Vimium 下载 像个 Geek 一样去浏览

2018-06-18 05:06:34来源:未知 阅读 ()




如果你希望用键盘控制 Chrome 浏览,Vimium 是不错的选择,它类似 Firefox 的 Vimperator 扩展。如果你希望从 Vimium 开始试试 vim 操作风格,可以在安装扩展后打开任意网页,按下 ? 键,会自动弹出操作说明。上手可能有些麻烦,一旦习惯,效率提升百倍以上。


Vimium Help
Navigating the page
j, <c-e>    :    Scroll down
k, <c-y>    :    Scroll up
h    :    Scroll left
l    :    Scroll right
gg    :    Scroll to the top of the page
G    :    Scroll to the bottom of the page
d    :    Scroll a page down
u    :    Scroll a page up
r    :    Reload the page
gs    :    View page source
yy    :    Copy the current URL to the clipboard
yf    :    Copy a link URL to the clipboard
p    :    Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab
P    :    Open the clipboard's URL in a new tab
i    :    Enter insert mode
f    :    Open a link in the current tab
F    :    Open a link in a new tab
o    :    Open URL, bookmark, or history entry
O    :    Open URL, bookmark, history entry, in a new tab
T    :    Search through your open tabs
b    :    Open a bookmark
B    :    Open a bookmark in a new tab
gf    :    Cycle forward to the next frame on the page
Using find
/    :    Enter find mode
n    :    Cycle forward to the next find match
N    :    Cycle backward to the previous find match
Navigating history
H    :    Go back in history
L    :    Go forward in history
Manipulating tabs
K, gt    :    Go one tab right
J, gT    :    Go one tab left
g0    :    Go to the first tab
g$    :    Go to the last tab
t    :    Create new tab
yt    :    Duplicate current tab
x    :    Close current tab
X    :    Restore closed tab
<a-p>    :    Pin/unpin current tab
?    :    Show help

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上一篇:1. Server.Transfer跳转页面抛出异常:正在终止线程

下一篇:Asp.Net 控件radio 的简单使用