
2008-04-10 02:57:00来源:互联网 阅读 ()


Learn about Diamondback at Borcon -- Michael Swindell

BorCon 2004 上将发布Delphi的下一个大版本,目前代号为 Diamonback。

Diamondback Rumors -- Michael Swindell

Some rumors I read in the NGs and blogs last night:

Rumor: "I hope Diamondback is more than just Delphi 7 and Delphi 8 combined"
Fact: Way more. If it were just 7 & 8 combined, we''''d just call it "Garter Snake"

Rumor: "Diamondback will be two IDEs one for Win32 and one for .NET"
Fact: Diamondback will be a single IDE :o)

Rumor: "Diamondback will include ECO for ASP.NET, Refactoring, and Unit Testing"
Fact: Thats just scratching the surface...

Rumor: "Danny, JohnK, Corbin, Jim and Allen are hotshots"
Fact: Heck ya

Rumor: "DiamondBack will be the best development tool in the world"
Fact: Alright, who broke their NDA? Someone call security please.

At 8/10/2004 09:36:33 AM, Michael Swindell said...
Diamondback won''''t include any more VB support than is in Delphi 8. In D8 you can compile, write, and debug VB.NET code. But we don''''t supply a code dom, so two-way tools, form designers, wizards, and code insight, don''''t work with VB.NET.

At 8/10/2004 10:58:30 AM, Corbin Dunn said...
Just for the record, Diamondback WILL include the Kitchen Sink. I''''m making sure of it.

New For Loop Syntax -- Danny

for in <container expression> do ;

type TStringArray = array of String;

procedure Demo1(const List: TStringArray);
var S: String;
??for S in List do writeln(S);



