JBoss, Inc. Launches JBoss Open Source Federa…

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JBoss, Inc. Launches JBoss Open Source Federation
Tuesday March 1, 8:31 am ET Provides Infrastructure and Services for Third-Party Professional Open Source Projects in Support of the JBoss EntERPrise Middleware System

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 1, 2005-- JBoss®, Inc., the Professional Open Source company, today announced the debut of the JBoss Open Source Federation. The Federation provides Access to value-added services, technology infrastructure and marketing support for open source projects that integrate with the JBoss Enterprise Middleware System (JEMS) and share the Professional Open Source vision of JBoss. In the future, JBoss will add access to the JBoss Network(TM) for Federation projects, creating a single platform to provide customers with services and software for JEMS and related open source applications and tools.

By creating the JBoss Open Source Federation, JBoss offers customers a trusted source for services and software that integrate with products such as the JBoss Application Server, the first J2EE-certified open source application server; Apache Jakarta Tomcat, the most popular Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages Web container; the Hibernate object/relational mapping engine; and JBoss jBPM open source business process management software. JBoss partners gain an additional channel for their open source offerings, including a route to make proprietary software open source.

"We've launched the JBoss Open Source Federation to directly stimulate and support work around open, standards-based middleware," said Bob Bickel, vice president of corporate strategy and development, JBoss, Inc. "Over the past year, we've added a number of projects to the JBoss family. Now, by extending our vision of Professional Open Source to include third-party projects, we're creating the conditions for rapid expansion of work around JEMS. The result will be an even stronger, more comprehensive open source middleware offering for enterprise customers."

Inaugural members of the JBoss Open Source Federation include:

  • Funambol--The Sync4j project is an open source initiative to deliver a complete mobile application platform implementing the SyncML protocol. SyncML defines a standard way to synchronize data and remotely manage devices. Sync4j has more then 9,000 downloads per month. Funambol provides a commercial license for Sync4j, plus support and custom development. For more information about Sync4j, visit www.funambol.com or www.sync4j.org.
  • JASPerReports--The JasperReports project is the leading open source reporting solution for generating dynamic content and creating page-oriented, ready-to-print documents in a simple and flexible manner. JasperReports library is able to deliver rich content onto the screen, to the printer or onto PDF, HTML, XLS, CSV and XML files. More information about JasperReports can be found at http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/.
  • Unisys--Unisys is contributing resources to the creation of the JBoss Administration Console, an interface designed to automate JBoss-based server management. The Administration Console runs as a web-based application within a JBoss Application Server and uses Java Management Extensions (JMX) to manage server instances. Unisys is available online at www.unisys.com.
  • XWiki--A powerful and extensible open source wiki engine written in Java, XWiki features a complete wiki content management engine, including access control, version control and database storage, as well as database design and development capabilities. XWiki uses Hibernate, a JEMS product, and is compatible with the JBoss Portal Server. Support, training and development services for XWiki are available from XPertNet. Further information is available at http://www.xwiki.org.

JBoss Expands Ecosystem for Open Source Middleware

All JBoss Open Source Federation projects must demonstrate integration with the JBoss Enterprise Middleware System. Projects must be based on an OSI-certified open source license and may also be listed with other open source communities, such as Apache, Eclipse, ObjectWeb or SourceForge. Additionally, they must provide Professional Open Source services, such as training and documentation, for their projects.

The Federation provides infrastructure, ready access to information about third-party projects, Professional Open Source services and project launch assistance for companies wishing to open source proprietary software. JBoss Open Source Federation projects will share the same infrastructure, JBoss Forge, used by the JBoss family of projects.

The JBoss Forge infrastructure offers free hosting; project web pages; task management, project management and bug tracking through JIRA, an issue tracking and project management application; forums, wikis and blogs; documentation download; email notification lists; and integration with SourceForge for CVS (concurrent versions system) support, allowing code to be stored in a centralized location. Integration with the JBoss Network for patch management, updates and upgrades will be added in the future.



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