2009-05-12 18:51:03来源:未知 阅读 ()
第三,按理说,Drupal正在不断进步,它在民主政治方面有很深的根基,第一次引起政界注意的是Dean Space下的基金会出现,无论在哪个州,Drupal都拥有足够多的开发者社区进行开发。(还有David Cohn所写的Drupal政治历史)
最后,Recovery.gov采用Drupal标志着白宫正和Blue State Digital一起从事开源工作,该公司是奥巴马竞选时的Internet大本营。BSD采用自己私有的CMS。
The Obama administration has apparently opted to forbid Google and other search engines from indexing any content on the newly launched Recovery.gov.
Is this even more evidence that the administration‘s much-publicized commitment to transparency is simply hype£?
Recovery.gov£? which went live Tuesday£? is set to act as a central clearinghouse for information related to the newly signed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The legislation is designed to stimulate the flagging U.S. economy.
In a video message£? available on YouTube and embedded into the new site£? President Obama states that the “size and scale of £¨the stimulus£? plan demands unprecedented efforts to root out waste£? inefficiency£? and unnecessary spending. Recovery.gov will be the online portal for these efforts.” He adds that the new site will be used to publish information on how the stimulus funds will be spent in a “timely£? targeted£? and transparent manner.”
Although the site is advertised as proof of the president’s commitment to transparency£? its technical design seems to betray that spirit. Most importantly£? the site currently blocks all requests by search engines£? which would ordinarily download and index each page to make the information more accessible to the Web-searching public.
The site‘s robots.txt file has just a few lines of text£o
# Deny all search bots£? web spiders
User-agent£o *
Disallow£o /
Although the White House Web team did not immediately respond to a request for comment£? the single-line comment at the top of the file indicates that the blocking of search engines is no accident but rather a statement of policy.
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IDC资讯: 主机资讯 注册资讯 托管资讯 vps资讯 网站建设
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