Java Thread Programming 1.7 - Concurrent Acce…

2008-02-23 09:36:10来源:互联网 阅读 ()


When multiple threads are interacting with an object, controls need to be in place to ensure that the threads don’t adversely affect one another. This chapter deals with issues that can introduce subtle errors in your application. An application that fails to safely control concurrent Access can work proPerly most of the time—maybe nearly all the time—but will occasionally produce erroneous results. This makes the understanding and disciplined use of the information in this chapter critical to writing truly thread-safe applications that work properly all the time.
volatile Member Variable Modifier
The Java Language Specification indicates that for optimal speed, individual threads are permitted to keep a working copy of shared member variables and only reconcile them with the shared original occasionally. To be more accurate, the word “occasionally” in the last sentence should be replaced with “when a thread enters or leaves a synchronized block of code.” I’ll tell you more about synchronized blocks later in this chapter. When only one thread is interacting with the member variables of an object, this optimization works very well and can allow for faster execution. When two (or more) threads are simultaneously working with an object, care must be taken to ensure that changes made to a shared member variable by one thread are seen by the other.
The volatile keyword is used as a modifier on member variables to force individual threads to reread the variable’s value from shared memory every time the variable is accessed. In addition, individual threads are forced to write changes back to shared memory as soon as they occur. This way, two different threads always see the same value for a member variable at any particular time. Chances are that most of you expected this behavior from the Java VM already. In fact, many experienced Java developers don’t understand when the use of volatile is necessary.
Use volatile on member variables that can be accessed by two or more threads unless all the threads access the variables within synchronized blocks of code. If a member variable remains constant after construction (it is read-only), there is no need for it to be volatile.
The volatile modifier exists to request that the VM always access the shared copy of the variable. This is less efficient than allowing the VM to perform optimizations by keeping a private copy. You should use volatile only when it is necessary; overuse will unnecessarily slow the application’s execution.
synchronized Method Modifier
The addition of the synchronized modifier to a method declaration ensures that only one thread is allowed inside the method at a time. This can be useful in keeping out other threads while the state of an object is temporarily inconsistent.
Two Threads Simultaneously in the Same Method of One Object
If two or more threads are simultaneously inside a method, each thread has its own copy of local variables.
One Thread at a Time
More than one thread can be inside a method, and each thread keeps a copy of its own local variables. However, there are times when application constraints require that only one thread be permitted inside a method at a time.
When a thread encounters a synchronized instance method, it blocks until it can get exclusive access to the object-level mutex lock. Mutex is short for mutual exclusion. A mutex lock can be held by only one thread at a time. Other threads waiting for the lock will block until it is released. When the lock is released, all the threads waiting for it compete for exclusive access. Only one will be successful, and the other threads will go back into a blocked state waiting for the lock to be released again.



上一篇:Java Thread Programming 1.8.1 - Inter-thread Communication
