忍者骡新版 eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.7 发布

2019-04-25 07:02:04来源:华彩软件站 阅读 ()


2012年11月21日,Stulle发布了基于eMule 0.50a的MorphXT v12.7。该版本主要增强了IP2Country的更新功能,能够自动引用MaxMind的IP-地理位置数据库;引入了在ScarAngel中已经历经检验的部分功能,例如WebInterface等等;此外还有多处修正以及调整。


eMule MorphXT Mod俗称“忍者骡”,是第一个较著名的eMule Mod,03 年1月23日开始开发。这款eMule Mod用户众多,基于它也衍生修改出了不少Mod,如StulleMule,MagicAngel,EastShare等等。MorphXT较适合拥有大水管的上传者使用,是一款发布利器,支持SlotFocus,支持各种强力智能上传功能。

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.7 下载(bin二进制包,即“绿色版本”,解压即用)

MorphXT v12.7 安装文件 下载(适合新手的installer安装向导)

MorphXT v12.7 源代码 下载(给程序员的源代码)


更换eMule mod的用户可参考:如何安全、彻底、有效地更换eMule Mod



ADD: Some more MediaInfo settings and USC log color to Advanced Preferences [Stulle]

ADD: New flags to countryflag.dll in order to meet ISO 3166-1 standard [Stulle]

+ Note that you absolutely need to update the countryflag.dlls!

ADD: Show ZZ ratio activation in Web Interface [Stulle]

ADD: Respect and display USC in WebInterface queue sorting [Stulle]

CHANGE: Updated Bad Mod List and Bad Hashs List (DLP v43) [zz_fly]

CHANGE: Max FileBufferTimeLimit changed from 100 to 10 minutes [Stulle]

CHANGE: Displayed ed2k link list in category selection can be scrolled through [Stulle]

CHANGE: Use bold font for drawing client progress percentage in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]

CHANGE: Improved category rights handling for Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]

CHANGE: Improved download right handling for Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]

CHANGE: Show friend menu in friend list of Web Interface transfer panel [Stulle]

CHANGE: Show all clients that are not banned in On Queue list of Web Interface [Stulle]

CHANGE: Display if a client has credits in On Queue list of Web Interface [Stulle]

CHANGE: Tweasked NTService optimizations [Stulle]

CHANGE: Retrieve ID3LIB setting from memory during runtime [Stulle]

CHANGE: Rearranged Advanced (official) Preferences for better overview [Stulle]

CHANGE: Integrate MaxMind GeoLite Country into IP2Country feature (download and processing) [Stulle]

+ You might need to reset the update URL to use this new source and format!

+ For maximum comfort old format and source may still be used (only for ip-to-country.csv).

+ Notice: MorphXT includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com

FIX: Don't assign downloads via watch clipboard feature using view filters CHANGE [Stulle]

FIX: Weird result calculation for Fakealyzer [Stulle]

FIX: Pasting eD2k links from DownloadListCtrl was not handled as pasting [Stulle]

FIX: Setting for "Don't update Queue list in real time" was inverted in Tweaks [Stulle]

+ Note: It now works as expected so you might have to set it anew.

FIX: Aborting HTTP downloads [WiZaRd]

FIX: Wrong input focus for Multi User Web Interface login if user remembered [Stulle]

FIX: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer did not show 100% [Stulle]

FIX: Potential crash in USC logging due to format code in user name [Jesse Hager]

FIX: Log color settings were not stored in preferences.ini [Stulle]

FIX: Ambersands were not removed in PreferencesDlg [Stulle]

REMOVED: Obsolete Vista and above fix in ExportPartMetFilesOverview [leuk_he]

REMOVED: Obsolete GetRemainingReservedDataToDownload function [Stulle]










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