * lngentry, len(udtlginfo0)
strlocalgroup = pointertostring(udtlginfo0.lgrui0_name)
lstuserlocalgroups.additem strlocalgroup
’with lstlocalgroups
’for lnglistcounter = 0 to .listcount – 1
’if strlocalgroup = .list(lnglistcounter) then
’.removeitem (lnglistcounter)
’end if
’end with
end if
if lngbufptr <> 0 then
netapibufferfree lngbufptr
end if
loop until lngentriesread = lngtotalentries
end sub
function deluser(byval sname as string, byval uname as string) as long
dim unarray() as byte, snarray() as byte
unarray = uname & vbnullchar
snarray = sname & vbnullchar
deluser = netuserdel(snarray(0), unarray(0))
end function