• One-time Passwords

    By default, FreeBSD includes support for OPIE (One-time Passwords In Everything), which uses the MD5 hash by default. There are three different sorts of passwords which we will discuss below. The first is your usual UNIX#174; style or Kerberos passw...

    2009-05-13 08:30:18

  • Installing OpenBSD on VMware Server

    Many people collect things as a hobby. I collect computers. Over the years, as my collection grew, my living room began to look like a data center. As soon as VMware Server became freely (as in beer) available I knew I had to migrate my servers and...

    2009-05-13 08:30:10

  • Xorg.conf

    #cat /etc/Xll/xorg.conf Section ServerLayout Identifier Default Layout Screen 0Screen0 0 0 InputDevice Mouse0 CorePointer InputDevice Keyboard0 CoreKeyboard EndSection Section Files RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb FontPath unix/:7100 EndSection Secti...

    2009-05-13 08:30:10

  • sudo

    Sudo是允许系统管理员让普通用户执行一些或者全部的root命令的一个工具,如halt,reboot,su等等。这样不仅减少了root用户的登陆和管理时间,同样也提高了安全性。Sudo不是对shell的一个代替,它是面向每个命令的。它的特性主要有这样几点: § Sudo能够限制用户只在某...

    2009-05-13 08:29:39

  • 换了mpd做VPN发现也挺简单的。

    #安装、配置 mpd pptp server. cd/usr/ports/net/mpd make install cd /usr/local/etc/mpd #开放5个拨入; #vi /usr/local/etc/mpd/mpd.conf #begin of mpd .conf # default: load client1 load client2 load client3 load client4 load client5 client1: new -i ng0 pp...

    2009-05-13 08:29:31

  • Linux 核心编译与管理

    核心的内容与模块设定 由上面的图示当中,我们知道核心的可以选择的项目有很多啊!光是第一面,就有 17 个项目,每个项目内还有不同的细项!哇!真是很麻烦??而每个项目其实都可能有的说明,所以,如果看到不懂的项目, 务必要使用 Help 查阅查阅!好了,底下我们就...

    2009-05-13 08:29:31

  • 在FreeBSD上使用mod_dosevasive对抗DDos攻击


    2009-05-13 08:28:54

  • What is NVT ASCII

    Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) Communication is established using the TCP/IP protocols and communication is based on a set of facilities known as a Network Virtual Terminal (NVT). At the user or client end the telnet client program is responsible fo...

    2009-05-13 08:28:53

  • FreeBSD6.1在Dell Inspiron1300上安装成功

    费了九牛二虎之力,笔记本上终于有装上一个BSD了 最早装的是Fedora5,硬盘安装,装完以后不能显卡不能用1280x800的,声卡不能用,就换RH9了,结果更糟,竟然连网卡也不能用,再换FC4,当然也不能用了。 后来收到了Ubuntu6的光盘,安装完毕后显卡还是不能正常工作,后来...

    2009-05-13 08:28:53

  • 我的FreeBSD 5.4汉化

    我的FreeBSD 5.4汉化装上FreeBSd 5.4有些日子了,一直想写篇心得. 渊源........ 记 得是03年末快放寒假的时候(我那年快要毕业出去实习了),去找了我所敬仰的shi老师家,让他给我毕业留言册上涂雅.当时去的还有羊奶^_^!他热情的 邀我们进去,也没忘给我们倒杯水,不过给我们...

    2009-05-13 08:28:16