2018-06-18 01:35:05来源:未知 阅读 ()
import os IP_PORT = ('',8080) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) BASE_UPLOAD_MOVIE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'upload_movie') BASE_DOWNLOAD_MOVIE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'download_movie')
import os from tcp_client import tcpclient from lib import common from conf import setting user_state = { 'cookie':None } def admin_register(client): if user_state['cookie']: print('管理员已登录') return print('\033[32m 注册功能 \033[0m'.center(10,'-')) while True: name = input('注册名(q退出)>>>:').strip() if name == 'q':break password = input('注册密码>>>:').strip() confirm_password = input('确认注册密码>>>:').strip() if password == confirm_password: user_dic = { 'func_type':'register', 'name':name, 'password':common.get_password_md5(password), 'user_type':'admin' } back_dic = common.send_back(user_dic,client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) continue else: print('两次密码不匹配') continue def admin_login(client): if user_state['cookie']: print('管理员已登录') return print('\033[32m 登录功能 \033[0m'.center(10, '-')) while True: name = input('登录名(q退出)>>>:').strip() if name == 'q': break password = input('登录密码>>>:').strip() user_dic = { 'func_type': 'login', 'name': name, 'password': common.get_password_md5(password), 'user_type': 'admin' } back_dic = common.send_back(user_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: user_state['cookie'] = back_dic['session'] print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) continue @common.login_auth('admin') def upload_movie(client): while True: upload_movie_list = os.listdir(setting.BASE_UPLOAD_MOVIE) if upload_movie_list: for k,movie in enumerate(upload_movie_list): print('%s : %s' % (k,movie)) choice = input('请输入上传电影编号(q退出)>>>:').strip() if choice == 'q':break if not choice.isdigit():continue choice = int(choice) if choice >= len(upload_movie_list):continue upload_movie_name = upload_movie_list[choice] upload_movie_path = os.path.join(setting.BASE_UPLOAD_MOVIE, upload_movie_name) upload_movie_size = os.path.getsize(upload_movie_path) upload_movie_md5 = common.get_file_md5(upload_movie_path) send_dic = { 'func_type':'check_upload_movie_exist', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'file_md5':upload_movie_md5 } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic,client) if not back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) break is_free = input('是否免费(y/n)>>>:').strip() if is_free == 'y': is_free = 1 else: is_free = 0 send_dic = { 'func_type':'upload_movie', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'file_name':upload_movie_name, 'file_path':upload_movie_path, 'file_size':upload_movie_size, 'is_free':is_free, 'file_md5':upload_movie_md5 } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic,client,upload_movie_name) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print('暂无可上传电影') break @common.login_auth('admin') def delete_movie(client): while True: send_dic = { 'func_type':'check_moive_list', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'movie_type':'all' } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic,client) if back_dic['flag']: back_movie_list = back_dic['back_movie_list'] for k,movie in enumerate(back_movie_list): print('%s,影片信息:%s' % (k,movie)) choice = input('选择删除的视频>>>:').strip() if choice == 'q':break if not choice.isdigit():continue choice = int(choice) if choice >= len(back_movie_list):continue delete_movie_item = back_movie_list[choice] del_movie_id = delete_movie_item[0] send_dic = { 'func_type':'delete_movie', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'del_movie_id':del_movie_id } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic,client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) else: print(back_dic['msg']) break @common.login_auth('admin') def release_notice(client): while True: name = input('公告标题(q退出)>>>:').strip() if name == 'q':break content = input('公告内容:>>>:').strip() send_dic = { 'func_type':'release_notice', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'name':name, 'content':content } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) break func_dic = { '1':admin_register, '2':admin_login, '3':upload_movie, '4':delete_movie, '5':release_notice } def admin_view(): client = tcpclient.get_client() while True: print(''' 1 管理员注册 2 管理员登录 3 上传视频 4 删除视频 5 发布公告 ''') choice = input('\033[32m 请选择功能 \033[0m>>>:').strip() if choice == 'q': user_state['cookie'] = None break if not choice.isdigit(): continue if choice not in func_dic: continue func_dic[choice](client)
from core import admin,user func_dic = { '1':admin.admin_view, '2':user.user_view } def run(): while True: print(''' 1 管理员视图 2 用户视图 ''') choice = input('\033[32m 请选择功能 \033[0m>>>:').strip() if choice == 'q':break if not choice.isdigit():continue if choice not in func_dic:continue func_dic[choice]()
import time import os from tcp_client import tcpclient from lib import common from conf import setting user_state = { 'cookie':None, 'is_vip':None, } def user_register(client): if user_state['cookie']: print('用户已登录') return print('\033[32m 注册功能 \033[0m'.center(10,'-')) while True: name = input('注册名(q退出)>>>:').strip() if name == 'q':break password = input('注册密码>>>:').strip() confirm_password = input('确认注册密码>>>:').strip() if password == confirm_password: user_dic = { 'func_type':'register', 'name':name, 'password':common.get_password_md5(password), 'user_type':'user' } back_dic = common.send_back(user_dic,client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) continue else: print('两次密码不匹配') continue def user_login(client): if user_state['cookie']: print('用户已登录') return print('\033[32m 登录功能 \033[0m'.center(10, '-')) while True: name = input('登录名(q退出)>>>:').strip() if name == 'q': break password = input('登录密码>>>:').strip() user_dic = { 'func_type': 'login', 'name': name, 'password': common.get_password_md5(password), 'user_type': 'user' } back_dic = common.send_back(user_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: user_state['cookie'] = back_dic['session'] user_state['is_vip'] = back_dic['is_vip'] print(back_dic['msg']) print('最新公告:%s' % back_dic['back_notice']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) continue @common.login_auth('user') def charge_vip(client): while True: if user_state['is_vip']: print('已经是会员') break choice = input('消费10元来充值会员吗?(y/n)>>>:').strip() if choice == 'y': send_dic = { 'func_type':'charge_vip', 'session':user_state['cookie'], } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) break else: print(back_dic['msg']) continue else: print('您未充值会员') break @common.login_auth('user') def check_movie(client): if user_state['is_vip']: movie_type = 'all' else: movie_type = 'free' send_dic = { 'func_type':'check_moive_list', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'movie_type':movie_type } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) print(back_dic['back_movie_list']) return else: print(back_dic['msg']) return @common.login_auth('user') def download_free_movie(client): while True: send_dic = { 'func_type': 'check_moive_list', 'session': user_state['cookie'], 'movie_type': 'free' } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) movie_list = back_dic['back_movie_list'] for k,movie in enumerate(movie_list): print('%s : 影片信息:%s' % (k,movie)) choice = input('请选择下载的电影(q退出)>>>:').strip() if choice == 'q':break if not choice.isdigit():continue choice = int(choice) if choice >= len(movie_list):continue movie_id = movie_list[choice][0] movie_name = movie_list[choice][1] send_dic = { 'func_type':'download_free_movie', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'movie_id':movie_id } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic,client) if back_dic['flag']: if back_dic['wait_time']: print('非会员用户请等待%s后开始下载' % back_dic['wait_time']) time.sleep(back_dic['wait_time']) print('会员用户您好,已努力加载源数据开始下载:') recv_size = 0 file_size = back_dic['file_size'] file_path = os.path.join(setting.BASE_DOWNLOAD_MOVIE,movie_name) with open(file_path,'wb') as f: while recv_size < file_size: recv_data = client.recv(1024) f.write(recv_data) recv_size += len(recv_data) percent = recv_size / file_size common.print_progress(percent) print('下载成功') break else: print(back_dic['msg']) break break else: print(back_dic['msg']) break @common.login_auth('user') def download_charge_movie(client): while True: send_dic = { 'func_type': 'check_moive_list', 'session': user_state['cookie'], 'movie_type': 'charge' } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) movie_list = back_dic['back_movie_list'] for k,movie in enumerate(movie_list): print('%s : 影片信息:%s' % (k,movie)) choice = input('请选择下载的电影(q退出)>>>:').strip() if choice == 'q':break if not choice.isdigit():continue choice = int(choice) if choice >= len(movie_list):continue movie_id = movie_list[choice][0] movie_name = movie_list[choice][1] send_dic = { 'func_type':'download_charge_movie', 'session':user_state['cookie'], 'movie_id':movie_id } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic,client) if back_dic['flag']: cost_money = back_dic['cost_money'] confirm_charge = input('是否确认消费下载此电影(y/n)>>>:').strip() if confirm_charge == 'n': print('您未下载收费视频') break print('您已消费金额:%s,电影努力加载中' % cost_money) recv_size = 0 file_size = back_dic['file_size'] file_path = os.path.join(setting.BASE_DOWNLOAD_MOVIE,movie_name) with open(file_path,'wb') as f: while recv_size < file_size: recv_data = client.recv(1024) f.write(recv_data) recv_size += len(recv_data) percent = recv_size / file_size common.print_progress(percent) print('下载成功') break else: print(back_dic['msg']) break break else: print(back_dic['msg']) break @common.login_auth('user') def check_download_record(client): send_dic = { 'func_type':'check_download_record', 'session':user_state['cookie'] } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) print(back_dic['back_download_record_list']) return else: print(back_dic['msg']) return @common.login_auth('user') def check_notice(client): send_dic = { 'func_type': 'check_notice', 'session': user_state['cookie'] } back_dic = common.send_back(send_dic, client) if back_dic['flag']: print(back_dic['msg']) print(back_dic['notice_list']) return else: print(back_dic['msg']) return func_dic = { '1':user_register, '2':user_login, '3':charge_vip, '4':check_movie, '5':download_free_movie, '6':download_charge_movie, '7':check_download_record, '8':check_notice } def user_view(): client = tcpclient.get_client() while True: print(''' 1 用户注册 2 用户登录 3 充会员 4 查看视频 5 下载免费视频 6 下载收费视频 7 查看下载记录 8 查看公告 ''') choice = input('\033[32m 请选择功能 \033[0m>>>:').strip() if choice == 'q': user_state['cookie'] = None user_state['is_vip'] = 0 break if not choice.isdigit(): continue if choice not in func_dic: continue func_dic[choice](client)
import hashlib import json import struct import os def login_auth(user_type): from core import admin,user def wrapper(func): def auth(*args,**kwargs): if user_type == 'admin': if not admin.user_state['cookie']: print('请先登录') admin.admin_login(args[0]) else: func(*args,**kwargs) elif user_type == 'user': if not user.user_state['cookie']: print('请先登录') user.user_login(args[0]) else: func(*args,**kwargs) else: return False return auth return wrapper def get_password_md5(password): md = hashlib.md5() md.update('密码加盐'.encode('utf-8')) md.update(password.encode('utf-8')) return md.hexdigest() def send_back(send_dic,client,file=None): # 发送 send_dic_json = json.dumps(send_dic) send_dic_bytes = send_dic_json.encode('utf-8') send_dic_head = struct.pack('i',len(send_dic_bytes)) client.send(send_dic_head) client.send(send_dic_bytes) # 文件 if file: send_size = 0 file_size = send_dic['file_size'] with open(send_dic['file_path'],'rb') as f: while send_size < file_size: send_data = f.readline() client.send(send_data) send_size += len(send_data) percent = send_size / file_size print_progress(percent) # 接收 back_dic_head = client.recv(4) back_dic_len = struct.unpack('i',back_dic_head)[0] back_dic_bytes = client.recv(back_dic_len) back_dic_json = back_dic_bytes.decode('utf-8') back_dic = json.loads(back_dic_json) return back_dic def print_progress(percent): width = 70 sign = '■' if percent > 1: percent = 1 print_str = '[%%-%ds]' % width % (int(percent * width) * sign) print('\r%s %d%%' % (print_str,int(percent * 100)),end='') # 大文件校验唯一性的md5值 def get_file_md5(file_path): md = hashlib.md5() if os.path.exists(file_path): file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) file_pieces_list = [0, file_size // 3, (file_size // 3) * 2, file_size - 10] with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: for file_piece in file_pieces_list: md.update( return md.hexdigest() else: print('文件不存在') return False if __name__ == '__main__': print(get_file_md5('/Users/limengjie/Desktop/pyhon/youku_web/youku_client/upload_movie/test.pdf')) print(get_file_md5('/Users/limengjie/Desktop/pyhon/youku_web/youku_client/upload_movie/test2.pdf')) percent = 0 while percent < 1: percent += 0.1 print_progress(percent)
import socket from conf import setting def get_client(): client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.connect(setting.IP_PORT) return client
import os import sys path = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.append(path) from core import src if __name__ == '__main__':
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