IpSwitch IMail Server弱加密算法漏洞
2008-04-09 04:27:46来源:互联网 阅读 ()
Ipswitch IMail 8.1描述:
Ipswitch IMail 8.0.5
Ipswitch IMail 8.0.3
Ipswitch IMail server是一款基于WEB的邮件解决方案。
IpSwitch IMail Server使用弱加密算法加密用户密码,本地攻击者可以利用这个漏洞恢复密码信息。
IpSwitch IMail Server使用'polyalphabetic Vegenere cipher'加密算法加密用户密码。此加密机制可以很方便的破解,要解密用户密码需要一密钥,IMail使用用户名作为密钥进行用户密码加密。用户把密码信息存在在注册表中:
<*来源:Adik (netmaniac@hotmail.KG)
警 告
* IpSwitch IMail Server <= ver 8.1 User Password Decryption
* by Adik < netmaniac[at]hotmail.KG >
* IpSwitch IMail Server uses weak encryption algorithm to encrypt its user passwords. It uses
* polyalphabetic Vegenere cipher to encrypt its user passwords. This encryption scheme is
* relatively easy to break. In order to decrypt user password we need a key. IMail uses username
* as a key to encrypt its user passwords. The server stores user passwords in the registry under the key
* "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IpSwitch\IMail\Domains\<domainname>\Users\<username>\Password".
* Before decrypting password convert all upper case characters in the username to lower case
* characters. We use username as a key to decrypt our password.
* In order to get our plain text password, we do as follows:
* 1) Subtract hex code of first password hash character by the hex code of first username character.
* The resulting hex code will be our first decrypted password character.
* 2) Repeat above step for the rest of the chars.
* Look below, everythin is dead simple ;)
* eg:
* USERNAME: netmaniac
* --------------------------------------------
* D0 CE E7 D5 CC D3 D4 C7 D2 E0 CA EA D2 D3 <- password hash
* - 6E 65 74 6D 61 6E 69 61 63 6E 65 74 6D 61 <- hex codes of username
* n e t m a n i a c n e t m a <- username is a key
* -----------------------------------------
* 62 69 73 68 6B 65 6B 66 6F 72 65 76 65 72 <- hex codes of decrypted password
* b i s h k e k f o r e v e r <- actual decrypted password
* pwdhash_hex_code username_hex_code decrypted_password
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* D0 - 6E (n) = 62 (b)
* CE - 65 (e) = 69 (i)
* E7 - 74 (t) = 73 (s)
* D5 - 6D (m) = 68 (h)
* CC - 61 (a) = 6B (k)
* D3 - 6E (n) = 65 (e)
* D4 - 69 (i) = 6B (k)
* C7 - 61 (a) = 66 (f)
* D2 - 63 (c) = 6F (o)
* E0 - 6E (n) = 72 (r)
* CA - 65 (e) = 65 (e)
* EA - 74 (t) = 76 (v)
* D2 - 6D (m) = 65 (e)
* D3 - 61 (a) = 72 (r)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* I've included a lil proggie to dump all the usernames/passwords from local machine's registry.
* Have fun!
* //Send bug reports to netmaniac[at]hotmail.KG
* Greets to: my man wintie from .au, Chintan Trivedi :), jin yean ;), Morphique
* [16/August/2004] Bishkek
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