Opera Next for Windows 12.10 Beta 发布

2019-04-25 07:02:35来源:华彩软件站 阅读 ()


Opera 下一个要发布的稳定版本将是 12.10,然后会继续更新 12.50。今天这个版本包含了到目前为止所有已经完成的成果和内核升级,并新增对 Retina 即所谓视网膜级别显示精细度的 Mac 屏幕的支持,还有 bug 修复。内核升级的其中一个亮点,是大幅度提升了 WebM 视频的性能。对于 Mac 用户,12.10 开始支持 Retina 级别显示效果。Retina 显示屏比普通屏幕的像素密度翻了一番,使网页文本和细节更细腻。这个 build 对皮肤进行了相应的更新,图标换成更高的分辨率。

What's new in this build?

- Operating system compatibility: Windows 8

- Several new and improved APIs are included in this version of Opera

- Improved support for all high-resolution displays

- Opera 12.10 beta will include changes in the Opera Presto 2.12 engine up to core-integration-point 388

- Support for the SPDY ("Speedy") network standard

- CSS3 Gradients, Transitions, Animations, and Transforms

- To improve site compatibility and interoperability, Opera 12.10 beta also introduces aliasing for a selection of prefixed CSS properties

- Fullscreen API

- Page Visibility API

- Support for WebSockets has been updated in Opera 12.10 beta and is now enabled by default

- International Color Consortium (ICC) profile support has been added, ensuring images look as the author intended

下载:Opera Next for Windows 12.10 Beta




上一篇:Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.110 正式版发布

下一篇:暴风影音5.18正式发布 新增智能3D技术