2008-02-23 06:59:24来源:互联网 阅读 ()
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim tot As Long
tot = GetDirTotalByte("c:\tools\")
Debug.Print tot
End Sub
Private Function GetDirTotalByte(CurrentPath As String, Optional i As Long) As Long
Static totbyte As Long
Dim nI As Integer, nDirectory As Integer
Dim sFileName As String, sDirectoryList() As String
注释:Initial totbyte, if it is not the Recursive call the function
If i <> 1 Then
totbyte = 0
End If
注释:First list all normal files in this directory
sFileName = Dir(CurrentPath, VBNormal vbHidden vbReadOnly vbSystem vbArchive)
Do While sFileName <> ""
totbyte = totbyte FileLen(CurrentPath sFileName)
sFileName = Dir
注释:Next build temporary list of subdirectories
sFileName = Dir(CurrentPath, vbDirectory)
Do While sFileName <> ""
注释:Ignore current and parent directories
If sFileName <> "." And sFileName <> ".." Then
注释:Ignore nondirectories
If GetAttr(CurrentPath & sFileName) _
And vbDirectory Then
nDirectory = nDirectory 1
ReDim Preserve sDirectoryList(nDirectory)
sDirectoryList(nDirectory) = CurrentPath & sFileName
End If
End If
sFileName = Dir
注释:Recursively process each directory
For nI = 1 To nDirectory
GetDirTotalByte sDirectoryList(nI) & "\", 1
Next nI
GetDirTotalByte = totbyte
End Function
上一篇: VB6中的FSO对象模型
下一篇: 如何用TextBox打开和保存文件
- 取得某个目录底下所有文件大小总和 2018-06-17
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