Opera 11.60 RC 2 build 1184 发布

2019-04-21 07:15:31来源:华彩软件站 阅读 ()


虽然微软IE团队从未给发布新版本的Opera送过蛋糕,但Opera浏览器仍乐此不彼的快速更新着浏览器。这不上午刚发布11.60 RC build 1181版,紧跟着11.60 RC 2 build 1184版就来了,看来上个版本还是存在一些问题哈。

本次更新修复了卸载 Opera 时出现 Module 10 错误的问题,以及一些看起来不甚严重的问题。

下载地址:Windows | Macintosh | Linux/FreeBSD



CORE-42427 Google Docs document list jumps back to top on scroll 

CORE-41305 Stops accepting input after adjusting volume on a YouTube video 

CORE-42716 ReSpec.js throws an error in Opera 11.60 and Opera 12 

DSK-351880 Changing the Speed Dial columns setting does not take effect right away 

DSK-351871 Flash installation is not initialized 

DSK-351607 Can’t connect to Yandex Mail with AUTH PLAIN 

DSK-351846 Apply paddings to address and search drop downs 

DSK-351777 Star menu disappears if you choose a custom folder 

DSK-349636 [Win] Module 10 error when uninstalling Opera and deleting user data 

DSK-330450 [Win] Crash when uninstalling or upgrading Opera while Widgets are running 

DSK-347303 [*nix] Some fonts are corrupted when displayed with antialias on and rgba set to rgb 

DSK-351875 [Mac] View dropdown menu buttons jumping on press




上一篇:火狐浏览器或放弃支持Mac OS X“雪豹”系统

下一篇:QQ音乐2011正式版登场 性能优化更稳定