
2008-02-23 09:22:04来源:互联网 阅读 ()


<!-- if(window==top) { document.writeln('<A HREF="../../allclasses-noframe.html"><B>All Classes</B></A>'); } //--> All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHODDETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD throws RemoteException, RemoveException
Remove an EJB object identified by its handle. 删除由句柄标识的EJB对象。

RemoveException - Thrown if the enterprise Bean or the container does not allow the client to remove the object. 企业Bean或容器不允许客户端删除该对象时抛出。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。

throws RemoteException, RemoveException
Remove an EJB object identified by its primary key. 删除由主键标识的EJB对象。

This method can be used only for an entity bean. An attempt to call this method on a session bean will result in a RemoveException. 只有实体bean的本地客户端可以调用该方法。会话bean试图调用该方法会造成RemoteException。

RemoveException - Thrown if the enterprise Bean or the container does not allow the client to remove the object. 企业Bean或容器不允许客户端删除该对象时抛出。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。

throws RemoteException
Obtain the EJBMetaData interface for the enterprise Bean. The EJBMetaData interface allows the client to obtain information about the enterprise Bean. 获得企业Bean的EJBMetaData接口。EJBMetaData接口允许客户端获得企业Bean的相关信息。

The information obtainable via the EJBMetaData interface is intended to be used by tools. 通过EJBMetaData接口获得的信息一般由工具使用。

The enterprise Bean's EJBMetaData interface. 企业Bean的EJBMetaData接口。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。

throws RemoteException
Obtain a handle for the remote home object. The handle can be used at later time to re-obtain a reference to the remote home object, possibly in a different Java Virtual Machine. 获得远程home对象的句柄。句柄可以随后用于重新获得远程home对象的引用,可能是在不同Java虚拟机中。

A handle for the remote home object. 远程home对象的句柄。
RemoteException - Thrown when the method failed due to a system-level failure. 方法抛出该异常表示一个由系统级错误引起的失败。
<!-- if(window==top) { document.writeln('<A HREF="../../allclasses-noframe.html"><B>All Classes</B></A>'); } //--> All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHODDETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD 下一篇: Lucene 全文检索实践一




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