2008-03-24 03:35:37来源: 阅读 ()
以下为引用的内容: // OpXML.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. //----------------------- Coded By Ronk --------------------------// 中国站长.站
#include "stdafx.h" Www_Chinaz_com
//---You must Setup the MSXML4.0 before using 站长.站
void xmlread(char *ch1,char *ch2,char *ch3);//Read the xmlstr and Get the Text of the Element Chinaz_com void xmlupdate(char *ch1,char *ch2,char *ch3);//Read the xmlstr and Update the Text of the Element Www^Chinaz^com
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 中国站长.站
中.国.站长站 if(FAILED(pXmlNode)) printf("Faild to Locate the Element \n%s\n",str); else { //Read the Text of Element strcpy(tex,(LPCSTR)pXmlNode ->text); //Realese pXmlDoc.Release(); pXmlNode.Release(); } } } } Www^Chinaz^com
void xmlupdate(char *msgstr,char *elestr,char *upstr) Chinaz^com if (FAILED(pXmlNode)) printf("Failed to Locate the Element \n%s\n",str); else { //Update the Text of the Element pXmlNode->text = upstr; //Get the New xmlstr strcpy(msgstr,(LPCSTR)pXmlDoc->xml); //Realese pXmlDoc.Release(); pXmlNode.Release(); } } } } Chinaz@com |
上一篇:关于 XML 的十种观点
下一篇: .NET中书写XML的一种简单方法
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