foobar2000 1.2.5 正式发布

2019-04-26 08:30:35来源:华彩软件站 阅读 ()


foobar2000 是一个 Windows 平台下的高级音频播放器.包含完全支持 unicode 及支持播放增益的高级标签功能. 

特色:*支持的音频格式: MP3, MP4, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Vorbis,FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, Musepack, Speex, AU, SND, 通过第三方插件将支持更多的格式.

下载:foobar2000 1.2.5

foobar2000 1.2.5 Final:

Converter: fixed writing of WAV files with odd byte counts (eg. 24-bit mono).

Improved handling of various malformed WAV files.

Converter: fixed writing of file types that foobar2000 cannot tag.

Fixed “verify integrity of played files” option disabling HDCD & DTS decoder components.

It's a feature of individual decoder components; third party decoder components such as Monkey's Audio decoder must be updated separately.

“Add Folder” now skips over hidden files & subfolders.

AIFF file format tagging support.

Added authenticode signatures to foobar2000 binaries.

Added WAV & AIFF attached picture handling (beta 2).

Added attached picture transfer option in Converter (beta 2).

Support for touchscreen gesture scrolling on Windows 8 tablet devices (final).




上一篇:QQ2013 beta3(6547)更新
