ng courier-imap-3.0.5p2 Dependencies for courier-imap-3.0.5p2 resolve to: gdbm-1.8.3p0 Example config files for Courier-IMAP have been installed in /usr/local/share/examples/courier-imap. Copy all of the files to /etc/courier-imap and edit them to yo...
2009-05-13 02:34:06
Printing Clients and Servers
by Michael W. Lucas 02/05/2004 Last time, we configured two commodity home printers to work with a FreeBSD system . Now we'll learn how to use FreeBSD's built-in tools to configure this system as a print server for other UNIX boxes and how to configu...
2009-05-13 02:34:06
Unix Printing Basics
by Dru Lavigne , author of BSD Hacks 07/08/2004 Somewhere there must be a theory stating that the amount of configuration knowledge required is directly proportional to the need for using said configured service. This is certainly often the case with...
2009-05-13 02:33:47
how to upgrade OpenBSD to -stable
how to upgrade OpenBSD to -stable You need those steps: 0. Get the source tree # cd /usr # cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.jp.openbsd.org:/cvs -q get -rOPENBSD_3_8 -P src 1.update the source tree: Code: --------------------------------------------------------...
2009-05-13 02:33:44
在unix上让apache支持asp 作者:南非蜘蛛 zhedou@sohu.com 个人主页:http://douzhe.nease.net 转载请保留作者信息 在这里讨论这个问题,仅是为了研究,我个人认为,在unix上,让apache支持asp没有任何实际意义 如果以前是在win上开发的asp,我想你就让到在win上好好用吧,不用...
2009-05-13 02:33:29
搭建起来FreeBSD+MySQL+PHP的环境! 用了3天时间才搭建起来FreeBSD+MySQL+PHP的环境,事实再一次证明了北纬是个笨蛋。此文所有的软件安装都是以编译源码包的方式来安装的,如果你已经比较熟悉FreeBSD或者用PORTS的方式来安装,那么你可以跳过此文,以免浪费你的时间。文...
2009-05-13 02:33:25
安装FB,出现问题解决方法汇集! 主要因为今天[4.1]给用户安装FB时,出现一些错误提示,解决了。我想把我所碰到的安装故障汇集起来,再参考网友们的安装故障解决方法,整理一个排除安装故障指南,方便查阅! 2006.4.1 今天装FB,不知道怎么回事,安装时,提示: unable t...
2009-05-13 02:33:15
今天给一所职中学校,架设FB,作网关服务器(IPF+IPNAT) 先占个位置。累了。 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u/1032/showart_94105.html...
2009-05-13 02:33:07
port:原意,港口 转意,输出 计算机科学中的本意: 1)端口 (计算机系统中用于输入输出的某个端点的抽象概念) 2)移植(多指跨平台之间的代码转换和适应性修改) 在BSD系统中,特指FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD的一类特殊的软件维护系 统和方式,就是Ports软件集合;在系统中的...
2009-05-13 02:32:52
BSD 6.0 编译内核,安装内核的不同之处!
[url=http://www.xpdd.net/misc.php?action=viewratingstid=1292pid=3444][/url] BSD 6.0 编译内核,安装内核的不同之处! QUOTE: 安装后包错:铜都时空 | 铜都论坛u)Yb%U8uBsq^ xg-e*m+Qnet# make installworld#k@{}x ERROR: Required audit group is missing, see /u...
2009-05-13 02:32:42
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