
2008-02-23 10:11:51来源:互联网 阅读 ()


  • initialize - called first; before any Windows; use to reGISter things
  • preStartup - called second; after initialize but before first window is opened; use to temporarily disable things during startup or restore
  • postStartup - called third; after first window is opened; use to reenable things temporarily disabled in previous step
  • postRestore - called after the workbench and its windows has been recreated from a previously saved state; use to adjust the restored workbench
  • preWindowOpen - called as each window is being opened; use to configure ASPects of the window other than actions bars
  • fillActionBars - called after preWindowOpen to configure a window's action bars
  • postWindowRestore - called after a window has been recreated from a previously saved state; use to adjust the restored window
  • postWindowCreate - called after a window has been created, either from an initial state or from a restored state; used to adjust the window
  • openIntro - called immediately before a window is opened in order to create the introduction component, if any.
  • postWindowOpen - called after a window has been opened; use to hook window listeners, etc.
  • preWindowShellClose - called when a window's shell is closed by the user; use to pre-screen window closings
  • eventLoopException - called to handle the case where the event loop has crashed; use to inform the user that things are not well
  • eventLoopIdle - called when there are currently no more events to be processed; use to perform other work or to yield until new events enter the queue
  • preShutdown - called just after event loop has terminated but before any windows have been closed; use to deregister things registered during initialize
  • postShutdown - called last; after event loop has terminated and all windows have been closed; use to deregister things registered during initialize
  • 上一篇: Eclipse与插件(tomcatPlugin Lomboz easyStruts)安装
    下一篇: Hibernate性能测试(load10000条记录的简单测试 仅供参考)



    上一篇:Eclipse与插件(tomcatPlugin Lomboz easyStruts)安装

    下一篇:Struts 的安装、配置与运行