dim offset_to_ifd0
dim offset_to_app0
dim offset_to_app1
dim offset_to_tiff
dim offset_to_sos
dim length_of_app0
dim length_of_app1
dim offset_to_next_ifd
dim ifddirectory
ifddirectory = array(0)
dim offset_to_exifsubifd
dim imagefile
dim isloaded
dim exiftemp
exiftemp = array(0)
const ifd_idx_tag_no = 0
const ifd_idx_tag_name = 1
const ifd_idx_data_format = 2
const ifd_idx_components = 3
const ifd_idx_value = 4
const ifd_idx_value_desc = 5
const ifd_idx_offsettovalue = 6
function lookupexiftag(which)
dim item
for each item in exiflookup
if exiflookup(item) = which then
lookupexiftag = item
exit function
end if
lookupexiftag = which
end function
function getexifbyname(exiftag)
if isloaded = false and imagefile <> "" then
loadimage (imagefile)
elseif isloaded = false and imagefile = "" then
exit function
end if
dim i
for i = 0 to ubound(ifddirectory) – 1
if ifddirectory(i)(ifd_idx_tag_name) = exiftag then
getexifbyname = ifddirectory(i)(ifd_idx_value)
exit for
end if
end function
sub loadimage(picfile)
if imagefile = "" then
imagefile = picfile
if imagefile = "" then
exit sub
end if
end if
openjpgfile imagefile
if inspectjpgfile = false then
isloaded = false
exit sub
end if
if isintel then
offset_to_ifd0 = _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 17)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 16)) * 256 * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 15)) * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 14))
offset_to_ifd0 = _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 14)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 15)) * 256 * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 16)) * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 17))
end if
debug.print "offset_to_ifd0: " & offset_to_ifd0
isloaded = true
getdirectoryentries offset_to_tiff + offset_to_ifd0
end sub
function inspectjpgfile()
dim i
if exiftemp(0) <> "ff" and exiftemp(1) <> "d8" then
inspectjpgfile = false
for i = 2 to ubound(exiftemp) – 1
if exiftemp(i) = "ff" and exiftemp(i + 1) = "e0" then
offset_to_app0 = i
exit for
end if
if offset_to_app0 = 0 then
inspectjpgfile = false
end if
length_of_app0 = _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app0 + 2)) * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app0 + 3))
for i = 2 to ubound(exiftemp) – 1
if exiftemp(i) = "ff" and exiftemp(i + 1) = "e1" then
offset_to_app1 = i
exit for
end if
if offset_to_app1 = 0 then
inspectjpgfile = false
end if
offset_to_tiff = offset_to_app1 + 10
length_of_app1 = _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 2)) * 256 + _
hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 3))
if chr(hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 4))) & chr(hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 5))) & _
chr(hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 6))) & chr(hextodec(exiftemp(offset_to_app1 + 7))) <> "exif" then
inspectjpgfile = false
exit function
end if
inspectjpgfile = true
end if
end function
function isintel()
if exiftemp(offset_to_tiff) = "49" then
isintel = true
isintel = false
end if
end function
function writeexiftojpg(exifdata, filename)
dim fso, fso2, file, i
const adtypebinary = 1
const adtypetext = 2
const adsavecreateoverwrite = 2
if isloaded = false and imagefile <> "" then
loadimage (imagefile)
elseif isloaded = false and imagefile = "" then
exit function
end if
create stream object
dim binarystream
set binarystream = createobject("adodb.stream")
specify stream type – we want to save binary data.
binarystream.type = adtypebinary
open the stream and write binary data to the object
binarystream.write bytearray
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
create text stream object
dim textstream
set textstream = fso.createtextfile(filename & ".tmp")
for i = 0 to (offset_to_app0 + 2 + length_of_app0 – 1)
textstream.write hex2ascii(exiftemp(i))
textstream.write hex2ascii(exifdata)
for i = (offset_to_app0 + 2 + length_of_app0) to ubound(exiftemp)
textstream.write hex2ascii(exiftemp(i))
set fso2 = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if fso2.fileexists(filename) then
set file = fso2.opentextfile(filename, forreading, false, tristatefalse)
i = 0
while not file.atendofstream
if i > ubound(exiftemp) then
binarystream.write file.read(1)
textstream.write file.read(1)
end if
i = i + 1
set file = nothing
response.write("file does not exist")
end if
set fso2 = nothing
set fso = nothing
save binary data to disk
binarystream.savetofile filename & ".tmp", adsavecreateoverwrite
end function