相关分类: Java技术 C/C++ VB delphi
  • [修正] Firemonkey 中英文混排折行,省略字符,首字避

    问题:FMX 在移动平台的文字显示并非由该平台的原生 API 来显示,而是由 FMX.TextLayout.GPU 来处理,也许是官方没留意到中文字符的问题,造成在中英文混排折行时,有些问题。 修正:这个修正适用在任何文字显示的函数及控件上,如:TText, TLabel, DrawText....等。...

    2018-06-17 18:57:22

  • Delphi 回调函数及property的使用

    要弄清楚Delphi中的回调,首先要弄清楚: delphi中经常见到的以下两种定义 Type TMouseProc = procedure (X,Y:integer); TMouseEvent = procedure (X,Y:integer) of Object; 两者样子差不多但实际意义却不一样, TMouseProc只是单一的函数指针类型; TMouseEvent是对象的...

    2018-06-17 18:57:22

  • [示例] Firemonkey TGridLayout & TGridPanel

    说明:使用TGridLayout TGridPanelLayout 来布局 源码下载:[示例]TestGridPanelLayout_布局_20161223.zip 展示:...

    2018-06-17 18:57:21

  • [改善] dcef3 for Firemonkey 浏览器控件,拉动窗体大

    问题:dcef3 for Firemonkey 浏览器控件,拉动窗体大小会闪烁的问题 修改源码:ceffmx.pas 找到 procedure TCustomChromiumFMX.Resize; 修改如下: procedure TCustomChromiumFMX.Resize; var brws: ICefBrowser; b: TBitmap; begin inherited ; if not (csDesigning i...

    2018-06-17 18:57:21

  • Determing client's IP

    Author Determing client's IP Анатоли 23.04.2009 18:39:46 Registered user How to determine client's IP address in THTTPServer.OnClientConnected, THTTPServer.OnClientDisonnected and TRtcFunction.OnExecute events? Danijel Tkalcec [RTC] 23.04.200...

    2018-06-17 18:57:20

  • Sessions

    Author Sessions Walter Matte 20.02.2008 02:46:19 Registered user I have a rtcHTTPServer on a form, on a datamodule I have a rtcDataServerLink and three rtcDataProviders. One of the rtcDataProviders OpenSession, with a KeepAlive for 3 minutes. I have...

    2018-06-17 18:57:17

  • TRtcHttpServer Connections.

    Author TRtcHttpServer Connections. Steve Gill 02.09.2006 09:15:00 Registered user I would like to display the number of current connections in the server's main window. I have tried both the TotalConnectionCount and TotalServerConnectionCount method...

    2018-06-17 18:57:14

  • 用 RAD Studio 柏林版创建 IoT 应用程序

    POSTED BY SARINA D ON THURSDAY, 2 MARCH 2017 INBLOGS 在 RAD Studio 柏林版我们提供50多个组件来支持当今流行的IoT设备。 ThingConnect IoT设备组件包括从心律显示器、血压监视器等健康设备到家庭小机械比如低能蓝牙电灯泡、支持Z-Wave的门锁、智能开关、烟感检测器...

    2018-06-17 18:57:13

  • RTC Remote Functions - working with flexible struc

    Author RTC Remote Functions - working with flexible structures Danijel Tkalcec [RTC] 01.06.2006 20:27:57 Registered user You can form your structure as simple and as complex as you want. RTC uses highly flexible format, so that you can define virtua...

    2018-06-17 18:57:12

  • [笔记] FireDAC DataSet 导入及导出 JSON

    刚好需要将 FireDAC DataSet (TFDDataSet, TFDQuery...) 转成 JSON,网上找了一圈,原来从 XE6 开始就支持这个功能了: 储存: DataSet1.SaveToFile('d:\Data.json', TFDStorageFormat.sfJSON); 载入: DataSet1.LoadFromFile('d:\Data.json', TFDStorageFormat.sfJSON...

    2018-06-17 18:57:10