<% response.write now(1)%>
<%@ language="vbscript"%>
option explicit
const lngmaxformbytes = 200
dim objasperror, blnerrorwritten, strservername, strserverip, strremoteip
dim strmethod, lngpos, datnow, strquerystring, strurl
if response.buffer then
response.status = "500 internal server error"
response.contenttype = "text/html"
response.expires = 0
end if
set objasperror = server.getlasterror
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 final//en">
<html dir=ltr>
a:link {font:9pt 宋体; color:ff0000}
a:visited {font:9pt 宋体; color:#4e4e4e}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text-html; charset=gb2312">
<meta name="ms.locale" content="zh-cn">
function homepage(){
// in real bits, urls get returned to our script like this:
// res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#
//for testing use docurl = "res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#"
//this is where the http or https will be, as found by searching for :// but skipping the res://
//this finds the ending slash for the domain server
serverindex=docurl.indexof("/",protocolindex + 3);
//for the href, we need a valid url to the domain. we search for the # symbol to find the begining
//of the true url, and add 1 to skip it – this is the beginurl value. we use serverindex as the end marker.
//urlresult=docurl.substring(protocolindex – 4,serverindex);
beginurl=docurl.indexof("#",1) + 1;
//for display, we need to skip after http://, and go to the next slash
displayresult=docurl.substring(protocolindex + 3 ,serverindex);
document.write( <a href=" + escape(urlresult) + "> + displayresult + "</a>");
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
dim bakcodepage
bakcodepage = session.codepage
session.codepage = 936
response.write server.htmlencode(objasperror.category)
if objasperror.aspcode > "" then response.write server.htmlencode(", " & objasperror.aspcode)
response.write server.htmlencode(" (0x" & hex(objasperror.number) & ")" ) & "<br>"
if objasperror.aspdescription > "" then response.write server.htmlencode(objasperror.aspdescription) & "<br>"
blnerrorwritten = false
only show the source if it is available and the request is from the same machine as iis
if objasperror.source > "" then
strservername = lcase(request.servervariables("server_name"))
strserverip = request.servervariables("local_addr")
strremoteip = request.servervariables("remote_addr")
if (strservername = "localhost" or strserverip = strremoteip) and objasperror.file <> "?" then
response.write server.htmlencode(objasperror.file)
if objasperror.line > 0 then response.write ", 第 " & objasperror.line & " 行"
if objasperror.column > 0 then response.write ", 第 " & objasperror.column & " 列"
response.write "<br>"
response.write "<font style=""color:000000; font: 9pt 宋体""><b>"
response.write server.htmlencode(objasperror.source) & "<br>"
if objasperror.column > 0 then response.write string((objasperror.column – 1), "-") & "^<br>"
response.write "</b></font>"
blnerrorwritten = true
end if
end if
if not blnerrorwritten and objasperror.file <> "?" then
response.write "<b>"
response.write server.htmlencode(objasperror.file)
if objasperror.line > 0 then response.write server.htmlencode(", 第 " & objasperror.line & " 行")
if objasperror.column > 0 then response.write ", 第 " & objasperror.column & " 列"
response.write "</b><br>"
end if
response.write server.htmlencode(objasperror.description)