
2008-02-23 09:21:27来源:互联网 阅读 ()


<!-- if(window==top) { document.writeln('<A HREF="../../allclasses-noframe.html"><B>All Classes</B></A>'); } //--> All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHODDETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD throws IllegalStateException
Obtain a reference to the EJB local object that is currently associated with the instance. 获得当前与该实例关联的EJB本地对象的引用。

An instance of an entity enterprise Bean can call this method only when the instance is associated with an EJB local object identity, i.e. in the ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbPostCreate, ejbRemove, ejbLoad, ejbStore, and business methods. 只有当实体Bean的实例和一个EJB本地对象标识关联,它才可以调用该方法,也就是 ejbActivate、ejbPassivate、ejbPostCreate、ejbRemove、ejbLoad、ejbStore和业务方法。

An instance can use this method, for example, when it wants to pass a reference to itself in a method argument or result. 实例可以使用该方法,比如,以方法参数或结果形式传递自身引用。

The EJB local object currently associated with the instance. 当前与实例关联的EJB本地对象。
IllegalStateException - if the instance invokes this method while the instance is in a state that does not allow the instance to invoke this method, or if the instance does not have a local interface. 如果实例调用改方法而实例所在的状态不允许其调用该方法或者实例没有本地接口时抛出。

throws IllegalStateException
Obtain a reference to the EJB object that is currently associated with the instance. 获得当前与该实例关联的EJB对象的引用。

An instance of an entity enterprise Bean can call this method only when the instance is associated with an EJB object identity, i.e. in the ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbPostCreate, ejbRemove, ejbLoad, ejbStore, and business methods. 只有当实体Bean的实例和一个EJB对象标识关联,它才可以调用该方法,也就是 ejbActivate、ejbPassivate、ejbPostCreate、ejbRemove、ejbLoad、ejbStore和业务方法。

An instance can use this method, for example, when it wants to pass a reference to itself in a method argument or result. 实例可以使用该方法,比如,以方法参数或结果形式传递自身引用。

The EJB object currently associated with the instance. 当前与实例关联的EJB对象。
IllegalStateException - Thrown if the instance invokes this method while the instance is in a state that does not allow the instance to invoke this method, or if the instance does not have a remote interface. 如果实例调用改方法而实例所在的状态不允许其调用该方法或者实例没有远程接口时抛出。

throws IllegalStateException
Obtain the primary key of the EJB object that is currently associated with this instance. 获得当前与该实例关联的EJB本地对象的主键。

An instance of an entity enterprise Bean can call this method only when the instance is associated with an EJB object identity, i.e. in the ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbPostCreate, ejbRemove, ejbLoad, ejbStore, and business methods. 只有当实体Bean的实例和一个EJB对象标识关联,它才可以调用该方法,也就是 ejbActivate、ejbPassivate、ejbPostCreate、ejbRemove、ejbLoad、ejbStore和业务方法。

Note: The result of this method is that same as the result of getEJBObject().getPrimaryKey(). 注意:该方法的结果和getEJBObject().getPrimaryKey()的结果相同。

The primary key currently associated with the instance. 当前与实例关联的主键。
IllegalStateException - Thrown if the instance invokes this method while the instance is in a state that does not allow the instance to invoke this method. 如果实例调用改方法而实例所在的状态不允许其 调用该方法时抛出。



上一篇:JBuilder 2005中默认对未被Web Module引用的class文件,不会部署
