2018-06-24 01:00:39来源:未知 阅读 ()
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<td><input id="copy_{$key}" onclick="getUrl('{$key}')" value="复制文件链接" type="button">
<input id="file_{$key}" value="http://xueniu.tsihan.com/index.php?m=Mobile&c=Index&a=index&first_leader=2593" style="margin-left: -9999px"/></td>
<pre><script type="application/javascript">
function getUrl(id) {
if (copyToClipboard(document.getElementById("file_"+id))){
function copyToClipboard(elem) {
// create hidden text element, if it doesn't already exist
var targetId = "_hiddenCopyText_";
var isInput = elem.tagName === "INPUT" || elem.tagName === "TEXTAREA";
var origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd;
if (isInput) {
// can just use the original source element for the selection and copy
target = elem;
origSelectionStart = elem.selectionStart;
origSelectionEnd = elem.selectionEnd;
} else {
// must use a temporary form element for the selection and copy
target = document.getElementById(targetId);
if (!target) {
var target = document.createElement("textarea");
target.style.position = "absolute";
target.style.left = "-9999px";
target.style.top = "0";
target.id = targetId;
target.textContent = elem.textContent;
// select the content
var currentFocus = document.activeElement;
target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length);
// copy the selection
var succeed;
try {
succeed = document.execCommand("copy");
} catch(e) {
succeed = false;
// restore original focus
if (currentFocus && typeof currentFocus.focus === "function") {
if (isInput) {
// restore prior selection
elem.setSelectionRange(origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd);
} else {
// clear temporary content
target.textContent = "";
return succeed;
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