Mozilla公布首个Thunderbird 5.0 beta版

2019-04-20 09:04:33来源:华彩软件站 阅读 ()


Mozilla公布首个Thunderbird 5.0 beta版


  Mozilla今天终于公布了开源E-Mail客户端Thunderbird 5.0的beta版本,许多朋友一定会感到奇怪,因为最新的稳定版仅仅是3.1,为什么一下子就到5.0了?这是因为Thunderbird和Firefox一样采用Gecko核心,在Thunderbird 5中的Gecko内核版本是和Firefox一样的,所以开发团队干脆跳过了版本4。

  新版带来了新的扩展功能和管理API,并添加了E-Mail配置向导和除错程序,支持RSS。最大的兼容性改进体现在Mac平台,32位和64位的Mac OS X,而PowerPC则整体被抛弃。

What's New in Thunderbird Beta

The latest version of Thunderbird Beta has the following changes:

  New Addons Manager and extension management API (user interface will be changed before final release)

  Tabs can now be reordered and dragged to different windows

  Revised account creation wizard, offering improved set-up

  Attachment sizes now displayed along with attachments

  New troubleshooting information page to aid supporting and diagnosing problems in Thunderbird

  Plugins can now be loaded in RSS feeds by default

  Various other user interface fixes and improvements

  Support for Mac 32/64 bit Universal builds (Thunderbird Beta will no longer support PowerPC on Mac)

  and numerous other bug fixes

下载:Thunderbird Beta




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