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2009-05-13 00:47:44
LAMP 架构服务器性能优化建议
LAMP 架构服务器性能优化建议 http://www.nsfocus.net/index.php?act=sec_docdo=viewdoc_id=899 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u/2496/showart_15935.html...
2009-05-13 00:47:37
重新启动以下OpenBSD问题就解决了 #160; 郁闷 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u/5035/showart_15910.html...
2009-05-13 00:47:37
pf+squid 实现透明代理。 其实pf本身就可以Nat ,用squid是为了进一步控制。 pf.conf ##160;#160;#160;#160;#160;#160; $OpenBSD: pf.conf,v 1.28 2004/04/29 21:03:09 frantzen Exp $ # # See pf.conf(5) and /usr/share/pf for syntax and examples. # Remember to se...
2009-05-13 00:47:30
要使用mysql验证 要把/usr/local/etc/pure-ftpd.conf里面的 # MySQL configuration file (see README.MySQL) #MySQLConfigFile /usr/local/etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf 这个前面的#去掉,然后加入绝对路径 在mysql里面要建立ftpd这个库 #ee pureftpd-mysql.conf MYSQLDatab...
2009-05-13 00:47:30
原有的网络情况是:用ADSL Modem的内部功能实现 pppoe和nat,这样内部员工就可以通过ADSL Modem作为网关访问互联网。但是,随着员工数量的增多,同时造成访问互联网拥挤,有时甚至耽误正常的工作需要。 为了解决这个情况,决定对内部员工访问互联网加以限制。 我用一台...
2009-05-13 00:47:23
touch 修订:可以修改链接文件的时间
在/usr/src目录下:patch --- usr.bin/touch/touch.c.orig Sun Jul 28 14:52:15 2002 +++ usr.bin/touch/touch.c Tue Mar 15 13:34:14 2005 @@ -133,22 +133,23 @@ for (rval = 0; *argv; ++argv) { /* See if the file exists. */ - if (stat(*argv, sb)) { - if (!cfl...
2009-05-13 00:47:23
FreeBSD 4.11安装Vmware2.0.4-1142遇到的问题。
安装完毕后%vmware 出现下面的提示: ************************************************************ It seems Linux procfs is not mounted on /compat/linux/proc. VMware does not work without Linux procfs mounted. For details, see linprocfs(5) manpage. ****...
2009-05-13 00:47:15
*BSD PF 的一些有用的功能
从man摘录的 BLOCKING SPOOFED TRAFFIC Spoofing is the faking of IP addresses, typically for malicious purpos- es.The antispoof directive expands to a set of filter rules which will block all traffic with a source IP from the network(s) directly connec...
2009-05-13 00:47:15
HOW TO INSTALL SAMBA ON FREEBSD ASSUMPTIONS: You are familiar with computers, and probably know either Windows or Linux fairly well. You have already installed FreeBSD.If not, then click here: How to Install FreeBSD You have configured the FreeBSD s...
2009-05-13 00:47:07
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