What is Complementary Medicine?
[/url] If the treatment or therapy is done along with or in addition to conventional medicine, it is referred to as [url=http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/82684]guangzhou massage as the two practices complements each other. For example, many Chinese hosp...
2009-05-13 15:10:03
Install metasploit framework on FreeBSD
1. 安装需要的关联包,编译基本上默认就可以了。 cd /usr/ports/lang/ruby18#配置config项选默认 make install clean rehash cd /usr/ports/devel/ruby-gems#配置config项里我没用ipv6, 故去掉ipv6项 make install clean rehash cd /usr/ports/databases/rubygem-active...
2009-05-13 15:10:03
Holistic Living
[/url] Holistic Living is [url=http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/82567/] massage in hangzhou designed so that you can also provide your input to the topics listed in a discussion forum format. We are adding all the addresses we have received to date. If...
2009-05-13 15:09:47
Prayer and Spiritual Healing
[/url] When Donald Trump Washed My Feet Most of the classic scenes in the Bible have become so over-familiar we don't see their [url=http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/82564/] massage beijing anymore. This article gives strategies for drawing the power fr...
2009-05-13 15:09:47
Dieting/Weight Control Infocenter
[/url] Learn about an integrated approach to weight management that incorporates mind, [url=http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/82562]body massage in guangzhou , and soul. WOW!! If you have trouble losing weight or maintaining weight and are frustrated by...
2009-05-13 15:09:26
BitStormGui 更新
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style....
2009-05-13 15:09:26
深度探索 OpenBSD---安全的重要意义
级别: 中级 Tim McIntire ( [email=tm@timmcintire.net?subject=深度探索 OpenBSD] tm@timmcintire.net [/email] ), 咨询师, 自由撰稿人 2006 年 9 月 05 日 OpenBSD 很可能是世界上最安全的操作系统。在其之上的每一步开发过程都重点关注于构建一个安全、开放和免费...
2009-05-13 15:09:26
freebsd7.0 apache2.2.9 mysql5.0 pure-ftp
先安装操作系统 cd/usr/ports/www/apache22 选中支持mysql make install clean cd /usr/ports/database/mysql50-server make install clean cd /usr/ports/lang/php5 make install clean cd /usr/ports/lang/php5-exestion 选中mysql make install clean cd /usr/ports/...
2009-05-13 15:09:06
openbsd 作弊条
Q: 用tar实现分卷压缩 A: 分开: # tar czvf - dir | split -d -b 18m 合并: # cat x* dir.tgz Q: 可以象freebsd的portupgrade -rRf那样升级ports吗? A: 可以make update FORCE_UPDATE=yes Q: 限制SSH验证重试次数: A: # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config MaxAuthTries 6 Q:...
2009-05-13 15:09:06
1 查看当前设置时区设置 # cd /etc ls -l localtime lrwxr-xr-x1 rootwheel33 Oct 17 02:44 localtime - /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai 在安装的时候选中时区可以是上海 重庆 乌鲁木齐,但大陆大部分地区统一为GMT+8,所以统一采用北京时间. 2 查看当前机器时间 # da...
2009-05-13 15:08:50
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