
2018-06-24 00:17:17来源:未知 阅读 ()


  原生移动应用程序运行更快、更顺畅,有更好的用户体验。而同时,前端开发人员总是寻找新的 Web 技术来获得这种性能。利用现有的高质量移动框架来构建移动 Web 应用程序已成为非常容易,但是如何选择合适的框架是比较纠结的。因此在本文中,我们整理了12个很赞的移动框架。

  • 网站开发中很有用的 jQuery 效果【附源码】
  • 分享35个让人惊讶的 CSS3 动画效果演示
  • 十分惊艳的8个 HTML5 & JavaScript 特效
  • Web 开发中很实用的10个效果【源码下载】
  • 12款经典的白富美型 jQuery 图片轮播插件


1. Redbeard

Redbeard makes it faster and easier to create native apps without a boilerplate. It’s a complete framework with tons of components.There’s a whole variety of ready to use components for some of the most commonly needed functionality. Every component is fully themable via our awesome theming engine. No need for wrapper apps or wrapper frameworks. Redbeard is fully 100% native development framework that works with Objective-C and Swift across the whole iOS suite.

2. Weex

Weex is a mobile cross-platform UI framework. It’s lightweight, high-performance, and extendable. Weex is from Alibaba to build mobile apps with just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It comes with Modules, UI components, its own DevTools and CLI that is designed towards mobile environment and to speed up development.

3. Rikulo

Rikulo UI is a Dart framework for creating cross-platform web and native mobile applications with HTML5. It uses a structured UI model and offers a responsive UX across desktop & touch devices.

4. A Frame

A-Frame is a framework for building things for the virtual reality web. You can use markup to create VR experiences that work across desktop, iPhones, and the Oculus Rift.

5. Onsen UI

onsen UI framework
Onsen UI is a mobile framework that includes Javascript and CSS frameworks for HTML5, PhoneGap & Cordova apps. It offers a large selection of Web-based UI components, and responsive layouts for smartphones and tablets, among other features.

6. Tabris.js

Tabris.js is a mobile framework that makes it simple to create native apps for iOS and Android in JavaScript. It doesn’t use WebViews for rendering UI, and instead creates native widgets on the mobile platform via a JavaScript-to-native bridge. This also enables the quick develop / deploy cycle that you know from web development.

7. Rad.js

RAD.js is the solution to the problem of creating apps with multiplatform capabilities and native-like responsiveness, performance, and usability. It is a toolkit created by MobiDev experts for business needs of mobile startups, well-established businesses, and directly for software developers.

8. Konva

Kanva is a 2D HTML5 canvas framework for creating desktop and mobile apps. It has an object oriented API, layering support, tween and animation support, filters, and custom shapes, among other features.

9. Mootor

Mootor is an HTML5 framework for developing mobile apps. It’s minimalist and works on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and others.

10. TouchstoneJS

TouchstoneJS is a UI framework powered by React.js for developing hybrid mobile apps. It includes form components, navigation, transitions, native touch behaviors, and much more, with more features on the way.

11. Pikabu

Pikabu is a framework for creating off-canvas flyout panels. It has simple markup, supports native scrolling, and is fully customizable.

12. Clank

Clank is an open source HTML and CSS framework for prototyping native mobile and tablet apps. It uses modern CSS techniques, with Sass and Compass, and its component based so you can pick and choose what you need.


  • Web 开发中很实用的10个效果【附源码下载】
  • 精心挑选的优秀jQuery Ajax分页插件和教程
  • 12个让人惊叹的的创意的 404 错误页面设计
  • 让网站动起来!12款优秀的 jQuery 动画插件
  • 8个非常惊艳的 HTML5 和 JavaScript 特效



编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源




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