• python3.4怎么连接mysql pymysql连接mysql数据库

    本文介绍了python3 4连接mysql数据库的方法,在python3 4中使用原来python2 7的mysqldb已不能连接mysql数据库了,可以使用pymysql。 在python3.4中使用原来python2.7的mysqldb已不能连接mysql数据库了,可以使用pymysql,来完成连接mysql的重任。 具体步骤: 序号描述...

    2018-06-17 22:55:40

  • Can't install mysql-python version 1.2.5 i

    Can't install mysql-python version 1.2.5 in Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37092125/cant-install-mysql-python-version-1-2-5-in-windows No problem. We won't show you that ad again. Why didn't you like it? Uninteresting Misleading Offensiv...

    2018-06-17 22:55:32

  • MySQL查询昨天、今天、7天、近30天、本月、上一月数据

    文章同步发表在博主网站朗度云,传输门:http://www.wolfbe.com/detail/201608/291.html 在开发或者统计时,我们可能需要统计某个表的数据。比如:查看今天新增的文章、计算本月新增的用户数等。这种类似的需求会有很多,也会很常见,可以使用sql的技巧来完成这些工作...

    2018-06-17 22:55:28

  • How to return dictionary keys as a list in Python

    http://btmiller.com/2015/04/13/get-list-of-keys-from-dictionary-in-python-2-and-3.html Get a List of Keys From a Dictionary in Both Python 2 and Python 3 It was mentioned in anearlier postthat there is a difference in how the keys() operation behave...

    2018-06-17 22:55:05

  • mysql多实例安装脚本

    #! /bin/bash# v.mysql-5.6.30-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz# only install master mysql# time:2016-08-15# pkg dirpkg_dir=`pwd`# mysql base dirdata_dir="/data/mysql_root/mysql"base_dir="/usr/local/mysql"# create MySQL group and userecho "start create my...

    2018-06-17 22:54:57

  • 总结:如何使用redis缓存加索引处理数据库百万级并发


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  • MySQL允许远程访问

    grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by 'root' with grant option; flush privileges; 以上两句话的意思是:1、带着赋予权限的权利,赋予他人权限,可访问任何数据库任何表,登陆账号为root,可为任意主机ip,密码为root。 2、更新权限。...

    2018-06-17 22:55:02

  • Python 3 and MySQL

    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4960048/python-3-and-mysql up vote 61down votefavorite 20 I am using ActiveState Python 3 on Windows and wanted to connect to my MySQL database. I heard that mysqldb was the module to use. I can't find mysqldb for...

    2018-06-17 22:54:27

  • Get a List of Keys From a Dictionary in Both Pytho

    http://askubuntu.com/questions/656610/trying-to-install-mysql-connector-for-python-3?rq=1 trying to install mysql-connector for python 3 up vote 0down votefavorite my experience is minimal with Linux so i need a little help! i am trying to install t...

    2018-06-17 22:54:58

  • MySQL 系列(四)主从复制、备份恢复方案生产环境实战

    第一篇:MySQL 系列(一) 生产标准线上环境安装配置案例及棘手问题解决 第二篇:MySQL 系列(二) 你不知道的数据库操作 第三篇:MySQL 系列(三)你不知道的 视图、触发器、存储过程、函数、事务、语句 第四篇:MySQL 系列(四) 主从复制、读写分离、模拟宕机、备份...

    2018-06-17 22:54:53