2008-02-23 06:23:33来源:互联网 阅读 ()
if(!($userfile)) {
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?print($PHP_SELF);?>" method=post>
<input type=hidden name="max_file_size" value=2000>
Send this file: <input name=userfile type=file>
<input type=submit value=Upload>
function ProcessTags($tags, $line) {
$html = "";
global $color;
global $size;
global $bullets;
// Remove spaces.
$tags = trim($tags);
// Found the beginning of the bulleted l
// ist.
if(ereg("\\\pnindent", $tags)) {
$html .= "<ul><li>";
$bullets = $line;
$tags = ereg_replace("\\\par", "", $tags);
$tags = ereg_replace("\\\(tab)", "", $tags);
if($line - $bullets == 0) {
$tags = ereg_replace("\\\par", "", $tags);
elseif($line - $bullets == 1) {
if(ereg("\\\pntext", $tags)) {
$html .= "<li>";
$tags = ereg_replace("\\\par", "", $tags);
$tags = ereg_replace("\\\(tab)", "", $tags);
$bullets ;
else {
$html .= "</ul>";
$bullets = 0;
// Convert Bold.
if(ereg("\\\b0", $tags)){ $html .= "</b>"; }
elseif(ereg("\\\b", $tags)) { $html .= "<b>"; }
// Convert Italic.
if(ereg("\\\i0", $tags)){ $html .= "</i>"; }
elseif(ereg("\\\i", $tags)) { $html .= "<i>"; }
// Convert Underline.
if(ereg("\\\ulnone", $tags)){ $html .= "</u>"; }
elseif(ereg("\\\ul", $tags)){ $html .= "<u>"; }
// Convert Alignments.
if(ereg("\\\pard\\\qc", $tags)) { $html .= "<div align=center>"; }
elseif(ereg("\\\pard\\\qr", $tags)) { $html .= "<div align=right>"; }
elseif(ereg("\\\pard", $tags)){ $html .= "<div align=left>"; }
// Remove \pard from the tags so it does
// n't get confused with \par.
$tags = ereg_replace("\\\pard", "", $tags);
// Convert line breaks.
if(ereg("\\\par", $tags)){ $html .= "<br>"; }
// Use the color table to capture the fo
// nt color changes.
if(ereg("\\\cf[0-9]", $tags)) {
global $fcolor;
$numcolors = count($fcolor);
for($i = 0; $i < $numcolors; $i ) {
$test = "\\\cf" . ($i 1);
if(ereg($test, $tags)) {
$color = $fcolor[$i];
// Capture font size changes.
if(ereg("\\\fs[0-9][0-9]", $tags, $temp)) {
$size = ereg_replace("\\\fs", "", $temp[0]);
$size /= 2;
if($size <= 10) { $size = 1; }
elseif($size <= 12) { $size = 2; }
elseif($size <= 14) { $size = 3; }
elseif($size <= 16) { $size = 4; }
elseif($size <= 18) { $size = 5; }
elseif($size <= 20) { $size = 6; }
elseif($size <= 22) { $size = 7; }
else{ $size = 8; }
// If there was a font color or size cha
// nge, change the font tag now.
if(ereg("(\\\cf[0-9])||(\\\fs[0-9][0-9])", $tags)) {
$html .= "</font><font size=$size color=$color>";
// Replace \tab with alternating spaces
// and nonbreakingwhitespaces.
if(ereg("\\\(tab)", $tags)) { $html .= " "; }
return $html;
function ProcessWord($word) {
// Replace \\ with \
$word = ereg_replace("[\\]{2,}", "\\", $word);
// Replace \{ with {
$word = ereg_replace("[\\][\{]", "\{", $word);
// Replace \} with }
$word = ereg_replace("[\\][\}]", "\}", $word);
// Replace 2 spaces with one space.
$word = ereg_replace(" ", " ", $word);
return $word;
$color = "000000";
$size = 1;
$bullets = 0;
// Read the uploaded file into an array.
$rtfile = file($userfile);
$fileLength = count($rtfile);
IDC资讯: 主机资讯 注册资讯 托管资讯 vps资讯 网站建设
网站运营: 建站经验 策划盈利 搜索优化 网站推广 免费资源
网络编程: Asp.Net编程 Asp编程 Php编程 Xml编程 Access Mssql Mysql 其它
服务器技术: Web服务器 Ftp服务器 Mail服务器 Dns服务器 安全防护
软件技巧: 其它软件 Word Excel Powerpoint Ghost Vista QQ空间 QQ FlashGet 迅雷
网页制作: FrontPages Dreamweaver Javascript css photoshop fireworks Flash