2008-04-09 04:21:31来源:互联网 阅读 ()

(********************* PL0 编译程序Turbo Pascal代码 *********************) program pl0(fa,fa1,fa2); (* PL0 compile with code generation *) label 99; (* Turbo Pascal do not support goto between different blocks so, the ''''goto'''' command in getch are replaced by procedure exitp !! in another way, ''''label 99'''' do not work !! Lin Wei 2001 *) const norw=13; (* of reserved words *) txmax=100; (* length of identifier table *) nmax=14; (* max number of digits in numbers *) al=10; (* length of identifiers *) amax=2047; (* maximum address *) levmax=3; (* max depth of block nesting *) cxmax=200; (* size of code array *) type symbol=(nul,ident,number,plus,minus,times,slash,oddsym, eql,neq,lss,leq,gtr,geq,lparen,rparen,comma, semicolon,period,becomes,beginsym,endsym,ifsym, thensym,whilesym,writesym,readsym,dosym,callsym, constsym,varsym,procsym); alfa=packed array[] of char; objects=(constant,variable,procedur); (* wirth used the word "procedure"and"object" there, which won''''t work! *) symset=set of symbol; fct=(lit,opr,lod,sto,cal,int,jmp,jpc); instruction=packed record f:fct; (* function code *) l:0..levmax; (* level *) a:0..amax; (* displacement addr *) end; (* lit 0,a load constant a opr 0,a execute opr a lod 1,a load variable 1,a sto 1,a store variable 1,a cal 1,a call procedure at level 1 int 0,a increment t -register by a jmp 0,a jump to a jpc 0,a jump conditional to a *) var fa:text; fa1,fa2:text; listswitch:boolean; (* true set list object code *) ch:char; (* last char read *) sym:symbol; (* last symbol read *) id:alfa; (* last identifier read *) num:integer; (* last number read *) cc:integer; (* character count *) ll:integer; (* line length *) kk:integer; cx:integer; (* code allocation index *) line:array[1..81] of char; a:alfa; code:array[0..cxmax] of instruction; word:array[1..norw] of alfa; wsym:array[1..norw] of symbol; ssym:array['''' ''''..''''^''''] of symbol; (* wirth uses "array[char]" here *) mnemonic:array[fct] of packed array[1..5] of char; declbegsys, statbegsys, facbegsys:symset; table:array[0..txmax] of record name:alfa; case kind:objects of constant:(val:integer); variable,procedur:(level,adr,size:integer) (* "size" lacking in original. I think it belongs here *) end; fin,fout:text; fname:string; err:integer; endf:boolean; procedure error(n:integer); begin writeln(''''****'''','''''''':cc-1,''''!'''',n:2); writeln(fa1,''''****'''','''''''':cc-1,''''!'''',n:2); err:=err 1; end; (* error *) procedure exitp; begin endf:=true; close(fin); writeln; exit; end; procedure getsym; var i,j,k:integer; procedure getch; begin if cc=ll then begin if eof(fin) then begin write(''''program incomplete''''); close(fin); writeln; exitp; (*goto 99;*) end; ll:=0; cc:=0; write(cx:4,'''' ''''); write(fa1,cx:4,'''' ''''); while not eoln(fin) do begin ll:=ll 1; read(fin,ch); write(ch); write(fa1,ch); line[ll]:=ch; end; writeln; ll:=ll 1; (* read(fin,line[ll]); repleaced by two lines below *) line[ll]:='''' ''''; readln(fin); writeln(fa1); end; cc:=cc 1; ch:=line[cc]; end; (* getch *) begin (* getsym *) while ch='''' '''' do getch; if ch in [''''a''''..''''z''''] then begin k:=0; repeat if k<al then begin k:=k 1; a[k]:=ch; end; getch; until not(ch in [''''a''''..''''z'''',''''0''''..''''9'''']); if k>=kk then kk:=k else repeat a[kk]:='''' ''''; kk:=kk-1; until kk=k; id:=a; i:=1; j:=norw; repeat k:=(i j) div 2; if id<=word[k] then j:=k-1; if id>=word[k] then i:=k 1; until i>j; if i-1>j then sym:=wsym[k] else sym:=ident; end else if ch in [''''0''''..''''9''''] then begin (* number *) k:=0; num:=0; sym:=number; repeat num:=10*num (ord(ch)-ord(''''0'''')); k:=k 1; getch; until not(ch in[''''0''''..''''9'''']); if k>nmax then error(30); end else if ch='''':'''' then begin getch; if ch=''''='''' then begin sym:=becomes; getch; end else sym:=nul; end else if ch=''''<'''' then begin getch; if ch=''''='''' then begin sym:=leq; getch; end else sym:=lss; end else if ch=''''>'''' then begin getch; if ch=''''='''' then begin sym:=geq; getch; end else sym:=gtr; end else begin sym:=ssym[ch]; getch; end; end; (* getsym *) procedure gen(x:fct;y,z:integer); begin if cx>cxmax then begin write(''''program too long''''); (*goto 99;*) end; with code[cx] do begin f:=x; l:=y; a:=z; end; cx:=cx 1; end; (* gen *) procedure test(s1,s2:symset;n:integer); begin if not(sym in s1) then begin error(n); s1:=s1 s2; while not(sym in s1) do getsym; end; end; (* test *) procedure block(lev,tx:integer;fsys:symset); var dx:integer; (* data allocation index *) tx0:integer; (* inital table index *) cx0:integer; (* inital code index *) procedure enter(k:objects); begin (* enter object into table *) tx:=tx 1; with table[tx] do begin name:=id; kind:=k; case k of constant: begin if num>amax then begin error(31); num:=0; end; val:=num; end; variable: begin level:=lev; adr:=dx; dx:=dx 1; end; procedur: level:=lev; end; end; end; (* enter *) function position(id:alfa):integer; var i:integer; begin (* find identifier in table *) table[0].name:=id; i:=tx; while table[i].name<>id do i:=i-1; position:=i; end; (* position *) procedure constdeclaration; begin if sym=ident then begin getsym; if sym in [eql,becomes] then begin if sym=becomes then error(1); getsym; if sym=number then begin enter(constant); getsym; end else error(2); end else error(3); end else error(4); end; (* constdeclaration *) procedure vardeclaration; begin if sym=ident then begin enter(variable); getsym; end else error(4); end; (* vardeclaration *) procedure listcode; var i:integer; begin if listswitch then begin for i:=cx0 to cx-1 do with code[i] do begin writeln(i,mnemonic[f]:5,l:3,a:5); writeln(fa,i:4,mnemonic[f]:5,l:3,a:5); end; end; end; (* listcode *) procedure statement(fsys:symset); var i,cx1,cx2:integer; procedure expression(fsys:symset); var addop:symbol; procedure term(fsys:symset); var mulop:symbol; procedure factor(fsys:symset); var i:integer; begin test(facbegsys,fsys,24); while sym in facbegsys do begin if sym=ident then begin i:=position(id); if i=0 then error(11) else with table[i] do case kind of constant:gen(lit,0,val); variable:gen(lod,lev-level,adr); procedur:error(21); end; getsym; end else if sym=number then begin if num>amax then begin error(31); num:=0; end; gen(lit,0,num); getsym; end else if sym=lparen then begin getsym; expression([rparen] fsys); if sym=rparen then getsym else error(22); end; test(fsys,facbegsys,23); end; end; (* factor *) begin (* term *) factor([times,slash] fsys); while sym in [times,slash] do begin mulop:=sym; getsym; factor(fsys [times,slash]); if mulop=times then gen(opr,0,4) else gen(opr,0,5) end; end; (* term *) begin (* expression *) if sym in [plus,minus] then begin addop:=sym; getsym; term(fsys [plus,minus]); if addop=minus then gen(opr,0,1); end else term(fsys [plus,minus]); while sym in [plus,minus] do begin addop:=sym; getsym; term(fsys [plus,minus]); if addop=plus then gen(opr,0,2) else gen(opr,0,3); end; end; (* expression *) procedure condition(fsys:symset); var relop:symbol; begin if sym=oddsym then begin getsym; expression(fsys); gen(opr,0,6); end else begin expression([eql,neq,lss,leq,gtr,geq] fsys); if not(sym in [eql,neq,lss,leq,gtr,geq]) then error(20) else begin relop:=sym; getsym; expression(fsys); case relop of eql:gen(opr,0,8); neq:gen(opr,0,9); lss:gen(opr,0,10); geq:gen(opr,0,11); gtr:gen(opr,0,12); leq:gen(opr,0,13); end; end; end; end; (* condition *) begin (* statement *) if sym=ident then begin i:=position(id); if i=0 then error(11) else if table[i].kind<>variable then begin error(12); i:=0; end; getsym; if sym=becomes then getsym else error(13); expression(fsys); if i<>0 then with table[i] do gen(sto,lev-level,adr); end else if sym=readsym then begin getsym; if sym<>lparen then error(34) else repeat getsym; if sym=ident then i:=position(id) else i:=0; if i=0 then error(35) else with table[i] do begin gen(opr,0,16); gen(sto,lev-level,adr); end; getsym; until sym<>comma; if sym<>rparen then begin error(33); while not(sym in fsys) do getsym; end else getsym; end else if sym=writesym then begin getsym; if sym=lparen then begin repeat getsym; expression([rparen,comma] fsys); gen(opr,0,14); until sym<>comma; if sym<>rparen then error(33) else getsym; end; gen(opr,0,15); end else if sym=callsym then begin getsym; if sym<>ident then error(14) else begin i:=position(id); if i=0 then error(11) else with table[i] do if kind=procedur then gen(cal,lev-level,adr) else error(15); getsym; end; end else if sym=ifsym then begin getsym; condition([thensym,dosym] fsys); if sym=thensym then getsym else error(16); cx1:=cx; gen(jpc,0,0); statement(fsys); code[cx1].a:=cx; end else if sym=beginsym then begin getsym; statement([semicolon,endsym] fsys); while sym in [semicolon] statbegsys do begin if sym=semicolon then getsym else error(10); statement([semicolon,endsym] fsys); end; if sym=endsym then getsym else error(17); end else if sym=whilesym then begin cx1:=cx; getsym; condition([dosym] fsys); cx2:=cx; gen(jpc,0,0); if sym=dosym then getsym else error(18); statement(fsys); gen(jmp,0,cx1); code[cx2].a:=cx; end; test(fsys,[],19); end; (* statement *) begin (* block *) dx:=3; tx0:=tx; table[tx].adr:=cx; gen(jmp,0,0); if lev>levmax then error(32); repeat if sym=constsym then begin getsym; repeat constdeclaration; while sym=comma do begin getsym; constdeclaration; end; if sym=semicolon then getsym else error(5); until sym<>ident; end; if sym=varsym then begin getsym; repeat; vardeclaration; while sym=comma do begin getsym; vardeclaration; end; if sym=semicolon then getsym else error(5); until sym<>ident; end; while sym=procsym do begin getsym; if sym=ident then begin enter(procedur); getsym; end else error(4); if sym=semicolon then getsym else error(5); block(lev 1,tx,[semicolon] fsys); if sym=semicolon then begin getsym; test(statbegsys [ident,procsym],fsys,6); end else error(5); end; test(statbegsys [ident],declbegsys,7); until not(sym in declbegsys); code[table[tx0].adr].a:=cx; with table[tx0] do begin adr:=cx; size:=dx; end; cx0:=cx; gen(int,0,dx); statement([semicolon,endsym] fsys); gen(opr,0,0); test(fsys,[],8); listcode; end; (* block *) procedure interpret; const stacksize=500; var p,b,t:integer; (* program base topstack registers *) i:instruction; s:array[1..stacksize] of integer; (* datastore *) function base(l:integer):integer; var bl:integer; begin bl:=b; (* find base 1 level down *) while l>0 do begin bl:=s[bl]; l:=l-1; end; base:=bl; end; (* base *) begin writeln(''''start pl0''''); t:=0; b:=1; p:=0; s[1]:=0; s[2]:=0; s[3]:=0; repeat i:=code[p]; p:=p 1; with i do case f of lit: begin t:=t 1; s[t]:=a; end; opr: case a of (* operator *) 0: begin (* return *) t:=b-1; p:=s[t 3]; b:=s[t 2]; end; 1: s[t]:=-s[t]; 2: begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=s[t] s[t 1]; end; 3: begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=s[t]-s[t 1]; end; 4: begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=s[t]*s[t 1]; end; 5: begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=s[t] div s[t 1]; end; 6: s[t]:=ord(odd(s[t])); 8: begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=ord(s[t]=s[t 1]); end; 9: begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=ord(s[t]<>s[t 1]); end; 10:begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=ord(s[t]<s[t 1]); end; 11:begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=ord(s[t]>=s[t 1]); end; 12:begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=ord(s[t]>s[t 1]); end; 13:begin t:=t-1; s[t]:=ord(s[t]<=s[t 1]); end; 14:begin write(s[t]); write(fa2,s[t]); t:=t-1; end; 15:begin writeln; writeln(fa2); end; 16:begin t:=t 1; write(''''?''''); write(fa2,''''?''''); readln(s[t]); writeln(fa2,s[t]); end; end; lod: begin t:=t 1; s[t]:=s[base(l) a]; end; sto: begin s[base(l) a]:=s[t]; (* writeln(s[t]) *) t:=t-1; end; cal: begin (* generat new block mark *) s[t 1]:=base(l); s[t 2]:=b; s[t 3]:=p; b:=t 1; p:=a; end; int: t:=t a; jmp: p:=a; jpc: begin if s[t]=0 then p:=a; t:=t-1; end; end; (* with, case *) until p=0; close(fa2); end; (* interpret *) begin (* main *) for ch:='''' '''' to ''''!'''' do ssym[ch]:=nul; (* changed bacause of different character set note the typos below in the original where the alfas were not given the correct space *) word[1]:=''''begin ''''; word[2]:=''''call ''''; word[3]:=''''const ''''; word[4]:=''''do ''''; word[5]:=''''end ''''; word[6]:=''''if ''''; word[7]:=''''odd ''''; word[8]:=''''procedure ''''; word[9]:=''''read ''''; word[10]:=''''then ''''; word[11]:=''''var ''''; word[12]:=''''while ''''; word[13]:=''''write ''''; wsym[1]:=beginsym; wsym[2]:=callsym; wsym[3]:=constsym; wsym[4]:=dosym; wsym[5]:=endsym; wsym[6]:=ifsym; wsym[7]:=oddsym; wsym[8]:=procsym; wsym[9]:=readsym; wsym[10]:=thensym; wsym[11]:=varsym; wsym[12]:=whilesym; wsym[13]:=writesym; ssym['''' '''']:=plus; ssym[''''-'''']:=minus; ssym[''''*'''']:=times; ssym[''''/'''']:=slash; ssym[''''('''']:=lparen; ssym['''')'''']:=rparen; ssym[''''='''']:=eql; ssym['''','''']:=comma; ssym[''''.'''']:=period; ssym[''''#'''']:=neq; ssym['''';'''']:=semicolon; mnemonic[lit]:=''''lit ''''; mnemonic[opr]:=''''opr ''''; mnemonic[lod]:=''''lod ''''; mnemonic[sto]:=''''sto ''''; mnemonic[cal]:=''''cal ''''; mnemonic[int]:=''''int ''''; mnemonic[jmp]:=''''jmp ''''; mnemonic[jpc]:=''''jpc ''''; declbegsys:=[constsym,varsym,procsym]; statbegsys:=[beginsym,callsym,ifsym,whilesym]; facbegsys:=[ident,number,lparen]; (* page(output) *) endf:=false; assign(fa1,''''PL0.txt''''); rewrite(fa1); write(''''input file? ''''); write(fa1,''''input file?''''); readln(fname); writeln(fa1,fname); (* openf(fin,fname,''''r''''); ==> *) assign(fin,fname); reset(fin); write(''''list object code ?''''); readln(fname); write(fa1,''''list object code ?''''); listswitch:=(fname[1]=''''y''''); err:=0; cc:=0; cx:=0; ll:=0; ch:='''' ''''; kk:=al; getsym; assign(fa,''''PL0-1.txt''''); assign(fa2,''''PL0-2.txt''''); rewrite(fa); rewrite(fa2); block(0,0,[period] declbegsys statbegsys); close(fa); close(fa1); if sym<>period then error(9); if err=0 then interpret else write(''''error in pl/0 program''''); 99: (* this line is not work in turbo pascal so replace by procedure exitp: see the memo at the top *) close(fin); writeln; end.标签:
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