Eclipse 3.1 M7 发布了...

2008-02-23 09:47:44来源:互联网 阅读 ()


Eclipse 3.1 M7 - New and Noteworthy

It's spring once again, and it brings with it a host of new and interesting things to round out milestone build M7 (May 13, 2005) which is now available for download. See the M7 build notes for details about bugs fixed and other changes. M7 is the final milestone build of the Eclipse Platform 3.1 development cycle, and marks the official start of the 3.1 endgame.


New Open Type dialog

The Java Open Type dialog has been improved in a number of ways:
  • There is now only a single list to select from.
  • A history of recently opened types shows up first in the dialog; workspace types matching the pattern appear below the separator line.
  • CamelCase pattern matching takes you to a type with fewer keystrokes. For example TZ matches TimeZone or IOOBE matches IndexOutOfBoundsException.

There are major architectural changes under the hood as well. The types shown in the dialog are now found with a Java search engine query. This nets a saving of 4-6MB on a normal Eclipse development workspace over the memory hungry approach used previously.

Performance improvements

Performance has been improved across JDT Core. As an example, launching a workspace containing all Eclipse SDK sources used to take close to 2 minutes in 3.1 M6. It now takes under 10 seconds. Below is a snapshot of fingERPrint performance tests for JDT Core.

See the Eclipse project performance page for details on all the performance work that has been going on throughout the 3.1 cycle.

Refactoring Undo/Redo available from Edit menu

Refactoring Undo/Redo is now available from the Edit menu, and the separate Refactor Undo/Redo actions have been removed from the global menu bar. Additionally, refactoring Undo/Redo operations are now integrated with Java editor Undo/Redo, resulting in a more transparent undo story in the editor. For example, a refactoring triggered from within the editor is now undoable in the editor by simply pressing Ctrl Z.

New Type wizards support generics

The New Type wizards now support J2SE5 generic types in various fields:
  • The Name field can include type parameter declarations.
  • The Superclass and the implemented Interfaces can include generic type arguments.

Improved folding icons

The new lightweight folding icons shown in the Java editor now differ from the override and implements indicators:

Parameter guessing for type parameters

Code Assist now inserts the correct type parameters when completing a type in the Java editor. Type parameters that cannot be disambiguated will be selected, and the Tab key will move from one parameter to the next.

In this example String is inserted as the first type parameter, while Number is proposed for the second:

To try out this feature, you need to enable Fill argument names on the Java > Editor > Code Assist preference page.

Mixed indentation settings

The Java formatter preferences now allows the tab size to be configured independently from the indentation size (see the Indentation tab in your formatter profile):

For example, set Tab size to 8 and Indentation size to 4 to indent your source with four spaces. If you set the Tab policy to Mixed, every two indentation units will be replaced by a tab character.

Formatter profiles can be configured on the Java > Code Style > Formatter preference page.

Move Lines adjusts indentation

The Move Lines (Alt Up/Down) and Copy Lines (Ctrl Alt Up/Down) commands now automatically adjust the indentation of the selected lines as you move them through Java source code.

Shortcuts for quick assists and quick fixes

Some of the popular quick assists like Rename In File and Assign To Local can be invoked directly with Ctrl 2 R and Ctrl 2 L. Check the keys preference page for more quick fixes that support direct invocation.

Support for @SuppressWarnings annotation



上一篇:在Struts框架下大型Web应用程序的开发 刘正仁
